Saturday, July 27, 2024

Movie Review : Wonder Woman



Before she was Wonder Woman she was Diana, princess of the Amazons, trained warrior. When a pilot crashes and tells of conflict in the outside world, she leaves home to fight a war to end all wars, discovering her full powers and true destiny.


  • Fantastic performance by Gal Gadot (Diana Prince/Wonder Woman).
  • Compelling believably storyline.
  • The action sequences were exquisite and realistically done . Visual effects were amazing.


  • The villains (Dr. Poison and General Ludendorf)  were not fully developed and came off as one dimensional.


Hippolyta: “Be careful of mankind, Diana. They do not deserve you.”

Diana: “I’m going mother.” 
Hippolyta: “If you choose to leave you may never return.”
Diana: “Who will I be if I stay?”

Diana:  “I used to want to save the world, this beautiful place, but the closer you get the more you see the great darkness within. And I learned this the hard way a long, long time ago.”


I have been waiting for close to a year to watch Wonder Woman . It was well worth the wait and lived up the massive hype that surrounded it. I will go out on a limb and say Wonder Woman is the best superhero movie i have watched in recent memory ! It is so refreshing to have a strong female lead character who does not rely on her looks to get things done.

Gadot brings to her role an incredible physicality, believability, warmth, humor and humanity . Chris Pine ,who played the character Steve Trevor, also gave a good performance. Together the duo had exceptional onscreen chemistry. The storyline is simple, straight forward and not unnecessarily over-the-top like some other super-hero movies. It is a marvelous blend of action, adventure ,drama with a hint of romance and comedy.

Wonder Woman embraces issues of feminism , selflessness ,courage and the need to turn from hate to love.

Gal Gadot had this to say about her role as Wonder Woman:  “I feel that I’ve got the opportunity to set a great role model for girls to look up to a strong, active, compassionate, loving, positive woman and I think it’s so important,” Gadot told EW Magazine. “It’s about time that somebody will do that and I’m very privileged and honored to be the one.”

“At the end of the day she’s the most-powerful warrior. Strength and power are usually qualities that are being shown by men in films,” Gadot told AZ Central. “It was very important for us to give her feminine qualities, as well, so she’s very, very warm and she’s full of compassion and she’s very loving.”

“I feel very proud that finally this movie is being made because all of the guys, all men, all boys, always had a figure to look up to. Whether it’s Superman or Batman or Spider-Man or whatever it is, they always had heroes to look up to, and for girls it’s always the princesses who are being saved, who are being passive,” Gadot said to Refinery 29. “Finally, there’s Wonder Woman. She’s fierce, she’s proactive, she believes in herself, she believes she can do everything, and that’s a true woman to me.”

Wonder Woman is currently showing in local cinemas. It is a movie that not only inspires girls and women of all ages but really inspires everyone.


5 out of 5





  1. As a kid in the eighties, I always got Bionic Woman and Wonder Woman confused, thought it was the same person. It’s a fantasy of course but that thing of using the wrist band to bounce off bullets is ridiculous

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