Saturday, July 27, 2024

US gives Zambia $275m for wind farm project


The US Trade and Development Agency (USTDA) has approved grant funding for a 130MW wind farm being developed by Access Power in Zambia.

The grant will go towards funding the feasibility study and costs related to the development of the $275m project, Access said.

The company is developing the project, which will be complete in 2019, in partnership with EREN Renewable Energy.

Access Power executive chairman Reda El Chaar said: “Today, there are no wind projects in Zambia.

“We are therefore very excited to begin working with USTDA to bring this pioneering project to life and open up this promising sector of Zambia’s economy.”

Access Power and EREN Renewable Energy also awared $7m from the Access Co-Development Facility (ACF) for three more renewable energy projects in Africa.

They are the 48MW Winneba wind farm in Ghana, the 30MW Kondoa solar plant in Tanzania and the 9.7MW Rukarara hydro scheme in Rwanda.

ACF is a funding and support platform for renewable energy projects in Africa


    • It is clear there, for feasibility study, meaning driving around Zambia in national parks testing wind speed, then talk to chief that sorry you have no wind.
      Writing exaggerate speech for minister to read, and pay him/her $22000 allowance for workshop appearance, his driver $100.
      I can go on and on, I did this NGO capacity building for a living.

    • This is just another white elephant project going nowhere….stealing money in the guise of feasibility study when the fact is that we don’t have strong enough winds in this country to drive the turbines like featured in the photo. There’s your feasibility study right there!

    • Their are no wind farms in Zambia for a reason. The only usable wind in Zambia is around June and July. Beyond that sunny Zambia is deathly still. There’s no cure for stoopidity.

  1. According to the Statutory Instrument 19 of 2016, President Lungu’s monthly salary is pegged at K36 000 per month. Do the maths!

    • Look at the names of the participants and see if you will see any money come to Zambia, apart from kickbacks to Lungu for allowing the use of Zambia to bilk the USA.

    • Don’t be dull. The money will be spent on a feasibility study that will be done by a foreign entity with no cost benefits to ordinary Zambians.

  2. For any Country, a reliable source of energy is unquestionably key to national development.

    What I find questionable in this report is the scope of this feasibility study component which comes AFTER funders have already establishing that “Once completed in 2019, the $275 million Pensulo (Serenge) wind farm will generate over 500 GWh of clean electricity, making it one of the largest renewable energy projects in Sub-Saharan Africa. It will also increase Zambia’s power generation capacity by 6%”. (Google other online news outlets e.g. OR

    What is the scope of this feasibility study and what specific value does this extra expense add to the project? Is this just a built-in palm-greasing component?

  3. USA & IMF should STOP indebting our country. loan after loan after loan when we have no capacity to repay these loans.

    it’s very irresponsible of them to continue giving monies to a corrupt PF regime.

  4. This is the same international community you claim is against Kaponya1’s incaceration. Tongas are really clowns !

  5. The wind on in the atmosphere is actually tricky. Wind can be 90 kmph 50 metre while on the ground it can only be a 15kmph gust. 2 to 3-blade wind turbines can be placed at 100 to 150 metres above ground and each can produce up to about 3MW of power. Don’t compare these giant to those 16-blade water pump windmills! The possibity is there for windfarms in any country.

  6. Figures seem strange, zambia 130mw cost $275 million yet 48mw in ghana is costing $7million somebody clarify
    Zambias is approx 3 times larger thzn ghana but will cost approx 30 times more

  7. its gratifying to have a few analytical and intelligent blogger in the name of Brabus. You are generational learned Campanheiro! Thats how you arque out national developments. I have however taken a swipe way from the editor, who in my opinion does not bring basic precincts of journalism. I cant seem to reference the article as it departs from professionalism.
    1) The editor has not mentioned where this project will be developed
    2) The editor still has not referenced where the Access chairman said those words. ( In Zambia? and with who).
    3. The editor unfortunatley has not appended his/ her names

    Its a shame , worst of it all with majority bloggers who seem to rant off the article content. It doesn’t hide the fact that your opinion pieces lacks any notion of truth,brainy, and…

  8. …… truth,brainy, and evidence of research. You are trying to address a very important issue but your lack of research and credibility make it impossible to take Zambia forward. Your critiques are under aged. Make such blogs a learning Platform for a greater Lusakatimes to rest of world.

  9. The money is for salaries to pay the researchers. In the end there will be no money left in Zambia but it will be recorded that Zambia received donor money. Shucks

  10. A worthy and achievable goal for investment in renewables could be to make every government building self-sufficient in renewable energy. This should be uncontroversial and given the political will, I don’t see why it couldn’t be done. But the best value for money would be in rolling out a programme to make every rural village self-sufficient in renewables. That would change the face of Zambia and be an inspiration to many. As for private companies, leave them to market forces.

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