Thursday, September 12, 2024

Kampamba explains why Lungu hasn’t visited HH in prison



    • Zambia has the dumbest journalists ever! And why oh why should ECL visit the delusional HH in jail?

    • But Zo-ona, surely guys who are learned where are you in Zambia. When I call ku Zambia all my friends tell me stories of how they are now doing the PHDs, Masters etc. Surely where are you guys to take over such positions. This woman is clearly very dull. And I bet you this woman must have failed big time pa year 12. Surely is this all we have as a country. nothing to be proud of. Or do they change once in power? Kaya..

    • Why visit him in the first place?
      If he did, in what capacity since the stubborn HH has refused to accept he lost 5times?

      I think this is not suppose to be news at all, UPND will make funny out of that visit. Ignore him and continue serving Zambia as you have been doing.

    • I find it quite scary that the shelves have a couple of files and no books – does the honorable minister have no need for reference or did ‘Dr’ Kambwili leave with all of them?
      From the way she was screaming and answering in an argumentative manner, I cant help but think she would benefit from a few “Leadership / Self-improvement” books.

    • Colonial Masters used the Principle of DIVIDE and RULE. This woman is speaking to that Principle in the 21st Century without shame!

    • And that a minister, Now i know why Africa is called a dark continent, My teacher used to say empty tins make a lot of noise and there is one shouting and making noise.

    • At lease fake some books in the bookshelves iwe Kampamba. Otherwise I like your stance Mama! Slap that wimpy journalist at once!

    • @abilima, why then didn’t GRZ tell the Chinese govt that they could not interfere with the legal process?

      So, by releasing the Chinese PF is admitting that there is selective prosecution/justice!

  1. Comment:
    Is there an constitutional reason why the president should visit Icilema? Anything he does will be anethema to the officials at upnd, is my view.

    • If HH dies in prison, your Lungu is dead meat. Zambia will be changed forever. It will be an eye for an eye. If we cannot enjoy Zambia, then you will also not enjoy Zambia.

  2. @House fly: why do you term Kampamba Mulenga as dull? It’s actually you who sound so dull, she has explained very well whilst you only set in with an attack, a sign that you do not understand a single thing she’s trying to put across. You are the likes of GBM, Chief Mukuni… Who do not even understand when the proper visiting hours and days for prisons in Zambia, always trying to gate crash. Mwilatusebanya Mwebantu mweeee!

  3. Ba Minister ne chisungu chabo tachumfwika bwino. If you do not steal, people will easily understand you. Don’t just force people to recognise you when you have not done well. if you can prove to be honest, people will understand you without forcing them.

  4. The Ministeris talking nonsense and the level of journalism is simply pants. EL cannot visit HH because he is the one that put there. Consititution Constitution, which constitution does Edgar and the entire Pf follow? Lungu never stepped aside when the petition was filed in and two Ministers are in office illegally yet the so called Minister talks about being guided by the laws of the enshrined in the constitution. The case of ZCCM-IH, Lungu interfered while the case was in court so what rubbish is she talking about? Lungu needs to establish legitimacy as President. Until then, he remains fraud!

    • Bushe aba bene abaleipusha ni ba mutola nkhani shuwa? Kwati baleipusha bawishi permission to go out on a Friday

  5. The Minister is talking nonsense and the level of journalism is simply pants. EL cannot visit HH because he is the one that put there. Consititution Constitution, which constitution does Edgar and the entire Pf follow? Lungu never stepped aside when the petition was filed in and two Ministers are in office illegally yet the so called Minister talks about being guided by the laws of the land enshrined in the constitution. The case of ZCCM-IH, Lungu interfered while the case was in court so what rubbish is she talking about? Lungu needs to establish legitimacy as President. Until then, he remains fraud!


  7. but why did the president directed zccm to withdraw the case with fqm if he is not mandated to interfere with the court issues?

  8. Negative energy at work. Was it really necessary for her to give an explanation or is it their conscious (if any) troubling them? Chagwa is first of all the arresting officer, prosecutor and judge. Why would he be bothered to visit when the recognition he is trying hard to force out of the accused is not forthcoming.

    • Don”t compare chagwa to Mwanawasa who was an arresting , officer prosecutor and judge, and his court was the newspaper.

  9. PF are liars and thieves. Lungu holders the bible in public but we all know that he is far from being a Christian. At the end of the day HH will be out of prison, and Zambians will pay the bills. You have already started spending. HH transfer from Lusaka to Kabwe and you will being him back on the chopper to Lusaka for trial. You should have used those resources to clean UTH where people are dying because of lack of medicine.

  10. I’ve literaly no comment,God when creating the earth planned 4 everything , ie kings,presidents & everything.So noone changes it.

  11. The tragedy is the lack of penetrative, substantive questioning from our journalists, that minister would be torn to pieces in the west. In any case she would not even be a councillor with that level of understanding. We do seriously have a very large deficit in leadership qualities.

  12. Speaking good English is not an intellectual acumen. Its for this very reason HH is in prison and his cases taking too long to take off. Instead of concentrating on the message we spend too much time trying to decipher the English Language. Our courts and politicians have a tough time trying to understand laws created by the imperialists and spend less anacting their own. Ask this lady to speak her own local language and compare how she articulates herself.

  13. Yaba, I don’t understand the purpose of ECL visiting HH in prison. Dialogue didn’t happen before, so why would it happen now?

  14. Why should the entire, President of the Republic of Zambia, Mr Edgar Chagwa Lungu, visit double H? He’s a busy man. Double H should not have been where he is today. Arrogance and Bitterness have put him in prison

    • It’s not arrogance that has put HH in prison. It’s the stupidity of state institutions and machinery that has put HH in prison.

  15. Really laughable…if you have no people in PF surely why can’t you move Dora who has a degree in Media & Communication from Agriculture to Information. This empty tin is an utter a disgrace.

  16. I salute the Hon. Minister of Information, Ms. Kampamba for her intelligent manner in articulating matters on governance issues in Zambia. Her style of handling the Journalists is similar to and as good as that of the new Minister of Information in South Africa. If only we can increase the number of more women to Ministerial positions, Zambia will be the Haven of Peace in Africa.

    A pool of patriotic intellectuals will certainly offer this Govt credible data to ensure the Govt delivers development to all Zambians in Central, Copperbelt, Eastern, Luapula, Lusaka, Muchinga, Northern, Northwestern, Southern and Western provinces. Congratulations Mbuya Ms Kampamba. My life is safe under the PF Govt.

  17. The Government Spokesperson??? The Government SHOUTPerson
    But Congratulations for the Zampen!!

  18. when you are in the lime light, everyone wants to be around you but once you get to where it is dark, even your own shadow runs away from you.

  19. We have enjoyed unparalleled peace and tranquility and queit since U5 was placed in correction. If from Mukobeko he continues to make noise thinking that we are interested in him please show him that we are not by sending him far away, Guantanamo Bay would be perfect. I am sure His Excellency President Trump can spare us a room there and sign an Executive Order as soon as we ask.

  20. This guy did something unthinkable and unforgivable by any normal thinking person including judges of all tribal or religious inclinations. That is what they call crossing the boundary.

  21. Atase imwe! Visiting who? No need! This guy had planned what he did in Western Province. He doesn’t know that Lungu is the duly elected President of Zambia. He also doesn’t know that Mwanawasa almost died in a motorcade accident that left him impaired for life. This Under Five has no sense of judgment just as his supporters are because they are tribal.

  22. And we say we have leaders? This woman is so simplistic! What a shame! It is statements like these which are tips of an iceberg regarding PF’s wicked intentions against HH. They intent to harm him.

    • @Khazila you are so right. PF IS WICKED. Their intention is to harm HH. Their actions and statements speak for themselves.

  23. Was there any need for the minister to give reasons as to why Lungu is not visiting HH? Why would Lungu want to visit his enemy anyway? It does not make any sense to me.

  24. The lady answers any single question for more than 2 minutes with a very bad accent and random sentences and incoherent phrases round and round. Dull and unpleasing to listen to.

  25. Damn! how can any sane president appoint such an unpolished speaker as Chief Government Spokesperson? Umhh! is this real? Incredibly lower standards by any measure. To her talking is arguing and defending. Zero articulation. Very unpleasant to listen to.

  26. Look how a country of 16M people is showcasing the best of its brains :(. Shame on ECL and his government of retards and clowns. It hurts to see how poorly Zambia is performing in many aspects of nationhood and civilization of the 21st century. Damn, everyday bupuba fye, endless borrowing and flying to different countries for any petty reason, disfunctional judiciary and police to name a few.

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