Sunday, September 15, 2024

ZRA to ‘X-Ray’ all mineral exports before they exit Zambia


ZRA Commissioner General Kingsley Chanda
ZRA Commissioner General Kingsley Chanda
The Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA) Commissioner General, Kingsley Chanda has with immediate effect directed that all exports of minerals and minerals ores and concentrates should be analysed using the X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) Analysers before exiting the Zambian borders.

Mr. Chanda has given the directive in light of the 18 XRF Analysers procured under the Mineral Value Chain Monitoring Project and have been distributed to all border posts.

He said the XRF Analysers were procured to assist with the confirmation of the quality of the minerals being exported through the Zambian borders.

XRF Analysers are machines used to detect specific mineral content in mineral exports.

Mr. Chanda has also directed that the risk management criteria should be revised to reflect this change and include all mineral exports by Accredited Clients in order to undergo physical inspection and XRF analysis before being released.

The Commissioner General said this process is expected to take not more than five minutes, and therefore, will not increase dwell time of trucks at the borders.

Mr. Chanda has warned that any discrepancies in the readings at the two inspection points will result in the exporter being questioned and appropriate sanctions imposed if it is discovered that there was a wrong declaration on the quality of the mineral exports.

He said all results from the analysis will be sent to the Mineral Data Analysis Centre (MIDAC) for further review and follow-ups.

In order to ensure full compliance to this guideline by all stations, a Monthly Consolidated Report per station will be sent to his office by 5th of the following month.

Recently, there have been reports of mining companies exporting precious metals especially gold, using falsified mineral content analysis reports.

This has resulted has resulted in gross under valuations of gold exports thereby, affecting revenue collection from mining companies.


  1. @Kingsley Chanda:
    Another st.upid pri.k headed pig speaking! You don’t metallurgists at ZRA – so what exactly would you be looking for in the X-rays? PF is full of mad people and this id.iot Kingsley Chanda is just the symptom of madness going on in PF!

    • chilyata its not only metallurgist who can operate the x-ray machine even mechanical engineers can do that and more over technologists and technicians in the field of engineering

    • @zamzam:
      Are you normal? Of course every idi.ot including you can be trained to operate an x-ray machine.
      BUT It is the interpretation of the X-Ray results which is important AND that can only be certified by competent qualified and experienced metallurgists NOT every Jim and Jack and other PF Ar.sewhores!!
      Do you get the sense fella or is it too complicated for your small semi intelligent mind to understand? Have you ever heard of what is called “substance over form”?

    • Hey, it’s XRF not x-ray.XRF is used for elemental analysis, it gives the chemical composition of the substance, X-ray is am imaging technique.Even if XRF uses secondary X-rays, it’s technically and fundamentally different from X-ray technique.
      I guess you guys didn’t read the article clearly.I had a chance to use an XRF machine during my undergraduate internship at GSD, its a small handheld instrument very different from the big more sophisticated x-ray machine

  2. Don’t be surprised if PF officials are complicit in this scam……coming to think of it , PF kaponya stone thrower officials are too du.ll to steal this way , they steal out right in plain view.

    Over charging on recits or diverting cash into personal accounts are their modas operendi

  3. You guys ICHIKONKO will kill you! ZRA has procured XRF analyzers to improve accountability but you just want to insult?

    • I highly doubt it these tins bought these equipment from their own resources if i remember correctly…these were donated to them by either Japan or EU.
      Zambian leaders would rather put corrupt paras to man the borders…even the use of sniffer dogs at airports it will take donors to physical give them dogs.

  4. First do they know how an XRF works?? You need to set up some sort of a lab to grind and bake in an oven for 2hrs in making those pellets for the XRF to analyse. The analysis time will add extra hours at the boarders. The best was to conduct random metallurgical audits on mining companies after all they always analyse everything they produce on hourly basis and data is there

    • You are completely wrong here. An XRF can be hand-held and will give you results within a minute or two. All you do is touch it on the material you want to analyze and wait for a minute.

  5. Well done Kingsley!
    President Sata told Ba ABC that you don’t export amaloba. PF must attract investment to setup smelting and processing plants in Zambia. Let us not export anything raw. We exporting jobs to SA and other countries mind you, and losing FX. The devil has stolen too much from this land!
    Its time to be creative and innovative and add value to anything Zambian.

  6. @Don, you are wrong mate it is called X-Ray Flourescence analyser, this instrument is powerful and versatile tool which may be used as either a mineral exploration field based analyser or in a more formalised way for laboratory style usage. In its mineral exploration capacity it is best deployed for quick first pass assessment, to provide near instant semi- quantitative analysis of samples. X-Ray Fluorescence can be used by ZRA for first pass mineralization and mineral species determination thus including alteration.

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