Saturday, July 27, 2024

Recklessness of Politicians have caused Current Problems-Nakacinda


Raphael Nakacinda
Raphael Nakacinda
Movement for Multiparty Democracy (MMD) National Secretary Raphael Nakacinda says politicians in the country are reluctant to solve the problems they create in their quest to take or sustain their stay in political office.

Speaking during the Peace Concert held at Woodlands Stadium in Lusaka on Saturday, Mr Nakacinda said the current problems the country was facing was due to the recklessness of politicians who have allowed certain debates to go on at the expense of the greater good of the nation.

He said the current crop of politicians to which he belongs was responsible for what was happening in the country and that it was disappointing to note that politicians from both the ruling and opposition were failing to quickly solve problems of their own creation.

He said politicians should take full responsibility for fires that have affected citizens saying the unity that the country has enjoyed for over 50 years was as a result of having politicians with a conscious from both the ruling party and opposition.

“It is us as politicians that need to take responsibility over the reckless discussion that has come concerning tribe, it us politicians that need to take responsibility over the reckless discussion about do or die attitude in our quest to take political office or indeed in our quest to sustain our stay in a political office.

“I want to say this unity that we have enjoyed and the peace we have enjoyed for the past fifty something years has been as a result of having politicians both in opposition and in government that have a conscious but also have what I would call a thermometer, people who can check themselves and be able to regulate their attitude.

“I think the current crop of politicians to which I also belong, we are responsible for what is going on in this country and as MMD we have come to say we seem to be quick to create problems as politicians but we are slow to solve them and this event is a sign of how slow or indeed reluctant we are at wanting to slice the problem that we have created,” he said.

Mr Nakacinda advised the ruling party to realise that their being in power was not a right but a privilege accorded to them by Zambians and that they should save with an attitude of servitude not as masters, before telling the opposition UPND to humble themselves before Zambians if they are to lead the country one day.

“I want to call upon the the ruling party, the Patriotic Front and we are in a relationship with them and because we are in a relationship with them we even have a greater responsibility to speak to them that when you are entrusted with leadership it is not a matter of a right but it is purely a privilege that has been accorded to you in trust by the Zambian people therefore save with an attitude of servitude not as masters.

“I also want to speak to the UPND; that there is no need for us to shy away, what we are discussing here is as a result of the 2016 general elections, whether it’s indeed politicians that are responsible for the fires or indeed there are other individuals that are of ill intent who are taking advantage of the undertones going on, all of us as politicians must wake up and take responsibility”.

“The UPND also must know that there quest for leadership is only granteed if they show the people that their are going to be servants for them. There is no need for us to take defiant positions in our attempt to manipulate people to endorse us into leadership, as MMD when we’re in government we made mistakes and I think we have come out in the open to tell that the mistakes we made are A,B,C,D and we learnt our lesson in 2011 because the people kicked us out of office,” he said.

The Peace Concert was organised by the Pillars of Peace spear headed by lawyer Kelvin Bwalya Fube to help raise money for the affected marketeers whose goods were gutted when the country’s largest market was torched by unknown people.

The Lusaka based Lawyer who is also former ruling Patriotic Front (PF) deputy chairperson for elections said the market held a firm place in the hearts of many Zambians and it was his responsibility and every other person in leadership to restore Joy in the hearts of the affected marketeers and their families.

He further hopes to take the Peace Concert to all parts of the country in partnership with Zambia Music Association and well wishers as a remedy to heal the country from the scars of the immediate past 2016 general elections.


  1. This is well said Mr. Nakachinda. You can also help elements within your alliance to acknowledge existence of tension or “current problems”, as you put it as a beginning to problem solving. If one does not know a problem, they can’t find a solution to it!
    I ve always believed, as you ve put it, that politicians are responsible for hate speech; tribal talk; nepotism; intolerance; etc. We have grown without knowing the existence of these vices above. As one resolution even to the Commission of Enquiry on the Voting pattern, when politians speak, they should not mention others in their speech or refer to others as having done or not done what BUT what they hope to do and how they achieve it with the people! There’s too much demonizing of each other in the public, taking adv of low…

  2. … There’s too much demonizing of each other in the public, taking adv of low levels of literacy in the audiences! Bravo Nakachinda.

  3. Very strong and deep words, Mr. Nakachinda. There is substance in your message. Impartial and truthful. You are a good upcoming leader. Let Antonio Mwanza, Andrew Ntewewe and other young leaders learn something from this guy.

  4. That is true Nakacinda there are leaders who created problems for example Daniel Munkombwe introduced HH to tribal platform in 2006 that’s when voting pattern changed

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