Saturday, July 27, 2024

Government unveils the specific powers given to Zambia Police after invoking Article 31


Agriculture Minister Given Lubinda speaking during the official opening of the first joint Pan-African Grain Legume and World Cowpea Conference currently being held at AVANI Victoria Falls Hotel. Picture by Jeffrey Oliver
Given Lubinda

POLICE and other defence and security agencies have been granted powers to stop and search vehicles without a warrant, withdraw travel documents and detain suspects for more than 48 hours with authority of a magistrate.

These are some of the measures that will be implemented during the three months the invoked Article 31 of the Constitution will be in force.

This follows President Lungu’s issuance of the Preservation of Public Security Regulations Statutory Instrument No. 55 of 2017.

Acting Minister of Home Affairs Given Lubinda said at a press briefing yesterday that the regulations provide guidance to the police and other defence and security agencies during the period of the threatened state of emergency.

“The regulations are in two parts; those which can be implemented directly, and regulations that will require the President to issue specific orders to be implemented,” Mr Lubinda said.

Under the regulations, the maximum detention period for suspects is seven days if the police satisfy the magistrate that their actions are necessary.

Mr Lubinda, however, said a detention period beyond seven days must be done by the order of the President.
The regulations have also extended the powers of the police to the defence forces and other national security services when acting in aid of the police.

“These regulations are not meant to interfere with the freedom and liberties of law-abiding citizens, but will only be applied to citizens who are found breaking the law.

“The general public is free to go about their normal business as there is no curfew or restrictions in movements,” Mr Lubinda said.

Mr Lubinda said regulations which will require the President to issue specific orders will only be invoked under compelling circumstances.

These orders include prohibiting certain activities at dwelling places and in public places, closing of premises, imposing curfews, blackouts and controlling of electricity.

Others are restriction orders, directing of persons to proceed to and remain in any part of Zambia and the detention of specific persons.

“His Excellency the President has not issued any specific order in this regard. Security agencies, therefore, will not implement any of these regulations,” he said.

Mr Lubinda said the regulations have also provided for procedures for any aggrieved person in addition to the existing procedures in the courts of law.

“I urge members of the public to continue with their normal lives and support the security agencies in the preservation of public security. I also encourage the public to take interest to read the regulations to avoid being misled. These regulations can be obtained from Government Printers at K40 per copy,” he said.

Recently, President Lungu invoked Article 31 of the Constitution to give police more powers to stop a spate of economic sabotage in the country.


    • When a man with a small P.E.N.I.S marries a beautiful woman, if he develops insecurities:- He’ll LOCK her up indoors, beat her up on mere suspicions, check her whatsapp, facebook, refuse to buy her clothes.

      PF has a SMALL P.E.N.I.S SYNDROME & will abuse the rotten judiciary & parliament to fix political opponents & oppress zambians. Why should Zambians go to bed at 17hrs just bcoz the evil dictator feels insecure?

  1. HH oval head.
    Can you shut your beak as patriotic front thugs can’t even read the new laws to know what they can and can’t do.
    As always they will just drink kachasu and pretend they are above the laws and when caught will be let go.
    Zambia has become a failed state under the drunken dictator.

    • “…….and detain suspects for more than 48 hours with authority of a magistrate.”

      Be warned that the police will already stock pre-signed forms by magistrates and just fill them out with a current date to detain innocent citizens! There will be a lot of abuse of power!

  2. HH oval head.
    Can you shut your beak as patriotic front thugs can’t even read the new laws to know what they can and can’t do.
    As always they will just drink kachasu and pretend they are above the laws and when caught will be let go.
    Zambia has become a failed state under the drunken dictator.


  4. 3 or so months ago, there was a drunk policeman who attempted to search Hon Gary Nkombo truck insisting that the police had the right to search anyone anytime without a warrant. All that was required was for them to suspect. The police command through their spokeswoman also supported this policemans assertions. So how does it happen that you are now giving the police and security forces powers that they already have? Or are you now telling us that the police have been acting illegally as in Hon Nkombo’s kerfuffle? The most tragic thing with this picture is the silence of the lambs coming from the Zambians. Ndwiiii,,,, expecting someone else to stand up for you!! Nobody but you can improve your lot,, not Julius Malema, not NUMSA, not Msimane, not Trump,,,,,, no one!

  5. Police officers will be getting richer while we will remain getting poorer – increased roadblocks and senseless threats of detention will lead to more bribery and corruption ! Senseless move ! This new law has been put in place because of HH’s upcoming trial in August and my guess is more restrictions will be put in place before the trial ! Very sad indeed !

  6. K40 a copy? Surely underfive still has sufficient wealth to afford a copy for each of the law breakers in his UPNDonkeys party? There are not too many of them as the majority will abide by the law.

    • Would you please learn to oscillate your puff brain in different spheres, than always puking the same monotonous puss out of your nozzle.

  7. 5 webman, me expecting someone to stand for me? What offence have I committed?

    Q: webman, what kind of reasoning is that, in which you assume that we are all donkeys?
    A: UPNDonkeys, underfive.

    Look here webman, the majority of us Zambia find your reasoning weird, only found among UPNDonkeys. One just looks at their starry, milky, fazed eyes and easily concludes this must be the donkey that Terrible talks about.

  8. @ terrible is right you only complain if you have problems with the law but if u do things within the law why call people to stand up for you, for what? You can can only have issues if you are a deviant. Sorry UPND sober up and work for the common good

  9. Mr Presido if I may ask did this move of invoking article….came in bcoz of yo differences with HH or its really bcoz u want to secure the public. Av you ever thought of how corruption will increase in d so called defensive wings. Mr Presido you were suppose to seek for proper guidance than what you av now brought in. We d innocent citizens are bcoming poorer each n every time we breath bcoz of your(people in power) unfailing knowledge of how to resolve problems.

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