Saturday, July 27, 2024

Kambwili expelled from PF


Roan Member of Parliament Chishimba Kambwili
Roan Member of Parliament Chishimba Kambwili

Roan MP Chishimba Kambwili has been expelled from the ruling Patriotic Front.

Mr Kambwili confirmed his expulsion following a Central Committee Meeting held at State House on Saturday chaired by President Edgar Lungu.

Mr Kambwili is one of the founding members of the PF.

In a Facebook posting, Mr Kambwili described his expulsion as illegal.

“This is to confirm that today 22/07/2017 I have been illegally expelled from the patriotic front with immediate effect,” Mr Kambwili said.

“I will hold a press briefing tomorrow at 10:30 hours in the morning at my lusaka home in woodlands, right near state house, all media houses to be seated by 10:00 hours. Though I fall, I will rise again. Micah 7:8.”

President Lungu and Vice-President Inonge Wina during the MCC meeting at State House on Saturday, July 22,2017 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA

All current Patriotic Front (PF) Members of the Central Committee except one attended Saturday’s meeting held at state house to discuss various party matters. PF Deputy Spokesperson Frank Bwalya said that Ms. Emerine Kabanshi sent her apologies because she was attending to other national duties.

Mr. Bwalya has confirmed to ZNBC News in a telephone interview that the meeting started at 09hrs this morning, adding that any resolutions if need be will be communicated by the Party’s Secretary General Davies Mwila who is party Spokesperson.

On Thursday President Edgar Lungu who is also party President called on all Patriotic Front MCCs to attend today’s central committee meeting. The head of state said all aggrieved MCCs’ should air their grievances during the meeting.

The President said growth of the party depends on the level of interaction amongst members.


    • We saw it coming-dict@tors are afraid of competition, Lungush@ is a cow@rd, he will always look for an easy way out to deal with formidable opponents, its either stealing votes, expulsion or using pang@s.

      Now this is interesting, just today, this PF action drops PF00ls popularity by at least 10%, it will put us at an advantage as UPND when Kambwili forms his own party-he is bound to chop off a large chuck from Lungush@s votes in 2021….this is sweet, please give me a bucket of popcorns as I watch the beginning of fiery infighting within the Panga Family party!

    • This is Lazy applying the only modus operandi the bum knows …because BUFFOON CK is not his bootlicker then he should form his own party….remember what h said about LAZ. How I would like to read historic court transcripts where Lazy Lungu defended a client.

    • Most People are popular because of the party and not as individuals. We know of people that once considered themselves as political heavy-weights and thought they would continue being popular once out of the party but where are they today? Once you leave a party especially on discipline grounds you fall out of favour with party members.

    • Kambwili I told you to be ware of supporting and propping up a dictator.

      Now my words and prediction has come to pass. Next Lungu will arrest you and no one will come to your help except HH the man you belittled in many ways .

      This should save as a lesson to all those brainless and spineless supporters of Lungu.

      Next it will be Kaiser . He is growing too big for his shoes.

      What I say comes to pass.

      Free HH now.

    • Forget about press conference because article 31 is in full swing. Just go quietly and learn to kerp your mouth closed.
      Kambwili cant be ecl challenger naimwe. This bufoon is a low life befitting to be among donkeys. Where is wynter sampa scott shinono the lust is endless. Nathan chanda is even more popular than ck.

    • Ask any genuine PF member on the CB and they’ll tell you that this is the end of PF on the CB! You can’t compare Kabimba, Miles, Scott e.t.c to Kambwili.

    • ECL TEMONOBE!!!!
      A job well done Mr President Sir!!!!!ONE ECL!!!!!!

      I accurately predicted this would happen in 2014 my accurate forecasts are always spot on correct! The archives don’t lie – for those who doubt please read the articles right here on Lsktimes from 2014 before the convention in Kabwe! If you are a senior blogger not these fake baby bloggers then you know my forecasts!!!
      Another prediction – Dora is going.. soon to be followed by Kaizer Zulu and other liabilities that are a disgrace!

    • Expell him from Zambia and civil society! Cipuba Sana Kambwili. And if the media goes to his media briefing then they are equally vipuba!

    • BUFFOON CK now running to the press and Facebook….the selfsame facebook you wanted to shut down …silly Zambian Politicians so shortsighted!!

    • Kambwili was supposed to hang on to the PF and the beast in Lungu he created. He was always busy reminding us about how great HE Lungu the beast was and how democratic the man was. He was also supporting undemocratic tendencies of choking the media. Kambwili you are now with us. But for you destiny is political dustbin. Goodbye mate.

    • Kambwili should not even be allowed to hold the press briefing due to the the threatened state of emergency. Any media who go there should be detained with Kambwili. He threatened ZWD with closure using FBI. ZWD are you even going there? Kambwili umukoshi ubukulu.

    • STate house is not a party facility…this is abuse of government facilities. Party members must have been fed with food bought using government funds etc

      You must not cling to the party. Being a founding member does not mean you own the party. Too bad news to bear. I feel bad but since you claim to be successful in politics, kindly join other progressive parties else, just form your own like your uncle formed PF. The world is rough. I am sure scores of people are happy, others are sad. As for me, I just neutral (happy and sad). All the same, Good luck and I hope you will learn from the situation. Your uncle could have claimed to have been the founding member of MMD if not he rose to a point were we thought he co-founded MMD. He resigned when it hurt. Again, life is rough, so keep ya’ head up!

    • It’s normal. Guess what? Your Uncle fired 23+ cabinet ministers on one spot and he ended up swindled to the position by FTJ. Its the game you politicians play. If you are looking for sympathy, you got it wrong. The route to politics in Zambia and world over is a rough one. Look at how NSM was messed up by LPM. Whether you have a foul mouth or you disrespect authority is neither here or there. You politicians as far as I am concerned end up the same. Magande left MMD a bitter man swindled by Mulongoti and cliques who was in turn swindled and labeled a LPM chola boy. Your presidential ambitions could be scaring some body in PF but who damn cares man? You politicians are the same. Bwalya 1 Kambwili 0 in the meantime.

  1. The writing was already on the wall. He will not go quietly though. Let us see a fully blown fight now. Ifisoso fyalaipaya ifine.

    Who let the dogs out? (Singing).

    • This is just how political careers end – he can continue making noise but that is it. He will join his brother – another scattered Chishimba (and both are doctors by acclamation!).

    • Agony is calling for press conference after having personally closed down all the media that would have covered you! Agony is forgetting that you voted for a tsoe and hence your one-man presser which will only be covered by Facebook might actually be illegal. Please just sit down, you made your bed, now quietly lie in it and stop seeking our sympathy. Next story….

  2. Lungu scared of his own shadow. We shall see how far this victimisation type of leadership will take him.

    • You would welcome him to UPND even after the allegations of corruption that the Watchdog has heaped on him? Kambwili is on record for spouting out anti-Tonga vitriol but for UPND, as long as somebody is anti PF and Lungu, they can be as corrupt as hell but they are welcome to join the party hence the reason that HH chose the violent woman beating corrupt thug to be his running mate. Being unprincipled is not going to win the party extra support,

  3. Sorry Kambwili, Micah 7:8 does not apply to scum like you who mistakenly found themselves in our politics.
    If you mean rising through the UPNDonkeys, sorry, there again the so called “party” is already dying a natural death.

  4. We saw it coming-dictators are afraid of competition, Lungusha is a coward, he will always look for an easy way out to deal with formidable opponents, its either stealing votes, expulsion or using pangas.

    Now this is interesting, just today, this PF action drops PFools popularity by at least 10%, it will put us at an advantage as UPND when Kambwili forms his own party-he is bound to chop off a large chuck from Lungushas votes in 2021….this is sweet, please give me a bucket of popcorns as I watch the beginning of fiery infighting within the Panga Family party!

  5. Ba Kambwili mwailufyanyafye mwebene. Don’t think ngamwakwata rally mu copperbelt abantu baisa abengi ninshi you are popular. We will see now. Ifyakubosabosa. Thanks my president. This man has already formed a political party. Viva PF viva ECL.

  6. Yaaba! The press briefing will not take place, what with ZP having powers to search and detain. Tukamona mailo!

  7. “I will hold a press briefing tomorrow at 10:30 hours in the morning at my lusaka home in woodlands, right near state house, all media houses to be seated by 10:00 hours.”

    The man has homes everywhere….BUFFOON CK I hope you are in Lusaka and not driving tonite..if you have any sense take the plane!!

  8. Good for you kambwili.
    You were a very dirty devisive tribalist when you were in GRZ used underhand bullying to fix the opposition.

    If you were a decent leader you would have find wide support base.

    Now I hope Mr lungu has discovered the fight against corruption and makes an example out of you…..

  9. @10 Bufi Tuutu, and his language and evil intentions make him a perfect candidate for police regulations.

    Iwe chi Kambwili, whatever you want to say about your expulsion we will get a brief from the secretary general of the party, your former party. For now good riddance, what were they were waiting for all this time?

  10. This is good riddance. This opens a way for him to openly join HH’s UPND or Savior Chishimba’s UPP to test his popularity outside the box. AMEN

  11. @16 Spaka, naimwe bosses mulebako ati consistency. If you admitted GBM to your UPNDonkey party and even chose him as running mate to underfive and elected him as your vice president, why can’t you admit Kambwili? What didn’t Kambwili do to your party which GBM also didn’t do when he was in PF? I am sure that you have plenty of space for scumbags in UPNDonkey “party”.

    • Chaff, you say? Until recently, this man was a minister in your government! Just because he has fallen out of favor with your corrupt party, you call him chaff! What a bunch of Have some respect for your leaders, you PF thug. @Ndanje Khakis, please do not display your bankrupt and corrupt mind in public.

    • @Angel I didn’t appoint Kambwili as minister so I can’t take the blame. @20.2 Even a grade 2 pupil knows how Upnd operates. ..muzungu opusa becomes good muzungu the moment he leaves PF, same with fat Albert, dog seller corrupt Mulenga Sata..they all became special after leaving PF. So age is not an issue on what Upnds next move viz a viz one Kambwili.

  12. Blind loyalty of CK when he was in PF makes me very hard to sympathize with him. when the law was on his side , he defended the indefensible. Now that he is out is he going to expose the system? If I were him, i would make the downfall of PF a priority so that Zambia starts on a clean slate of PURE DEMOCRACY.

  13. It is wrong for PF to use state house for party business! State house is a national asset and does not belong to PF! What happened to your party offices Ba puff?

  14. “Prohibiting activies at dwelling places and other public places” are among the police powers announced by acting Home Affairs Minister Hon Given Lubinda.
    Just helping Kambwili avoid a lock up. Apart from that you are a free man Mr Kambwili, free even to join the UPNDonkeys. Oh sorry, you are already president of the Mast Party, aren’t you?

  15. Lungu strategically initiated the process of effecting the Semi State of Emergency. The fires etc are all Lungu. This was to make sure that once he expels Kambwili, he will use his extra powers to clamp him down. What a joke this Lungu is. Kwati Kubuta?


    HH has been relieved of his duties as presidenT of UPND and GBM appointed as interim presidenT in an acting capacity until elections are held on 14th August 2017 to fill the vacancy. This was announced this afternoon after a National Management Committee (NMC) meeting. When contacted at Mukobeko, the former presidenT confirmed the development. He however, said that he was not consulted and when he comes out from there heads would roll. However, interim presidenT popularly known as GBM, urged HH to stop dreaming as his fate in Mukobeko was sealed.

    By Lori Muitwa,
    For immediate release.

    • @Spake like lilo, this Mr. Terrible sounds like Mr. Lungu himself. So heartless! Rejoicing over the misfortunes of others, which misfortunes he engineers through his thuggish government. I don’t think any of these ministers, MPs and, police and intelligence bosses know their job descriptions! The intelligence services don’t work for PF, neither does the civil service. But you would be hard pressed to separate the party from the government. Why is the intelligence and police so taken up with spying on UPND and not stopping the rotten PF? Mr. Terrible is spreading “fake news” because that is all that PF knows how to do.

  17. EL, this has been long over due. You are actually a VERY patient man. Others would have expelled this loud mouth a lot time ago!!
    Job well done. Let those who are serious now focus on developing the country. There is no way the party would have been able to deliver with other people running their small agendas!
    Panse kambwili panse!!!!

  18. The sad that thing about Zambian politics is that Kabwili will even have the audacity to consider the vacancy in UPND at VP level. And UPND will be crazy enough to give him air play.


  19. Comment:
    Someone must advise Kambwili, a press something the very next day. Not even time for some reflection and introspection! Bound to be bombastically emotional. A wrong move.

  20. @25.2 Mr or Mrs Angel, its not me spreading false news. You did not see that the statement is signed by the master of fake news himself, mr Lori Muitwa?
    As for your statement that I am heartless, why should I pressure my heart for someone who does not care for themselves like underfive?
    Anyway underfive I am kind enough to wish you a good night. Another member has just been made available to your party, as early as tomorrow morning. After all in UPNDonkey party that is the interpretation of “in politics the numbers count”, Kambwili could be an alternative running mate in 2021, unless you will not stand again, in which case he can running mate for GBM, no?

    • Yes thank you for admitting PF is mostly made up of corrupt people. And these are the ones who fell out with PF , now what of the corrupt bootlickers ? That must be 99 % of PF.

  21. Wanya I we chi fat Kambwili. Tina ku uza iwe chikolwe iwe, manje waona ka. Uzayonda, uyo mukosi uza sila. Mukazi wako ku England ni zamunyenga nafuti chifukwa uli useless manje.

  22. ouch! the sucker punch has landed squarely on the junior cobras head. He will writhe for a short while and then politically die before 2021.

  23. The long whip has finally landed on the junior cobras head. you recall the warning? ” I may look simple but i have a long powerful whip.”

  24. Like a low budget movie, the script was predictable. They will continue purging each other as they compete for the looting of public resources. No sympathy here for this Chishimba Kambwili, the way he was part of the wrongs and defended these wrongs when he was still feeding at the ‘high table’.

    For some reason, they never learn… they are always part of the corrupt, with no integrity and principles, squashing every opposition voice and those who don’t cheerleader them.

    These guys should learn that integrity and principles are worth preserving than the quick cash they sacrifice and trade them for.

    As for dictator Lungu is ending and fall will be worse.

  25. The moment his supporters insulted Inonge Wina at Ndola over their illegal allocation of land I knew he was on his way out. Kambwili was immediately fired from Cabinet but it seems he didn’t repent. He began to position himself to take over PF immediately after the 2016 elections thereby igniting an internal competition that affected service delivery, it wasn’t necessary. The biggest expulsion that Zambia has so far experienced was that of 21 senior MMD members at Kabwe. CK is just a noisy character, let’s see his mettle

    • Ayatollah,
      It was 22 members in the NEC of 40 people.
      Minority expelling the majority.
      Who can support the stupidity of Kambwili?

  26. I apologise and retract my strong language- my opinion is that the junior cobra may struggle to be as powerful politically outside PF before we get to 2021 elections

  27. In life timming is important we have four years to the next elections the ***** Kambwili has just finished himself


  29. Dr ck take heart,everything happens for a purpose.we will have a new sit under a new party in Copperbelt in the name of loan.

  30. Gen Miyanda (I stand to be corrected )asked those sent to invite him to join the FDD what their vision was : Was it simply to remove Frederick Chiluba from power or something else? This question is valid for all those parties that would want to rush for Mr Dr Sir Chishimba Kambwili.

  31. I like a very confident leader who’s not afraid of the media and opposition.
    I like a leader who’s very confident about their election victory, regardless of what the opposition says.
    I like a leader who will not use the police to silence and harm the people.
    I like a leader who stays home and works on pressing issues.
    I like a leader who treats he’s opponents in a very civilized way.
    I like a leader who has a very clear vision for he’s country, especially rural farming communities.
    I like a leader who doesn’t surround themselves with corrupt incompetent advisors.
    I like a leader who inspires he’s country men and women to work hard.
    I like a leader who stays away from foreign borrowing and does not sell he’s country to debt.
    I like a leader who’s truly God fearing and…

  32. I learned that he wants to challenge his expulsion from PF to court of law.lets wait and see what the court will say hence CK is claiming that he was expelled illegally.if he want to be instrumental for PF let himself go and apologize and make reconciliations.i believe it’s not to late.Now that he’s what they CHOLERIC I doubt if he can lower himself and seek for apologies..

  33. Why do these party cadres have a meeting at statehouse? This is abuse of government resources . They should hold such meeting at PF headquarters , wherever they are.

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