Saturday, July 27, 2024

Kambwili finally expelled from PF: Do we expect him to play the tribal card in 2021?


When renowned lawyer, Levy P. Mwanawasa SC, may his soul rest in peace, assumed the mantle of leadership, he wasted no time in pledging to an otherwise expectant nation that one of his legacies would be deodorizing government of the endemic nauseating stench of corruption. This would immediately see the birth of the “taskforce on corruption” and a concerted hunt-down of suspected corrupt individuals would begin in earnest.

A coterie of individuals – civil servants, senior cabinet ministers including a former Republican President would be smoked out of their hiding and hauled before the courts of law to answer charges of corruption ranging from looting to plunder of state resources. By sheer coincidence, most of these suspects would hail from a certain region of the country.

Amidst the fray, a new party, aptly named Patriotic Front (PF), would be born……..albeit with the proverbial teeth in the mouth. Its founding leader the late Micheal Sata, popularly known as King Cobra, would cry blue murder and claim the President hated Bemba speaking people hence being targets for arbitrary arrests. This would obviously endear him to people from northern parts of the country and PF would score big time in those territories when elections were called! Whether this is the trump card the veteran politician needed to win the hearts of people in those regions remains a matter of speculation.

By now, news of the expulsion of the outspoken former Information Minister and chief government spokesman Hon. Chishimba Kambwili alongside his colleague Hon. Mwenya Musenge, the immediate past Chimwemwe Member of Parliament has reached any interested party. Does this mark the end of Kambwili’s fairytale? Imagining himself relaxing in the family room at Plot 1 Independence Avenue enjoying a cup of tea and freshly baked cookies? It would be utterly naïve to assume so. We are talking about a person heavily pregnant with grandiose ambitions – someone who has never shied away from making known his Presidential ambitions!

Interesting information emerged during the Central Committee meeting that met last Saturday to decide his fate. Luapula Province Minister Hon. Nickson Chilangwa reported that in the recent past Hon. Kambwili has been to three places to distribute money and criticize the party leadership. Further the meeting heard that Hon. Musenge went into Luapula Province allegedly carrying K110, 000 given to him by Hon Kambwili to destabilize the Party and had just returned from the Province less than 24 hours before the Central Committee meeting. Why Luapula of all the provinces?

We shudder at the thought of individuals using the tribal card in their quest to go to State House once again. If a person desires to become our President, let us endeavour to challenge them to unveil their manifestos other than the misguided belief that they belong to this tribe and therefore deserve to be President!

Are we likely to see the junior cobra as Kambwili prides himself emulating his hero, the King Cobra, playing the tribal card to advance his political ambitions? Only time will tell.

By Bill M. Kapinga
Freelance Writer


    • Chimbwili finally expelled from PF: Do we expect him to play the tribal card in 2021?

      Yes he will only campaign & appeal to his fellow Bembas for votes & expect to win %50%+1 which even popula Micheal Sata failed to attain despite overwhelmingly winning cosmopolitan Urban areas? Even Sata who swept CB & LSK in 2006-11 cud twice only amass < 43%. Only Chiluba was luck to get 75% cos Zambians except UNIPIST EP were united to kick out KK. How will CHimbwili stand b4 Tongas, Lozis Kaondes etc & ask for votes?

      Now its trickier cos all urban pipo hav become conscious of & identify with their origins & vote likewise? Why do u think HH managed to amass 40% in LSK & 35% in CB & swept CP? It's cos of "UmuTonga teti ateke" which applies to Kaondes, Lundas & Lozis with the derided baggage…

    • Now its trickier cos all urban pipo hav become conscious of & identify with their origins & vote likewise? Why do u think HH managed to amass 40% in LSK & 35% in CB & swept CP? WHy do u think Lambaland voed HH? It’s cos of “UmuTonga teti ateke” which applies to Kaondes, Lambas & Lozis with the derided baggage of Barotse solidarity.

      Enter 2021 if LP, NP & Muc go4 Chimbwili, ECL only remains with EP & incumbency. LSK & CB may be shared evenly between Chimbwili, ECL & HH leaving HH with SP, WP, NWP & 60% CP intact. ECL as expected will only rely on unfair disqualification of opponents & political intimidation.
      Only hope for Chimbwili is 2nd round. In simple majority HH wins! Be analytical!

    • Chimbwili to educate you with some social studies. Tongas have ruled Zambia:
      Mainza Chona
      Elijah Mudenda
      Kebby Musokotwane
      Harry Nkumbula
      Zambia was stable for 27 years and then a Bemba leader came in 1991 – Chiluba and destroyed ONE ZAMBIA ONE NATION.

    • Tribalism is an inherent menance among the mentally and culturally tribal isolationists. Bembas are not subjects of anyone to be bagged in personal battles of impunity and lost political causes for carnage. We can attest to a culture of close connivance with all tribes and migration beyond the Bemba hinterland. The young fuse in easily in cosmopolitan societies. Few picked up dividends from politicians at their peak hour. Why them would their levy hope on the embattled?

    • Bembas are very liberal and dont follow blindly. Kapwepwe was arrested by Kaunda but we didnt suspend traditional ceremonies or our chiefs never camped at wherever Kapwepwe was held unlike balya bambi.

    • Can someone give a breakdown the strengths of each ethnic group in Zambia so that these can be exploited to the benefit of bringing about development in the country when aggregated under good governance! The divisive tribal politics being advanced does nobody any good for the level of enlightenment that Zambians have attained! Capacity to be discerning leadership to steer the country in the right direction should not be marred with tribal inclinations but desire for what is best for the country! Failure to provide what the citizenry crave for is what is encouraging flight into the diaspora and it should not make those elected to positions of governance rejoice when news filters home that a “Zambian” somewhere not in his fore fathers country has scored a first!

    • Even Lungu just like RB is very tribal. Is he not the one who was calling Tongas, “ba kachema” at a rally on the Copperbelt. Imagine that coming from the president.

  1. Kambwili and GBM are the same in character. Tribal games will not work. What has Kambwili done apart from talking rubish?

    • Are they the ones that are tribal or you because you would give an opinion not a word to judge them. Stop the tribal word please. Us we want peace

  2. AUTHOR, you are the ONE playing TRIBAL CARD!! In fact Mwanawasa fight on corruption while a good intention was SELECTIVITY to a greater part and was meant to settle old scores! THERE WAS STILL HIGH LEVEL CORRUPTION IN HIS GOVERNMENT that is why some individuals’ businesses like those of Mahtani had to suffer.The World Bank suspended Alstom a French Engineering firm from participating in their tenders due corruption it was involved perpetrated by the MMD Government at ZESCO, Sisala, Levy’s relative was MD by then. There are a few others, Petroda etc..A political knows where its base is. It is a lie that Sata was overwhelmingly voted in Northern parts after forming his party bcoz it is Levy who carried the day. Sata had high scores in 2006, even then MMD still had some MPs in Luapula and…

  3. continued…Sata had high scores in 2006, even then MMD still had some MPs in Luapula and Northern. For a long time the the Northern Province was divided between MMD and PF.So Mr.Author, STOP BEING TRIBAL BY TWISTING FACTS!Kambwili’s fight is for his political survival so he has to go where he is well understood,where he managed to convince people to support the PF. By telling them he is no longer part of it, he will take some people with him, hence a chunk of the party, things will not be the same for PF bcoz even some of those remaining in there are not agreeable for Lungu to stand in 2021!!

  4. We’ll go for Kambwili and stop this tribal thing. Kambwili is a known PF leader since the formation of PF.And when it comes to bemba speaking pipo they know who the leader is.Ifwe we don’t just support anyone coz he comes from bemba speaking pipo.But we have seen that Kambwili can become a good leader period.Grave mistake by PF.Ba lungu has lost it

    • MUVI TV should reject his request for an interview. Oppostition parties in Zambia were not allowed to use local media for their political support

  5. Z govt of chiluba like pf was predominantly of pipo from certain provinces. It included executives in govt departments, parastals, security services, diplomatic services. Whn mwanawasa decided to deal with z grand looting of national resources, it was logical that z axe fell heavily on such pipo. Now if another govt is formed and wants to deal with z current impunity, u’ll hear that only pipo from certain regions are targeted. But look at z pipo now filling every position, the imbalance!

    • Well said…. and still PF and their cadres say Tongas are tribal. Who goes to UTH when they are ill and request for ONLY BEMBA DOCTORS OR NGONI doctors to attend to them? Who out there has ever said I do not want a TONGA DOCTOR TO ATTEND TO MY CHILD? HOW MANY? ZERO..!
      Today there is a horrible atmosphere in the country about Tongas being tribal.

  6. Pound for pound, kambwili is not a smart man, and in a situation where the electorate is well informed and analyse leadership qualities, Mr kambwili would not be in leadership at all. If anyone cares, learn of this mans real character and tell the world that you want your kids to be like him

    • Mate he is not smart and has never been one. Just luck and chance through thieving and corruption. They will follow him until they silence him. Smart people stay cool and don’t comment anyhow especially in places of Africa like Zambia. Lungu and PF will use GRZ machinery on him soon. Actually had he went ahead with a press conference, he would have been done under public order act. remember the police have more power for a reason. The reason being to silence opposition. Wait and see what happens as we go towards 2021.

  7. Lungu is not standing by 2021,I will always insist that let’s gather credible information before we publish our Own thoughts and the matter of weather lungu stand on presidential candidate was forwarded to court of law. The thing is that there so many ISSUES that are already going on in PF

  8. CK he is a CHOLERIC and choleric always has extremely strong power and desire to become and achieve himself whatever he wants although they are terribly failures with the hands of the genius this is so because they are strong planners than any other temperament of the world but again they are known to be careless than any temperament and I believe that this is the case for CK.lets hope government will leave with him some energies to propel his restless ego.but I doubt.

  9. Bill M. Kapinga, a former ZCCM Ltd auto mechanic at Nchanga Open Pits, Caterpillar workshop. A very lazy chap! As a matter of facts, he is a staunch UPND cadre.

    • Point of correction: auto electrician and Kambwili was a changa changa at the open pit around the same time.I long abandoned UPND when they denied chance to stand as MP.Who knows I may be tempted to join PF at a time like this when the likes of Kambwili are leaving.

    • …PF firing one parliamentarian in C/Belt will not win hh votes in Matero or Lundazi or Muchinga will it??? You hh worshipers have not political vision, that’s why you will never form government with hh. Get some political brains to advance your party forward, not childish tribal antics; It’s like being rejected by the same woman five times, then you celebrate wildly when you hear she has broken up with her latest boyfriend: so you are second best??? ulibe manifesto???

  10. I believe its time for HH to take over the running of this great nation come 2021. Currently the PF is at its lowest strength wise.

    • …have you just woken up from a dream??? Last time hh tried to take over the running of this great nation, HE WAS REJECTED FOR THE FIFTH TIME!!!…kwekwekwekwekwe…..

    • Point of correction 1mbeciles above. Its only ck who has come down with force. How many votes did ck gunnered outside roan constituency.

    • It seems the whole diaspora is full of donkeys. They are all tribal fundamentalists who have no political strategy for hh/upnd except pray hard that PF is destroyed.

  11. Every dog has its day.CK has been testing the waters for a long time.Lets see what he is made of because talking is cheap.

  12. I am still in disbelief. I guess Lungu has now established firmly that he is in charge of PF. Fall in line with party doctrine and policy or get moving. Two very commanding decisions he Lungu has made keep Inonge and firing Kambwili.
    Politics alone will not develop the opportunities that Zambians need to make thier lives better.

  13. Mr John Phiri, politics is about timing and patience. Kambwili knows very well that the game is not over as the real green PF are regrouping to shape the future of PF . If you are knew to politics it’s easy to say why Kambwili went to Luapula ? Luapula and northern are stronghold for PF . Remember when Mumbi Insulted Kaseba SATA after his demise in reference to wanting to stand. The family , Luapula, northern, CB and Muchinga provinces threatened to vote otherwise , it took Lungu to beg for forgiveness . There is perception that LUNGU AND RUPHIA have taken over PF and there is uneasiness within the file and ranks of PF . JUST Wait for 2020 the cracks will be more visible like it happened with Chiluba third term

  14. The list goes like this:
    All of them in the wilderness!!

  15. This is the opinion we need to kick out of our country tribalism. You see this is the disease that was in South Africa, America and now Zambia that one tribe or colour can not rule. But when God says yes no1 can say no. Zambians please let us run away from this it is not right it is wrong and soon God will show us. We have never been tribal. I have children from Eastern, Northern, Southern, Western, Northwestern, Central, white, Indian and I am still going and believe me this scares me because I am an all rounder how do I choose by tribe when I am all round. Ba Neutral stop it please please as a mother I dont like what you are saying

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