Saturday, July 27, 2024

Govt warns against witchcraft threats


Government has appealed to the rural community to accept civil servants being deployed to their areas to enhance development and to desist from threatening to bewitch them.

Katete District Commissioner Joseph Makukula says it is sad to note that a number of civil servants are being threatened  to be bewitched by some local people.

Mr. Makukula says it is sad that some newly deployed civil servants in Katete District were receiving witchcraft threats which is only deterring government’s development goals in the area.

ZANIS reports that District Commissioner said in an interview, that he has advised communities in the area to instead be happy and proud of the technocrats government was sending to them as it was for their benefit.

The District Commissioner, however, cautioned civil servants in the District to remember their purpose in the communities they serve and avoid stirring trouble.

He said government employs people to serve the communities adding that despite being educated the masters were the communities in which they operate to enhance the need to work in harmony at all times.

Government has been deploying trained civil servants to various districts, in accordance to its de-centralization policy of taking development to all corners of the country.

Meanwhile, Katete District Commissioner Joseph Makukula says government will soon be opening five clinics in the district.

Mr. Makukula says the clinics were constructed with the help of Constituency Development Funds (CDF) in Milanzi and Mkaika Constituencies.

The clinics scheduled to be opened are Mtipa, Kawaza, Magoba, Mzime and Lupando clinics, respectively.

Mr. Makukula explained that the District Health Office is currently undertaking distribution of equipment’s to the said clinics before opening.



  1. So now with craft is now recognised under pf . Is it not lungu who had sangomas invited at state house few years back. Please do as you say u maggots.

  2. be wornd you tongas who like witchcraft, the government employs people to serve the communities not to bewitch t. so be it wina azanya.

  3. According to Zambian Watchdog PF is in power because of witchcraft. That’s why the villagers don’t want you sending people to them who don’t know anything about witchcraft.

  4. The ministry of Religious Affairs and Spiritual Planning needs to employ it’s own wizards and witches and deploy them to these areas where incidents are high. We need to provide a conducive environment for the delivery of government services.

  5. The problem lies in the way our govt employ the civil servants.There’s massive corruption, nepotism,and lack of foresight in doing feasibility study in rural areas.The solution is to integrate the locals into the civil service e.g cleaner,gardeners,tea-makers etc.We have a situation where-by people entrusted with employing civil servants do export the mentioned positions from province A to B instead of at-least reserving minor jobs to locals as priority.

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