Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Zambia will not realise her potential with selfish citizens– President Lungu


Mwata kazembe paul mpemba kanyembo being taken around the main arena during the umutomboko ceremony in mwansabombwe
Mwata kazembe paul mpemba kanyembo being taken around the main arena during the umutomboko ceremony in mwansabombwe

President Edgar Lungu has said that Zambia will not realise her potential if citizens put their self-interest first other than national interest.

President Lungu said that national development takes place only when citizens align their behaviour and practices in the best interest of the nation.

Mr Lungu noted that communities cannot prosper if businesses pursue profit over principle, pollute the natural environment or squeeze out vulnerable suppliers.

Communities are disadvantaged if their Members of Parliaments abstain from their parliamentary duties or their chiefs do not serve them well, said Mr Lungu.

The Head of State said this yesterday in Mwansabombwe district during the 2017 Umutomboko Traditional Ceremony of the Lunda speaking people of Luapula province.

President Lungu said the Umutomboko Traditional Ceremony is not only a source of great pride for the Lunda culture but a wonderful celebration for all Zambians.

Mr Lungu has since commended the Provincial Administration in Luapula for their vision to use the region’s cultural assets to promote investment in the province.

Paramount chief mpezeni with his impis arrive at the main arena to attend the umutom boko ceremony in mwansabombwe
Paramount chief mpezeni with his impis arrive at the main arena to attend the umutom boko ceremony in mwansabombwe

And Mr Lungu therefore called on traditional rulers, politicians, industrialists and all citizens of Zambia to put aside partisan differences aside for the interest of the country. The President has meanwhile urged traditional leaders to work together to find a lasting solution to the challenge of succession.

President Edgar Lungu also appealed to Zambians to rally behind the implementation of the Seventh National Development Plan (SNDP ). President Lungu says the job of developing the country should not be left to government alone but required concerted efforts of all citizens. Mr. Lungu said that without the participation of the citizenry it would be difficult to realise the plans contained in the SNDP, adding that Zambia’s potential will not be fully realized unless everyone contributes in the development process.

Partisan politics should be set aside as they have the potential to derail national development, the Head of State said. Instead, President Lungu called for hard work and collective input in implementing the Seventh National Development Plain.

Chieftainess lukwesa performing the umutomboko dance during the umutomboko ceremony in mwansabombwe
Chieftainess lukwesa performing the umutomboko dance during the umutomboko ceremony in mwansabombwe

Meanwhile President Lungu says traditional ceremonies play an important role of bring people together of different cultures and customs.

The Republican President says the Umutomboko traditional ceremony of the Lunda speaking people in Mwansabombwe District is one such traditional ceremony that units people of different tribes.

President Lungu called for the preserving of culture as it the surest way of passing it to the next generation.

And speaking earlier at the same ceremony, a representative of Mwata Kazembe, Misheck Kaoma thanked government for rendering support towards the hosting of this year’s event.

Princess kanyanta and prince kanyembo performing the umutomboko dance during umutomboko ceremony in mwansabombwe
Princess kanyanta and prince kanyembo performing the umutomboko dance during umutomboko ceremony in mwansabombwe

And President Edgar Lungu has since returned to Lusaka from Luapula Province where he went to grace the first ever Luapula Investment Expo and the 2017 Umutomboko traditional ceremony of the Lunda speaking people.

The President arrived at City Airport this evening aboard a Zambian Airforce plane.

Home Affairs Minister Steven Kampyongo and other senior Government officials were on hand to receive the Republican president,

Defence and Security Chiefs, Members of the Patriotic Front (PF) were also at hand to welcome the Head of State.

And speaking to Journalists, Special Assistant for Press and Public Relations, Amos Chanda said President Lungu is happy with the phenomenon success of the Luapula Investment Expo.

Mr Chanda said the success of the Expo clearly shows the confidence investors have in the country.

He disclosed that the event also provided an interaction among Chiefs from other province on the importance of chiefdoms’ national development effort and in building the country’s harmony and stability.

Mr Chanda said the efforts of the Luapula Province Administration’s to attract Investment has encouraged other provinces to do the same with Northern Province likely to be the next.

Mwata kazembe paul mpemba kanyembo performing the umutomboko dance during the umutomboko ceremony in mwansabombwe Photos by Charles Banda ZANIS
Mwata kazembe paul mpemba kanyembo performing the umutomboko dance during the umutomboko ceremony in mwansabombwe
Photos by Charles Banda ZANIS


  1. Dictator Edgar Lungu using Bonny Kapeso last night arrested over 200 Tongas.

    The arrested people were being picked from their homes, others outside their yards, and moving to buy things by the shops.

    Lungu has said State of Emergency is only for Tongas and a few Bembas stating yesterday that Luapula province will not be affected by the state of emergency.

    Zambian Eagle is also on the ground as Kapeso has been ordered that people in Southern province must be in their houses by 16:00 hours.

    Details later..

    • The president has said something very sensible BUT should have added that zambia will not attain any meaningful development with selfish leaders too.
      Who leave their own people with a huge york of debt.
      Who are always looking for allowances.
      Who are involved in corruption.
      Who serve their own selfish motives and not those of the people.
      And the list goes on.
      Our leaders must take serious action now or else Zambia will overtake Nigeria as one of the most corrupt nations in Africa.

    • I agree with him.

      Selfishness of refusing to accept that he is rightful president.

      The flawed analysis that HH is jailed by Lungu.

      Refusal to recognise that Lungu is the greatest president we had ever had.

      Shame all of you on your selfishness.

      I hold a PhD



    • The Lunda of Luapula do not speak Lunda ! Ba Lsk times please get your facts right! Lundas of Luapula have been Bembanised from the time of the Luba Lunda migration with one group entering Luapula and the other entering Angola, NW province and Western province.

  2. The only selfish little chap is that one who used crooked ways to prevent the petition being heard. It’s that one who went on to illegally inaugurate himself and then persecuted opposition leading to the arrest of legal president hh. Lungu talks too much and hides behind being humble but the rat has nothing to point at as his achievements. Visionless chicken he is

  3. The most selfish and self centred person is ‘You’ Lungu. Psycho-analyse yourself critically first! You are fraud Edgar Lungu!

  4. Those are the same statements that chairman mao used to say to his people. Is our president getting coached by the Chinese .

  5. Malema calls lungu a coward…..allow people to oppose you if you are a true leader …..mastonline

  6. 5.1 NEZ, all sensible Zambians puke when they read about “unheard petitions”. Not worth a comment, knowing what we know about UPNDonkeys.
    Definition: By sensible Zambians we mean the 50%+1 plus the majority of the 47% who have now accepted that the next elections will be in 2021.
    Those who want to be donkeys can remain so, see you in 2021.

    • Well said Terrible!! @ spaka like a donkey: …all.his looting exposed by Kambwili?? All the excriment that comes out of the PF sewer is zealously consumed by upnd and Kambwili is the latest. As usual he will come with bitterness and hate dogma about ECL and you will embrace him with open arms as your collection of impotent political brains grows. Like the Mwanawasa anti-corruption circus, there is nothing that can be proved and convicted in a court of law concerning your useless allegations. So as Terrible has put, remain bitter until 2021!! as Mushota would put it: #lemonstill2021.

  7. Lungu is the current Head of State and Commander in Chief. It is Lungu who directed Kanganja to arrest HH and charge him with fake Treason charges. The responsibility of HH’s arrest and incarceration lies aquarely on Lungu’s shoulders. If Lungu wanted to set HH free he would have released him by now. Sadist Lungu is abusing State Institutions and Machinery to persecute his Opponents like HH. Lungu will pay a price for violating other human beings rights. Lungu should know that u live by the Sword u die by the Sword.

  8. Unfortunately selfishness blossomed from the top office when our leaders failed to address a decaying country and moral degradation. Selfishness is when you think of yourself at the expense of others…high debt, high corruption, immoral ministers and government officials, ignoring peoples views, punishing opposing ideas instead f listening and evaluating. Selfishness is calling oneself right and the other wrong.
    Yes, sir President Lungu you are right…if that continues(as it is in the current government and all others) we will have more difficulty realizing our potential!!!

  9. “Put partisan differences aside for the interest of the country ” In other words everyone in the country must support the one that is delivering the speech, even if it sounds unconvincing. It’s the duty of government to stop corrupt behaviours and to set a good example to the citizens, not the other way round. This has nothing to do with tribes or party affiliation and please just be advised that I do not belong to any of these parties!! I will only comment if something doesn’t sound fair and democratic.

  10. UPND dunderheads still thinking about the petition wow !!! I have never seen such dullness thats why the late Sata called them under 5. Imagine they even tried to compete with the Presidential motorcade how dull can you get????

  11. @Nachimunya don’t just yap show us the corruption you are talking about its like accusing you of being an adulterer with no evidence but relying on heresay and social media

    • When a rapist refuses a DNA test he is hiding something …..lungu refused to let the nation hear the petition….

  12. @Sparka lilo The so called rapist first of all he was wrongly accused and had his DNA taken but the accuser didn’t have the original DNA with which to compare with. For 14 days it was just preliminary applications not even one shred of evidence was presented before Concourt his lawyers even abandoned him

    • How can some one who won an election rather be called a theif and rule over a divided country than just let the petition run its course so the nation sees that there is no evidence ?? Instead of relying on 14 days like that 14 days will change the evidence….

  13. Its like a cancer, a biopsy taken of the brain of a UPNDonkey shows that it all started with a small malignant tissue of misleading themselves and then it spread across the brain and across the whole population of donkeys. The poor UPNDonkeys dont even know where their problem started from thereby making it difficult to find a cure for them. Now they are totally lost and dont know where it all started from, they hallucinate about “petitions”, motorcades, dialogue, you name it. To make matters worse there is not even a single UPNDonkey who has escaped the disease to be able to advise underfive.

    • You PF rats only think of stealing and violence……even kambwili is being threatened with extreme violence in from of lungu for harbouring presidential ambitions…..

    • The donkey party logo is still a well-known symbol for the Democratic Party in the USA. Donkeys symbolise hard work and diligence. A donkey is as obedient as it is stubborn to gain what is rightfully the donkey’s. So every time you refer to the UPND as donkeys you are affirming the the spirit of hardwork. Thanks @Terrible.

  14. What’s your argument Mamba? Mine is about hypocrisy and malpractice and yours is insulting constructive criticism. The evidence is in what the majority of Zambians say , report and see . I will criticise bad issues if I see them as I am open minded and have tasted true democracy. Sometimes people agree with things because that’s all they know, or maybe they are part of that corruption. Freedom of speech and expression in a democratic country….

  15. @Nachimunya which majority of Zambians? ? Is 3 provinces the majority ( one of which has extreme hatred for ECL )??.Like you have siad we all freedom of speech and expression and us in 7 Provinces are firmly behind ECL and we are not forced or corrupted its our right to choose who we see fit to lead us.

    • Ati us in 7 provinces ?? A diffrence of only 100,000 between 3 snd 7 provinces ?? That is eqivanlent to only 3 townships in lusaka !!

  16. Once more , this is not a party or tribal issue … it’s about bad governance by which ever party is in government. You have your God given right to support who ever you please but don’t stop others from expressing their concerns… it’s called bullying and psychopathic. Let’s argue constructively and move this country forward, and not into the dark ages

  17. Lungu is now being called a corrupt coward by mulema, if you are a true leader allow people to oppose you.

    After locking up HH now kambwili is being threatened with extreme violence in front of lungu by PF ministers because they think he has political ambitions…..

  18. The opposite is always true! When Bowman Lusambo says only regions that recognize Lungu (in other words regions that did not vote for him but voted for other parties) will not receive development, is that not the selfishness that hinders national development? The problem is not with the citizen but squarely with PF’s leadership divisive politics!

  19. I wonder why it us only certain regions and tribes who see bad governance us we are seeing development.@sparka Lilo ati 100,000 votes with 3 quarters of your votes coming from 0ne region and one tribe us we win in 7 provinces including Lusaka and Copperbelt where the most educated of our citizens live

    • You did not win in lusaka, that is why lungu relied on the 14 days to stop the nation seeing the UPND petition…..who in their right mind as a leader would rather be called a theif and rule over a divided country like lungu instead of just letting the nation see what the petition had ???

      As they say is a rapist refuses a DNA test….

  20. Who is calling ECL are thief??? . If UPND had won Lusaka this Country would have been ungovernable especially after the arrest of HH . You UPND donkeys live in dreamland thinking everybody is looking at reality through your eyes NO we can see what is in your hearts PURE HATRED

  21. Chiefs and their ceremonies have no place on the 21 century. This is one of the reasons that africa cant develop.

    Mr President you words sound good at face value. But we all know the citizenry is sacrificing a lot for the country. The politicians on the other hand are behaving like monkeys in a maize field (pun not intended).

  22. #1, Only 200 Tongas arrested? They must arrest at least 3,000! Can’t you see the confusion you are bringing in the nation? Your party is tribal!

  23. There are reasons why the UPND used 14 days clause not to present the rigging claims. Do you think learned lawyers of UPND would waste time with preliminaries if they had evidence of rigging? To the contrary there are strong claims that under age children voted in southern province.

  24. So those who are still talking about the petition deliberately fail to think through issues. Had the petition taken off, it would have exposed UPND rigging activities particularly in southern, people who saw children they teach voting & yet were under voting age. Its wise to move on.

  25. Plesse spare us with the petition issues. Its water under the bridge. Its wisdom to work on weaknesses than crying for the petition. Also to pray for HH so that God’s mercy should prevail over his case. I am shocked how people pretend to love HH but not even prayers have been arranged for him.

  26. I agree with the president Zambia needs everyone’s attention in order to develop, but the question is, “who is selfish”.

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