President Edgar Lungu has today announced that HIV Testing, Counselling and Treatment is now Compulsory in Zambia in all government run health facilities.
President Lungu disclosed that the development is official Government policy and that there is no debate about it.
He said the new policy measure is in response to Government’s HIV agenda of ending HIV by 2030.
President Lungu made the landmark announcement at the inaugural HIV Testing Counselling and Treatment Day commemoration under the theme “Test and Treat: Towards Ending AIDS” held at the Olympic Youth Development Centre (OYDC) in Lusaka.
President Lungu added that Cabinet debated this matter last night and reached this decision.
He emphasized that protecting life of the affected and those who they can affect overrides the human rights argument about voluntary testing.
“I must admit that there were some colleagues who felt that this policy would infringe on human rights but the no one has the right take away somebody’s life. Just the same way we don’t consult you for consent when we are testing for Malaria, we will go ahead and test you for HIV and we will counsel you and if you are positive, we will commence you on treatment,” President Lungu said.
The policy is however a major shift from global standards and guidelines set by the World Health Organisation (WHO) and UNAIDS that promotes voluntary counselling and testing.
The two UN agencies are strongly opposed to mandatory HIV testing.
Several studies have shown that as much as compulsory testing increases treatment outcomes, the regime also promotes stigma towards HIV.
I know the president and his government mean well. But compulsory HIV testing will infringe the rights of patients. The problem with HIV is that it is a multidimensional illness with both medical and social factors to consider. For instance, the same health workers also exacerbate the stigma around HIV and AIDS.
When you say that the new policy measure is in response to Government’s HIV agenda of ending HIV by 2030, what are you going to do with those that are already HIV positive? Do you intend to find a cure by 2030?
I am NEGATIVE, because I have only slept with ONE person in the last 7 years or so and I know he is negative and will NEVER cheat on me because he told me so.
SO not worried
As a health professional I find this disgusting. This will not only increase the workload of the already overworked health workers but will also open lead to premature deaths of some patients who would be told about their HIV positive status at a time when they would not be ready to be told otherwise. Each individual should only know about his or her HIV status when they request it
No price tag on HIV, while the failed project on whether Zambia should pull out of the ICC had a humongous price tag of K2milli(rebased).
They know that their crazy selfish policies are hated by Zambians. They have twice failed to get public approval for their selfish plans – the referendum and ICC exit. Now they are resorting to approving these crazy ideas in their echo chamber at State House.
vision no hiv 2030? the man is telling you that once tested positive, they will make sure you are all dead by 2030 and here you are supporting. i would be very weary about this. read carefully what he is saying. does he mean to tell me that a person who is hiv positive can not leave more than 15 years? he will make sure you are dead before then?
Mandatory testing here should be explained. does it mean when i go UTH everytime nga nalwala even for a small thing, i will be tested for HIV? you cant compare malaria to hiv/aids. the two are different. one has a death sentence on it while the other is curable. so the approach to testing cant be the same. simple research techniques show you this
Lungu has just arranged a huge kickback for himself and his PF on sales of HIV test kits to the MOH.!!!
How many millions has he added to his 23 millions now?
this decision should have been made in the early 90s. china did this and they stalled the problem.
hard, but great decision from the president
Jonathan must lead by example, he should be the first one to test and show us the results,, that’s what great leaders do.
End HIV by 2030?
Good luck ndeloleshafye with that high rate of poverty, unemployment and hunger?
All that mutototo being sold openly anf the rate of promiscuity in the country?
Its a joke right?
If you are annouce such things as leader ..step up and do an HIV test publicly!!
Not in Zambia. It will be all gossip….
This is about the first time I agree with the President. Good move!
This news is incomplete for any one to make sound decisions out of it. At what stage will people be tested? Is this in line with medical ethics? At what stage will be the so called counseling be happing after testing or before? This gives alot of questions than answers.
I just do not understand what the fuss about HIV testing is. Every year I undertake my comprehensive medical checks which include HIV, prostate, hepatitis, etc just to inform myself about the state of my health. I just completed my medicals for this year. Does any person really need government to tell them about the importance of them knowing about the state of their health? Better know about the state of your health and lead a healthier life than wait for GRZ to tell you about this!
Is this guy for real? Just when I thought I could give him the benefit of a doubt, he sinks even lower to the gutter. What utter rubbish is this coming from a president.
First such decisions must be backed by research and proved knowledge… such decisions should come from medical, social and psychological professionals with demonstrated data to back up the idea. Not from Chakolwa whose only interest is to steal votes and steal public money.
And I actually think this is illegal… only parliament can make such declarations; matter of fact only the constitution can make such declarations and not a group of chakolwas who think they know it all.
By the way did he mean only the workers in govt hospitals will undergo mandatory HIV testing or he means the entire population of…
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By the way did he mean only the workers in govt hospitals will undergo mandatory HIV testing or he means the entire population of Zambia?
And who said testing alone will eradicate HIV, boy is this dude and the bunch he leads really normal? Ending in 2030? Even highly developed nations don’t give themselves such nonsense deadlines. Surely they must be on drugs these PF bunch.
Because the stupid ignorant Minister of Southern province who said that he cannot get HIV AIDS because he’s circumcised. One man illetracy has brought this on all the people.
as you can see from the many negative votes re your ‘contribution’ today,
readers of LT are NOT interested in your personal behavior.
STOP abusing LT for your exhibitionist behavior!
It is a stupid idea for the following reasons:
1] He can”t guarantee that he will provide HIV medications, without fail for all those found to be positive!
2] His same govt is encouraging Circumcision so that people can continue having UNPROTECTED Sex enmasse,
good idea to try & wipe out a population – One wonders why the rest of the world isn’t rushing to cut off
peoples bits!!!!
3] As some have already suggested, it is probably a “Money -Pocketing exercise” for him & PF!!
4] He HAS NO AUTHORITY TO MAKE THIS LAW!!! Unless he enforces it as a dictator!!
Parliament will have to make it law!! not some drunken chap just waking up & making it compulsory!!
Zambia is a signatory to the human rights convention and these laws are enshrined in our constitution. Am just wondering how a President who is a lawyer can just wake up one morning to announce that he doesn’t care breaking them. I don’t understand why Lungu decided to study law when he obviously has no respect for it’s guidance. Eg he misappropriated clients money, refused to handover power to Guy Scott, disregarded the PF constitution to become president, kept cabinet ministers in offices after dissolution of parliament, refused to vacate office when he was petitioned, has kept cabinet ministers who have lost their seats in parliament and now this one. These are serious breaches of the constitution that will haunt him once out of state house. He swore to uphold the constitution…
Then lets also make the testing for every other condition compulsory e.g. diabetes testing, CT scan, endoscopy, x-ray, cholesterol testing, cancer testing etc
Whatha flap dude!?!!? Which human right is next on your agenda?!
This is what you get when you have a bunch of illiterate *****s drunk with power in Cabinet. Now they have even stopped trying to look democratic by debating this in Parliament.
Meant i-d-i-o-t-s!
Ka dictator Lungu. He doesn’t even understand democracy. Ati:
Lungu added that Cabinet debated this matter last night and reached this decision.
Cabinet doesn’t represent the people
It can’t debate for us the people. It is parliament which represents people
People will be shunning away from visiting clinics and hospitals for fear of being forced to do what they do not want. A serious survey would have been taken before the pronouncement, this is life we are talking about and not politics. Some people are surviving because they do not know their status and as soon as they do, no amount of counseling will serve their lives.
Cabinet debated the issue??? Perhaps the members of cabinet should stand up and get tested first.
If cabinet can pass such a sweeping law perhaps they also need to consider passing a law that makes testing of all presidential candidates mandatory.
They tested themselves at Parliament Motel with their casual partners!!
well no one can force me to be tested for HIV aids, if you want go ahead and get tested. people get tasted and found negative or positive still go around and have sex with different people and go again for testing what for?
if we want to end HIV AIDS by 2030!
1. no sex before marriage
2.have one wife like myself or one husband.
3.sisters and mothers stop undressing yourselves and the government should introduce a dress code.
3. fornication & adultery 5 year imprisonment.
4.if you divorce not allowed to enter in marriage with another person until your former spouse dies.
This is a good move by the President because a patient will go to the clinic and complain of continuous coughing which antibiotics fail to treat. So the health care officer should check the underlying cause which could be the drastic drop in CD4 count due to HIV status. If they find the patient positive, they are then empowered to deal with the cause of the cough than spend lots of money treating symptoms.Those who do not want to be tested should stop going to government health care facility and visit native doctors instead. We must also know that HIV positive patients might have problems with certain medication which doctors should know and avoid. Someone is trying to keep you alive and you are shouting human rights. DIE OF AIDS THEN AND ATTAIN COPSE RIGHTS AT THE CEMETERY
End Aids by 2030! What an unrealistic goal! Are u gonna invent a cure? Or RU planning to kill all HIV positive people in 2029? Do you even have advisors on health?
Take this to Parliament dude.
Also, can someone introduce a bill on ethics around state house officials and First Lady receiving gifts and donations. It creates an environment for corruption and favours.
I voted for an MP to represent my views in Parliament, when was this tabled, debated and discussed in Parliament?
In a Democracy, such issues would be discussed and debated thoroughly. This is infringing on my rights as a citizen.
What rights? Do you have rights to infect others with HIV?
Iwe ka shu shu shu!
Ask the PF general secretary who has crocodile skin on his face that question, and ask Jonathan and his family to test first and show us the results
This is long overdue actually those that willfully transmit HIV should be charged for attempted murder. I remember I had a neighbour who lost 4 wives by the time I was leaving Zambia and we used to call him ” serial Killer”. The man hid his status and somehow used to convince the women he was marrying that they were bewitched by the late wives’ relatives because they were jealousy of him.
What long overdue naiwe, it should not be compulsory and by force, just put laws which jail those who infect other like in UK, USA etc… Don’t ‘donkeying’ people this is a free world. Jonathan doesn’t own zambia
What a horrifying set of archaic laws you have listed there. I shutter in horror to think such a set of human rights violations would be even considered.
How about we just focus on scientific research and safe sex education when it comes to curbing and controlling for the spread of HIV/AIDS. We have three to four public Universities, they should have been conducting research on the subject area ages ago. I wonder how many papers have been written and published on the subject from UNZA and CBU.
This was in reply to “st”
A cabinet full of Grade 12s sat down and decided!!
International research denotes that mandatory HIV testing undermines human rights and is potentially detrimental to public health. ( Human rights Watch 2004)
The decision to mandatory HIV testing must not have been left to politicians alone to undertake. Health Care technocrats should have been consulted and a systematic reviews of evidence provided to provide evidence or cement evidence.
This is a dangerous trend were politicians are now becoming a legal and scientific authority, in most of these instances the state will infringe the human rights of its citizens by which it has sworn to abide. Let’s revisit what the UNAIDS and WHO guidelines stipulate on voluntary HIV testing?
EL is my man but on this one I strongly disagree with him. Anything to do with health care isn’t a simple things. You can’t debate overnight and come with a conclusion overnight. Let people be heard on this issue and then we can conclude. Democracy without debate is not good democracy.
i want it the Bible way, believe it or not. no sex before marriage, one wife and one husband period.
next time we’re going to hear that it is mandatory to marry at least 4, the world is falling apart!
This should start with inmates and remandees at Mukobeko and Chimbokaila. Start with (HH) and his 5 co-accused.
@Kudos. iwee tomba noko fyonse ma politics. Be serious sometimes, grow up!
The President is right since he has a mandate to maintain a health Zambia with productive population to drive the nation. You can not have a right to ill health.
How are they going to enforce it? The cost of testing is not as simple as abc. You need expensive confirmatory tests after the screening test is positive. There is a cost in screening for HIV on every person who presents to a health institution. Screening should be targeted, not wholesale. Wrong policy! HIV is not a political matter to approve in a cabinet meeting. Malnutrition and malaria kill more children in Zambia than HIV.
What a bunch of scumbags!
Are these powers coming under the threatened state of public emergency?
I support mr lungu on this.
Every birth, every marriage, every visit to hospital should include a test. Too many unnecessary deaths and transmissions because of ignorance….
@spaka like lilo my brother, certain things should not be forced on people. Health issues are very sensitive and need patient and medical practitioner consent to be tackled. The president and his cabinet are really showing dictatorial tendencies in making policies that infringe on the rights of others. As many comments have already noted, there are already penalties for whatever criminal issues arise from people using HIV as a weapon. Let’s not accept such outlandish policies, please!
THis law should be repealed with immediate effect as it infringes on peoples rights to freedom of choice.Who said when you get tested then you disengage from having unprotected sex? It will only entrench stigma.Are going to tag +ve people in order to dissuade others from having sex with you?
I actually this decision. it will really help in preventing transmission as more people get on drugs. In the long run, we get to save people who would have otherwise been infected by untreated people.
HIV treatment and cure is in the mind.No policy or laws will cure the scourge apart from the mind.People who have the virus have learnt to live with a positive mind while those without have tended to live with a careless mind thinking that the disease will not visit them.HIV,as at now,is not all that deadly as compared to diseases like Diabetes and High Blood Pressure.People with HIV have a long life span as compared to the aforementioned diseases.
The world we live in is full of diseases.The worst disease that one can experience is ignorance.With ignorance comes in diseases like AIDS,Diabetes and High Blood Pressure.People should be equipped with knowledge on how to prevent such vices.
Good move for once Mr president, way to go. Juts go and get tested, it will save you life.
‘He said the new policy measure is in response to Government’s HIV agenda of ending HIV by 2030.’
There is no cure for HIV, where are the so called experts in Zambia? malaria is treatable but you cannot end the disease. Table malaria first but treat your ignorance as well!
Does it mean that if you test for HIV then you stop having sex? I have interacted with people who give up on life just because they discovered that they have HIV. Others starts even fonicating more even after heavy counselling. I support the president on the need to combert the pandemic, but i totaly disagree with the method. I purely see this dictorship of doing things as unnecessary. It is not by power nor by mighty, but by the spirity of God everything is possible. i also see many people like me shunning grz hospitals otherwise i am going back to my roots. After many of us were born like our great man Michael Sata ( under the tree).
Cabinet has no right to decide for the entire population. A survey should carried out before the decision. People will be dying of small diseases in fear of getting tested for h.i.v. Instead, focus on educating people on how to prevent themselves from getiing it. that is the way to go.
This is long over due. HIV now is well understood and highly accepted by the general citizenry of this country. It takes a bold leader to make such a decision which of course is debatable but at the end of the day is beneficial to the majority. It is very true that most patients have to be told what they are suffering from by the medical personnel. I therefore don’t find anything unusual or infringing on my rights to be told by a nurse, lab technician or doctor that the results are HIV positive just like they do with malaria. Bane just go for the test, if positive, start the treatment right away!!!!
Mr President should lead by example by taking the test and encouraging his ministers to also take the test. Don’t ask people to put their heads in the microwave if you can’t put yours in first. Testing should be compulsory however, it would have had a massive impact if he demonstrated by taking the test himself.
This decision has the ringtone of dictatorship. Nuff said
Much as it is wrong and dangerous to reveal the HIV status to an individual who is not ready for the results, its so painful to see how peoples children are wilfully infected. An elderly person who is supposed to be a father/mother will go flat out to infect innocent school children (your children) for years.
Its clear that the President and his cabinet may not be popular on this matter because most of the people are infected and do not want to break the habit, but I think we should reach a point where whoever is sick should be identified regardless of the impact. If someone has malaria they proudly come out in open why not HIV? We need to uphold a firm stance on this matter and I think the President and his Cabinet are not very far from the truth.
This debate is healthy, and so is the decision to make HIV testing compulsory. The scourge has been with us since the 1980’s, and because of the global denial, it spread like bushfire. President Kaunda was brave enough to confirm that his son had died of Aids during the 1980’s. The international community praised him and a lot more people opened up. Without his courage, we may not be speaking about HIV/Aids as openly as we do today. In some countries, HIV/Aids is no longer a notifiable disease i.e. you don’t alert authorities’ immediately you encounter it, but rather just proceed with treatment. But small-pox and polio that we freely talk about are still notifiable diseases. Treatment for HIV/Aids is getting better by the year and there is no shame in signing up. What WHO and UNAids…
……. What WHO and UNAids provide are guidelines, and it is not law. The domestication of these guidelines is within the authority of Cabinet and can vary between nations. The decision is not discriminating against an individual or individuals.
Why oppose the president? right decision. Thumbs up! Decision has come late though
Let the president test and announce his results. That will mystify the fears people have. One thing he is forgetting is that when someone is tested and put on treatment they have to take medicine for life. There is no short term cure for HIV. Therefore you need to educate someone for one to have motivation to take the medicines. If there is no motivation chances of poor adherence are high and risks for transmitting drug resistant viruses become high too. Ba President your proclamation if implemented will kill the HIV program and many Zambians. Sorry! Minister of Health and his colleagues have given you wrong advise.
How many PF and UPND MPS are positive? Start with parliament as a good example!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Interesting. But if Zambia is signed to the UN Human Rights Charter, it cannot go ahead with this unless it is ready to risk donor aid being pulled out.
So is there now a law making HIV Testing compulsory? No counseling and no confidentiality? Has Lungu and his Ministers undergone HIV Testing? Then they must disclose their HIV Status in public.Human Rights are universal and therefore a compulsory HIV Policy is a violation of Human Rights.Dictator and Sadist Lungu should consult first instead of imposing the Tests on unwilling Zambians.
He must be first to be tested publicly and the first lady and results announced publicly.
Ninkani yamu tavern you people.
On a second thought, good move for once. Ministers and MPs should be the first to be tested. Also before VIPs before being repatriated to RSA, India etc. should be tested also at UTH. This will stop those deliberately spreading HIV. There should also be a way of communicating it to the public so that they stop infecting especially young girls and girls, innocent wives and husbands.
I dont support this move given HIV stigma in Zambia and bu kachepa
China is doing it. A known Middle east country is doing it. Why not us?? It will prepare the country well for treatment.
The announced Policy is against the Constitution of Zambia. Cabinet does not make laws but Parliament does. This was not presented in parliament. Even parliament cannot amend the Bill of rights without a majority Zambians saying yes through a referendum. Article 17 of the bill of rights protects our Privacy and i quote “Except with his own consent, no person shall be subjected to the search of his person or his property or the entry by others on his premises.”
That Policy if implemented can be successfully annulled by the Con Court. If they decide to be competent.
Religion and human right bring this lovely nation backward. Kaunda delayed to announce HIV/AIDS to the nation,hence many died. Today,what i really wished for has been pronounced. This move is great. problem,many Zambians pretend not to sleep around.Get tested and a choice to either take arvs or not will be yours. THANX ECL
Government has the responsibility to provide good health care to its citizens. To be able to do so, it is important that it has information about the state of health of its citizens to enable it plan well for them. Those who are against will be the first ones to seek medical treatment from government hospitals when they suffer from HIV and AIDs. If you are against this, then find alternative health facilities for yourself.
The ignorance that prevails in this government and among some bloggers has reached another shocking level. This is not only an infringement to rights, privacy and medical data, but goes against the very endeavour to reduce the prevalence of HIV. People will prefer to ‘go underground’, stigma and pointing fingers/blame will rise and will break up families/relationships. It’s also not only about HIV – the decision reverberates to respect and freedom of choice in all other areas of life. It is despicable that one can even say there should be ‘no debate about it’. This is riding roughshod over people by a few unthinking despots and MP’s that are impotent instead of representative. What’s the difference with the Philippines regime?
Ama landa kanwa… Announcement without proper strategies
Whets the fear kanshi? Get tested if ill go on ARVs but stop infecting and reinfection others especially if you are a busy body
Well done, Your Excellency ECL. How I wish this decision had been made 20 years ago. Anyway, better late than never. Well done. Mwa lasa ba kateka!! Epo mpelele.
Is this guy for real? Just when I thought I could give him the benefit of a doubt, he sinks even lower to the gutter. What utter rubbish is this coming from a president.
First such decisions must be backed by research and proved knowledge… such decisions should come from medical, social and psychological professionals with demonstrated data to back up the idea. Not from Chakolwa whose only interest is to steal votes and steal public money.
And I actually think this is illegal… only parliament can make such declarations; matter of fact only the constitution can make such declarations and not a group of chakolwas who think they know it all.
By the way did he mean only the workers in govt hospitals will undergo mandatory HIV testing or he means the entire population of…
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By the way did he mean only the workers in govt hospitals will undergo mandatory HIV testing or he means the entire population of Zambia?
And who said testing alone will eradicate HIV, boy is this dude and the bunch he leads really normal? Ending in 2030? Even highly developed nations don’t give themselves such nonsense deadlines. Surely they must be on drugs these PF bunch.
Because the stupid ignorant Minister of Southern province who said that he cannot get HIV AIDS because he’s circumcised. One man illetracy has brought this on all the people
This will bring more misery to some families, divorce cases will increase. Do we have enough Antiretroviral drugs in Zambia to stock for both rural and urban clinics Mr President? Do we have enough Laboratory Technicians to carry out these complicated Laboratory tests in every clinic? ( You these Laboratory personnel to avoid false HIV positive cases) What about reagents for the tests, have we found reliable constant suppliers? More information is needed for this project? I foresee a situation where after being diagnosed positive of the virus, the patients will be asked to buy their own medicines?
This will bring more misery to some families, divorce cases will increase. Do we have enough Antiretroviral drugs in Zambia to stock for both rural and urban clinics Mr President? Do we have enough Laboratory Technicians to carry out these complicated Laboratory tests in every clinic? ( You need these Laboratory personnel to avoid false HIV positive cases) What about reagents for the tests, have we found reliable constant suppliers? More information is needed for this project? I foresee a situation where after being diagnosed positive of the virus, the patients will be asked to buy their own medicines?
The health workers should be able to explain to the patients that this antiretroviral therapy (ART) cannot cure HIV, but will help them to live longer, healthier lives.
Too much presidential prerogatives being exercised in the country.. a sheer display of absolute power.
Let’s look further such “no debate” decisions have corruption some where down the line.
It wouldn’t be surprising if big pharmaceutical companies are paying the Zambian authorities to have every Zambian human tested for so called hiv.
Jonathan Pombe, why?
From pocket disappearance to project doctoration – test kits business here! That’s not how you implement public health policy! This is reckless pronouncement!
Mawe! Many suicide cases expected after one is told they are positive!
How will they even do this? Will they go door to door or force everyone to go to the hospital? How will they keep the records and what will they do with them? How often will they test the poor, unwilling, victims? I wonder if they really thought through this dictatorial policy. In Zambia, unfortunately, we are led by fiat and the president is really a king in disguise! There is no democracy in Zambia!
Let’s lead by example
who advised the president on this biased issue. THis is a cause of discrimination, in employment, and places undue pressure on counselling and hospitals and also on the poor!! Its pure discrimination as it communicates that those that are positive are better citizen?? is that fair??
Iwe Mushota is that something that you have to brag about.? Not everyone who is HIV positive applied for it. If you have nothing better to say then just shut your mandibles. Nothing good comes from your mouth. Ala ukuyumfwa ta kwa wama ba Mushota. Muka filila mu nsenga one day
As a doctor I won’t test anyone involuntarily. The medical association should not allow its mrdics to go against ethics.
Looks like there is now a cure for HIV in Zambia. The entire MOH is now talking of “Treatment” in their new HCTT instead of “Therapy”. Very interesting confusion!
A very brave move by the President. Those opposed to mandatory testing are evil in intentions. They are the ones spreading the virus. Sometimes one is subjected to some tests which the doctor would like to ascertain before prescribing medication and we don’t say NO to that.Doctors as well have the same life like yours to protect. Therefor I see no harm in them knowing the status of what they are handling.
Liar liar doctors ask you for your allergies thry dont test you unilaterally
This is a good decision Mr. President and i would be glad to hear your feedback on my submission. I would want you to go a step further to ensure that you increase the Health budget and give the HIV positive people “correct” drugs. I have used correct because i was told that government directed the withdraw of Atripla (with 3TC components) which had right combinations for cost considerations and replaced it with Generic Atripla, which according to the informant is giving people unwanted side effects that were not experienced with the earlier good version. For those that may not know, Atripla is one of the combinations which most people on ARVs are using in Zambia. Kindly intervene as i believe in your leadership. As for the issue of rights, it is a page that has to be opened another day…
This is commendable. “No one has the right to take away somebody’s life”. One question lingers: Do we have the capacity as government to provide patient with proper medical care?
Why should i be subjected to this? why forcing me to do it? at the end of the day very soon we hear that male circumcision is compulsory. Lets address real issues like founding out if Sondashi formula works, and give it to the people. TAKE IT TO PARLIAMENT FOR DEBATE.
Lungu has right out of ideas. Testing for HIV is a personal issue. He is deviating from real issues. This dicta-tor should deal with corruption and fraud in government which is going on everyday an abated. He is in fact the main contributor with his polices to the rapid increase in HIV.
I meant run out of ideas.
Who did cabinet consult? Zambia belongs to zambians.there are issues that go beyond just cabinet. I feel this will blow up stigma. Even the way some people are writing on such fora, it may not mean well to people living with HIV and those with AIDS. This matter requires sound thinking….it is not a matter you put in a table and start voting…
wot be better for us to be votingwevoting we should just accept I dot see the reason why pipo should say all that