Saturday, July 27, 2024

Allegations against Airtel borders on criminality and referred to Zambia Police-ZICTA


Patrick Mutimushi
Patrick Mutimushi
Zambia Information and Communications Technology Authority (ZICTA) Director General Patrick Mutimushi has said the intrusion of privacy by Airtel Networks in the country borders on criminality and not a regulatory issue.

Responding to Mr. Thomas Allan Zgambo of Lusaka Province who complained against Airtel Networks-Zambia on interception of data messages.

In a meeting with the Authority staff on October 25, 2017, Mutimushi advised Mr. Zgambo to pursue the matter with the Zambia Police Service.

He said this according to the Consumer Protection Guidelines which mandates the authority to refer any complaints to suitable bodies for recommendations, affirming that the matter has been referred to Zambia Police Service through the Office of the inspector General of Police.

And Mr. Mutimushi said the authority will not give any comment regarding Mr. Zgambo’s complaint until the matter is adjudicated upon by the High Court as he believes this matter is now subject to jurisdiction of the High Court.


  1. Laughable from Mr Mutimushi. Do you honestly think Police will investigate this matter when the arrest of Zgambo and subsequent prosecution was based on the phone tapping? That’s abrogating your responsibility, Mr Mutimushi. These guys were suspected of running the Zambia Watchdog, so the state decided to snoop on some suspected journalists with links to UPND. This was a systematically done by some police officers, ZICTA officials and Airtel. All three organisations took part in this illegality, that’s why Mr Mutimushi can’t act despite the court order.

    • @The Chosen One, the question you should be asking is: Was the wiretapping done legally, i.e. with a Court warrant? If not then someone has some explaining to do. Otherwise wiretapping someone suspected of criminal activities is not a crime or prohibited for as long as there is ‘Probable Cause’ and a Court Warrant is issued. This is done everywhere on planet Earth.

    • ZCITA should have first of established whether Airtel where within their mandate and if not, was their a waiver such as a court warrant to bend the rules?

      ZCITA is sounding like they are not the watchdog of the cellular network operators. They are being opaque.

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