Saturday, July 27, 2024

Calls for the impeachment of President Lungu a waste of time-Amos Chanda


Mr Amos Chanda
Mr Amos Chanda
Special Assistant to the President for Press and Public Relations, Amos Chanda says there is no offence which President Edgar Lungu has committed to warrant impeachment.

Mr. Chanda further says bringing such a motion to Parliament would be a waste of time.

Speaking to journalists in Lusaka, Mr. Chanda however stated that anyone is free to raise such a motion in parliament as parliamentarians would be exercising their democratic rights.

He further said President Lungu is capable of defeating such a motion as he has overwhelming numbers on his side in parliament as impeachment requires a two thirds majority.

And King Mswati of the Kingdom of Swaziland has departed for his Country after a 4 day private visit to Zambia.

The King who was in the company of the Queen was seen off by President Edgar Lungu and First Lady, Esther.

The aircraft carrying the King and other members of the royal family took off at about 18:15 hours from Kenneth Kaunda International Airport in Lusaka.

And Special Assistant to the President for Press and Relations, Amos Chanda said King Mswati’s private visit included social engagements to promote tourism and bilateral relations between Zambia and Swaziland.


  1. Amos let’s not get too comfortable whilst we are in power. with acts like the attack on Luampa MP our President will need more luck than a 2/3 majority in 2021. wise up!

    2017 vote Mr Kudos most objective and best blogger

    • it’s no secret that there are some people among us like Felix who would like to see ECL ejected and take hold of our party.

      Such confusions can easily betray our focus don’t be surprised if you’ll be the ones needing a petition against Mr Paradise boy AKA supreme leader Hayatolla Hakainde

    • This is a wake up call to parties like fdd, heritage, unip, green party, narep, since formation some even more than 10 years no MP produce, don’t just aim for presidency, but am mps as well. PF knows that even its dosing mps will wake up when this comes to parliament.

    • Don’t worry Mr Bamos, we will get all of you thieves later even if the impeachment doesn’t work. That you are afraid actually confirms your guilt.

      Lungu is in 2021 going in for treasonable hanging on to power when he should have let the Speaker run the country during the petition. ALL PF ministers are also spending years in Chimboz for clinging on to their offices and salaries after parliament was dissolved in 2016.

      MwaPyaa, we are coming for you, there is no escape.

    • Kudos there is nothing wrong with paradise, if your organizations ain’t on those papers then your business ain’t genuine. Appleby is law firm and deals with only genuine businesses, you won’t find murky businesses like that one which supplied wheelbarrows.

    • When this goes to parliament you will hear strange names of constituencies like chipili etc and some mps will speak for the first time.

    • Iwee ka chiik@lour ka Amos…its wealthy trying…just to remind Jameson that Zambia as a nation is not his wr he do or say anything he dreams of….

    • Amos is right.

      You would a fo0l to think otherwise and I wholeheartedly know there is a lot on here least the ones dismissing Amos.

      President Lungu is the right man at the throne and certainly until 2026.


      I hold a PhD



    • The BEMBA & NGONI cousin-ship is currently very strong. Nothing compared to TONGA & LOZI cousin-ship.

      Lungu has support and thats why HH and his H’elievers will try any games to get rid of him.

      UPND blind followers thought GBM was a BIG FACTOR. But it was proved that he was NOT. He failed completely in his own back yard of Kasama. So is

      Nevers Mumba as in Chinsali failed to deliver for UPND

      Kambwili has already been distanced by the Bemba Clan. To the point of being refused to meet Chief Chitimukulu.

      Lungu is safe….!!!

    • So sick and lame excuse from Amos. He is not denying the charge but counting on numerical advantage of fellow crooks in parliament. Pathetic!

    • This boy is forgetting who pays his salary…look where George Chella is and where his arrogance got him? Zambia has truly gone to the dogs…

    • Amos is right.

      Theere is nothing wrong that the president did by giving counsel to the judiciary.

      In fact if you know your civics (or is it catering) well, you will realise that one of the main responsibilities of each arm of govt is to check on each other.

      The National Assembly can check on the executive or the judiciary, the judiciary can also check on the National Assembly or the executive, and also the executive can check on the National Assembly and the judiciary.

      How many times has the judiciary ruled against the executive, and how many times has the National Assembly discussed and criticised the executive?

      Why should the executive be the victim who is not allowed (when it has the legal right) to check on the other two arms of govt when they are legally and freely…

  2. Akalilo ba Amos Chanda, uletina fye iwe kabwalala pantu pompwe mubiyo nga aya ninshi naiwe wine kuya bebele. What good can you credit Edgar Corruption Lungu for apart from plunder and corruption ? You MUST be a joke to the proper governance of this country. Stealing and corruption is in your DNA, that is why many of you in the PF don’ t feel ashamed with the amazing destruction you have caused to this once beautiful country. In fact, it’ s cardinal that first of all you evaluate what you would like to talk about before you bring it into the public domain because by doing what you have done, you are just reflecting your folly and emptiness of your head.

  3. The trouble with UPND is that, they only want to come to power for revenge.
    To win you need to tell people what you will do to improve the affairs of the country.

  4. Tell Amos Chanda that the numbers in parliament in far less than thr numbers to cast vote next year. Amos Chanda should not pontificate time will tell.

  5. Upnds hate for Ecl is worrying. They potray a picture like ecl was never voted by anyone forgetting that more than half of the eligible voters voted for him. The proof is in the numbers of mps parliament. If pf had no representation in parliament yes you can urgue that issue and possibly succeed in your impeachment process.

    • Comment: Ni gaz are hating, cause their s h*t is boring, my sh *t is PARADISE, am chilling with the Queen, Zuckerberg and some bollyhood actors.

      Boy from bweengwa started from the bottom, keep hustling, cause life is a hustle, now at the top.
      Paying all my bills on time, ZRA knows that, and keep balling, balling

  6. This nigga is wholly dependent on Lungu remaining in office for his job security.Of course he’ll say that.

  7. even if you impeach him u5 is not going to state

    He thought the death of sata was a step to plot one. never . it will never happen

    • even if you vote red u5 will never rule zambia . yes he can win simple majorityvnot 50+1 . rerun will work for us 3 provinces against 7

  8. To impeach the thug is the only way forward. About 30 ANC MPs voted Zuma out. The same could happen in Zambia. PF MPs could and must do a donchi on the thug.

    • But iwe wantanshi uli saka!! Which Zuma was voted out by 30 mps??? Musholozi has survived 8 votes of no confidence and he is seeing out his term. You really think Zambians are backwards and don’t have access to this information??? Uli shilu???

  9. Amos, whatever happens today ELC will not be there forever and that time will come to be accountable.You may seem invincible now but time will surely come!Prepare for that day!

  10. Ba Chanda tukusheni amasaya ne nsekete, your time of reckoning will come, you will even regret ever knowing Lungu and you will curse the day you were conceived and the day when someone bore the news that a weak baby boy has been born. You should not think that you will continue in that comfort zone forever. Are you the first and last in that position? Kindly give this message also to Lungu, Kaizer and all those that are illegally basking in the comfort zone. We shall see you in Court, all the evidence you keep challenging us to produce now is safe somewhere and will be produced then so that we do not waste the Court’s and the Country’s time to secure the conviction and sentences for all the plunderers and thieves.

    • That statement suggests that he has numbers of people in parliament who cannot think. In essence they are zombies.

  11. Just stumbled on an copy of the Post : HH on ECL ” When we win the election Edgar Lungu will not get any benefits because he hasn’t served a term as president of the Republic of Zambia. …..” But today the same mouth is telling us the opposite? The opposing industry in Zambia is dysfunctional.

  12. @13 Ndanje Khakis, kikikikikiki…tell them, maybe they will listen to you.
    I have repeatedly told them that under5 and his D****** are just a bunch of conflicting hormones. They have no clue what they stand for or what they want. Under5 will say anything depending on what hormones are active at a particular time.

  13. But why cant HH’s upnd wait for next elections in 2021 kansi?everyday HH dreams about state was petition nonsense,icc,and now this,why?Zambia’s opposition parties are useless!!!
    How cam HH achieve that with 58 bantustan MPs?its impossible.more than 100 MPs in the house are Pro PF!!!HH should stop smoking dagga and find something serious to do in life!!!

    • can someone else waste their time reading the whole comment in capital letters and explain to us,will give you alot of votes (thumbs up),please.

  14. I don’t think it’s a waste of time. Ok you who think it is What do you suggest should be done about unclear issues..?
    As a pf PR “pro” focus on providing clarity not ifya ma 2/3.

  15. So King Mswati came for a private 4 day visit yet that reckless Lazy Bum in State House took everyone to KKIA to welcome him.

    • @Jay Jay,
      I made the same observation and commented here. No one is talking about misuse of resources when ECL and his full political machinery including the usual crowds to welcome Mswati on HIS PRIVATE VISIT to Zambia, can you imagine?
      This happens only in Zambian.

  16. Thats the problem with zambian politics, here is an issue of arrogance from the ruling party, on show by Ka amos, instead of dwelling on the problem, the usual tribal bemba, start queeking in their boots, throwing mud on the UPND. Can’t you deal with the issue at hand. Bembas are very tribalist, its evident everywhere you go. They speak only their prefered language even in other peoples provinces, they have never voted a non-bemba or cousin to bemba presidential candidate, they accuse the Lozi-Tonga alliance of tribal politics, but forget their Northern-luapula-Eastern bastion. This bastion runs from Kaunda and Kapwepwe. Zambia will forever fail to solve its social-economic problems because, the problems are never the issue but who should be president. Its always been the same tribe or…

  17. Zambians and their “Bring a good man down syndrome”. It will never end, especially now that they have internet, awe shuwa!

  18. I don’t always agree with the President’s policies, but he has not done anything wrong that would be impeachable….

    So l don’t know if people just love to use words whose constitutional meaning they dont understand.

  19. Listening to the Hard Talk featuring HH again I found that this doesn’t say the truth. He says his vehicles were not the only ones on the road in Mongu. When you play the clip you don’t see any other vehicle. Bottom line is HH’s entourage deliberately stopped and waited for Eagle One so as to show Edgar that he didn’t recognize his presidency.

  20. Amos is right.

    Theere is nothing wrong that the president did by giving counsel to the judiciary.

    In fact if you know your civics (or is it catering) well, you will realise that one of the main responsibilities of each arm of govt is to check on each other.

    The National Assembly can check on the executive or the judiciary, the judiciary can also check on the National Assembly or the executive, and also the executive can check on the National Assembly and the judiciary.

    How many times has the judiciary ruled against the executive, and how many times has the National Assembly discussed and criticised the executive?

    Why should the executive be the victim who is not allowed (when it has the legal right) to check on the other two arms of govt when they are legally and freely…

  21. At the moment the issue is rampart reports of corruption in Gvt, not the nonsense of impeachment. You guys have been singing about the Singapore approach to develop Zambia one of you wrote about the PROMISED LAND, quoting the former president of Singapore. Where is the will to do that when public audits are exposing such colossal sums un accounted for? Singapore remains the best corruption free country in Asia and second best in in Asia pacific. You are a curse of our generation!

  22. What crime has ECL committed to warrant impeachment! UPND should first impeach their tax-evading president HH before thinking of impeach ECL. Tax evasion is very serious offence in Zambia and most countries! Arrest HH for tax evasion! ZRA/ZP act now!

  23. You see the traits of dictatorship in under5 the moment you observe the following traits:
    1. Intolerance of other views
    2. I and me only possess wisdom
    3. Intolerance for internal democracy – no convention, not even provincial or district party conferences.
    Those who worked with Andy Mazoka will tell you that under5 is incorrigible, he is a know it all. That explains why he is a perpertual loser now targetting a sixth loss which will be the mother of all his defeats – it does not matter who he stands against, in 2021 the results from the “other” regions will dwarf the votes gron his region. Thle beauty about 2021 is that people have already judged under5 after his unguarded attendance of tribal ceremonies.

  24. Nothing under the Sun will ever deliver the Presidency of Zambia to under5, not because of his tribe but because he came through and continues to come through his tribe.

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