Saturday, July 27, 2024

Edgar Lungu has not withdrawn from 2021 race – Mwila


PF S.G Davies Mwila addressing party cadres from Eastern Provincecalling for the removal of Felix Mutati at the party secretariat.
PF S.G Davies Mwila

Patriotic Front Secretary General Davies Mwila says President Edgar Lungu remains the party’s presidential candidate in the 2021 elections.

Mr Mwila has since dispelled media reports suggesting that President Lungu will not stand on the PF ticket during the 2021 general election.

President Lungu is quoted to have made a surprise announcement at the Zambia Association of Manufacturers’ meet the president seminar that he is only going to be in office until 2021, when his term of office comes to end.

But Mr. Mwila has told journalists in Lusaka that contrary to such reports, the PF presidential candidate remains President Lungu as ratified by the Central Committee.

He says President Lungu’s candidature is a non negotiable matter.

Earlier, Roan PF Member of Parliament Chishimba Kambwili commended President Edgar Lungu after he announced that he will only rule up up 2021.

During an address at the Zambia Assiciation of Manufacturers “Meet the President Dialogue” at Radisson Blu Hotel on Thursday, Presideng Lungu declared that he will only be in the office until 2021.

The declaration is hoped will put the rest a raging debate about President Lungu’s eligibility to stand.

Commenting on the development, Mr Kambwili said President Lungu should be commended for “coming to his senses”.

“Can all of those political leaders that were told by Davies Mwila to shelve their ambitions for 2021 please un-shelve them,” Mr Kambwili said.

“I would like to commend President Lungu for coming to his senses and not listening to his stooge of an SG or that media director who is a liability,” he said.

“This is as it should be, the people of Zambia well done for putting pressure and advising the president that this 3rd term stuff does not run well in our country. Now to all of those that have been singing and endorsing President Lungu for 2021 your selfishness has been exposed, your motives have been undone and you have been put to shame,” he said.

He added, “Busy in the forefront endorsing someone who is not eligible to stand and demonising those who are able to. Well the tables have certainly turned now we will see where those Lungu 2021 bootlickers will go.”

President Lungu stated that whoever will take over from him in 2021, should continue engaging the Manufactures.

“The economy knows no politics, whoever will be President will have to carry on with engaging you because you are not politicians, you are economic players and you will always be there. Government just makes it conducive for you to succeed,” said President Lungu.

“Together, we can achieve industrialisation with unity of purpose. We can transform Zambia into an industrialisation hub. So let us all rise to the occasion and ensure that industrialisation becomes a reality in our lifetime, or in my term of office. and by the way I am only going up to 2021.”


    • Nabatusangusha ifipuba sure. Why should a country suffer just to satisfy a few people. If what I hear is true, let’s just be ready to see money being transferred abroad. Just keep notes of who is sending money and where. Besides the time between now and 2021 won’t be easy for some people.
      Quick recovery Mambilima

    • The NO-3RD TERM clause was SPECIFICALLY inserted in the constitution for power-hungry chaps like Lungu & his worshipers.

      FTJ described the seat as sweet. When it was time for him to go, he resisted & tried to go for a 3rd term. He was shamefully rejected by Zambians & all his good works destroyed by revelations of theft.

      Let Lungu & his worshipers not make the same mistake by under-estimating Zambians & the constitution. Kuya-bebele akawalala, Alungu. The corridors of Magistrate courts & prison will soon be your new “office”.

    • Even though its tasting the water, Lungu should uphold the Zambian Peace and not stand. he is young Educated and knows that we are many Zambians that can run the country. Any Zambian has the right so he has done his part, we appreciate and its time to leave.

      People Like Mwila are hypocrites selfish and so stupid. It’s clear in the recording he is only going up to 2021.

  1. last year HH said if he wins Lungu will not be given his presidential retirement package because he has only been in office for 1 year.
    this year HH says zambians will not support Lungu’s 3rd term bid, what a joke of this Tonga HH as a bantustan upnd president

    • If that is what the constitution says then he doesn’t need to be paid. But if constitutionally he is allowed then not even HH should deny him his dues. This should not be a Tonga or Bantustan nonsense u are trying to bring about. That is why our country’s cannot be progressive make laws and stick by them it should not be an issue of which side Kateka wakes up on.

  2. The president is legible to stand in 2021. The boys are scared because they are in a long haul! Someone will make a record in the Guinness Book of World Records. Wait and see! He is scared!

    • So dull. In fact, he said he will only be in Office up to 2021 – not that “he will not stand in 2021”. Ba Kambwili busy parodying things that he can’t understand, ati third term – now we know what Copperstone University produces.

    • Interesting how ECL says ‘am done’ but his minions say ‘no you are not’. It clearly shows Lungu is a prisoner of these people.

  3. Why is everyone excited about general elections of 2021. As a christian nation no one seems to be saying” if God permits”. God’s plans are not yours, neither are your plans his. Who knows what could happen in 4 years. Where are our legends, Titus Chiluba, Levy Mwanawasa and Chilufya Sata ? May they rest in peace. Developing Zambia should be a priority for now and let God takes care of the future. If Zambia was not declared a christian nation, then politicians can say and plan as they wish. Power goes to one’s head and the devil starts to manifest in form of greedness. Ba Mwila please stop jumping everytime someone speaks, I thought you picked one or two tricks from MCS….Speak less so as to give your opponents sleepless nights. ..

  4. Our embraassed, disgraced and shameless man of law Edgar chagwa Lungu should be forgiven. He had terrible hangover obviously when he was addressing manufacturers.

  5. If what is being reported is TRUE, President Lungu will go down in History as a Selfless, Sincere and Unique Leader, the likes of Nelson Mandela.
    In the wake of this development, the people of Zambia, with the help of the International Community are called upon to support President Lungu in his efforts to improve Zambia and make it better than he found it, before he leaves State House.
    Let us urge President Lungu to expedite instituting Probes into and Stopping:
    —The Hidden Agenda of the Zambian Intelligence/ OP , the ultimate goal of which is to seize power, at the expense of people’s lives, National Unity, Peace and Development;
    — The illegal acquisition and use of Radiological, Biological, Chemical and Psychological weapons, by OP;
    —Political Assassinations in Zambia…

  6. People like Davies mwila are the ones who advise the president wrongly so they can perpetuate their stay in power. Sometimez this does not happen and they end up as double loosers.

  7. Lungu has over-achieved to be fair. He closed the POST, rigged an election and claimed back his law Practice license. In addition he has made a few bucks and contacts. Go well mate you played them and they will be sitting there complaining about the poor economy. Zambians are sick!

    • I have been critical of Edgar but I would have a drink with him if he left state house 2021. I would buy him his favourite Jemason after all the Shi.t he has taken. HH and Mukuni are a no go area.

  8. State House is for everyone. A standard something, a bus conductor turned unionist, a lawyer, a policeman, a Cambridge graduate, a lawyer-thief etc. Now we need a prostitute in there come on girls. CK fuseki.

  9. Mwila is just another full. Instead of creating chances for his children to be presidents he’s busy talking about third term. Anyway fulish people don’t go far. Brains are closed. I can urge him to sing the same tomorrow. I can assure him that Edga is only going to get votes from kaizer, mwila, Chanda and a few involved in fire tenders. Wait.

  10. The UPND are dead scared of Mr Lungu.
    From the comments above,the UPND believe their chances are better if Lungu doesn’t stand.
    However,we all know HH and UPND are doomed come 2021.
    Even if a frog ? were to stand against HH in 2021,the frog will win.

  11. Davies Mwila knows very well even at night he usually have nightmare on what would become of him should president Lungu decides not to stand in 2021. The man cannot win even as a counsilor in his own village as a result he will continue to persuade president Lungu to stay in order that he also stays to eat. As my name implies Davies Mwila is only there for politics of the belly. He better starts gardening or find a job as a conductor now than wait for mass exit of political vuvuzilas in 2021.

  12. The Constitution is very clear: Mr. Lungu does not qualify to stand in 2021. You do not need to be a lawyer to understand this simple Constitutional Provision.

  13. They know they have stolen and they want their fellow thief to stay on to avoid prosecution. It does not matter whether Lungu stays or goes. One day they shall be answerable.

  14. I am a staunch PF supporter and I support our President Edgar Chagwa Lungu. I also support the rule of law. My President if the ConCourt rules that you do not qualify so be it. Accept and look inside our great PF to look for your replacement. We are not short of women and men to take over the mantle of leadership from you. I plead with you not to take the ‘TUFILILE MUNSENGA APPROACH’. This will damage your good and noble standing in the world. My personal suggestion let Dr. Ngosa Syimbyakula (sp) take over from you to drive out party to great heights in the governance of our country.

  15. People are fighting for earthly Kingdom: Wasting your time Ba Mwila, my brother look for Heavenly Kingdom where they will be no political parties, no secretary general, BUT ONLY JESUS WILL BE THE KING.

  16. May be lungu has now read the constitution documents…..

    When President Ian khama of Botswana was the only prrsident to attend our indipendence day celebrations and publicly announce he will not be looking and cheating their consitution to run for a third term , he was advising lungu with the blessing of the common wealth…..

  17. Zambia is not pf central committee Mr Mwila. how dull can you be to say he has been ratified by the central committee. It is what the Zambian constitution says and not what pf central committee says. If it allows him to stand he will and if not, not.

  18. In reality yes ECL’s term goes up to 2021 that doe not mean that he will not stand for another term. He said who ever will be the next president ( voted in) of which he might be him. So Kambwili and under5s stop cerebrating. If PF adopts him he will stand for the next election. He is just giving room for other PF aspiring candidates.

  19. Imwe ba mwila, where is democracy? When did PF MCC hold elections to chose ba Lungu as sole candidate for 2021? You all laugh at HH and Edith but have fallen victims of the same mistake. Go to mulungushi nearer the time and let the provincial PF cadres cast their votes to nominate their 2021 president to run along side others. That is if Lungu is allowed to stand. This is democracy. We have a number of presidential materials that can be considered, Kalaba, Mutati, Margaret, Dr Kaseba, Kambwili just to mention a few. This time round it will be checks and balances to ensure democracy is upheld in the country.

  20. Ala ndeloleshafye bane…u can just tell that abantu bambi just looking at him that tho old bt very dull even if power is sweet u dont sapot things of national interest blindly….noooo plse.ubukopo.u dont need to be a lawyer to understand this issue plse.leave the stage wen pipo are clapping plse…kamuzwa wen yo time comes

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