Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Government to spend K280 Million on Towers construction throughout the country


FILE-Transport and Communications Minister Brian Mushimba speaking during the launch of the Connected Car Zamtel service
FILE-Transport and Communications Minister Brian Mushimba speaking during the launch of the Connected Car Zamtel service

Government says it will spend K280 Million under phase two of putting up Mobile Telecommunication Towers throughout the country.

Transport and Communication Minister Brian Mushimba says the second phase of the programme will see 1,000 communication towers countrywide being erected.

ZANIS reports the Transport and Communications Minister says the project which is expected to end in 3 years’ time will see most rural areas get connected to the grid.

Mr. Mushimba said upon his arrival at Mansa airport that he will tour of some communication towers, the new communication towers which are been put up will accommodate all the mobile network providers in the country.

Mr Mushimba explains that communication is critical to the development of rural areas saying that is reason government wants all parts to be connected.

The Minister added that, rural areas also accommodate civil servants like teachers who needs network and the putting up of communication tower will go long way in ensuring that civil servants in rural area operate effectively.

He pointed out that local people will be fully engaged during the construction period as government wants them to be empowered.


    • This is the time the government should be easing out of the market not making further investments. The critical mass in private investment has already been attained. The government should phase itself out and allow the private sector to carry on.

  1. This is very important as it also goes towards providing internet access which is critical for accelerated development.

  2. The project is important but i feel it is supposed to be done by the service providers.This must be one of the conditions to service providers.

  3. We have heard this one before…i thought the Chines were already on it with there cheap towers being funded via an Exim Bank loan!!

  4. we hope they can be proper maintenance on the infrastructure, if possible contract companies to maintain and get revenue from tower renting to pay companies that will be doing site maintenance.and service maintenance

  5. Misinformed people talk about the Private Sector taking charge! What private Sector in Zambia? The same foreigners running the show while the vast majority of the citizenry are wallowing in poverty! This neoleberal garbage must be stopped and Zambians developed to have enough economic power to take charge of their country. The country is awash with moslems loaded with cash, busy bribing ministers, and you expect Zambia to develop based on crookedness?

  6. Ask who they have appointed to construct some of the towers!! Hauwei is main contractor but I smell a rat here…just mark my words!!!

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