Saturday, July 27, 2024

Munkombwe grateful to Government for paying his medical expenses


GBM visits Daniel Munkombwe at Milpark Hospital
FILE: GBM visits Daniel Munkombwe at Milpark Hospital
Veteran politician Daniel Munkombwe says he is grateful to Government for paying his medical expenses while he was admitted at Mil park hospital in Johannesburg, South Africa.

Mr. Munkombwe says he would want to meet President Edgar Lungu and thank him in person.

He told ZNBC news in Lusaka, shortly after he arrived from South Africa that he is feeling better.

Mr Munkombwe explained that he spent Nine days at Milpark Hospital where he received treatment.

The veteran politician was initially admitted to UTH before President Lungu ordered for his evacuation to South Africa for specialised treatment.


  1. I commend President Lungu for the kind gesture.Would the President look on the ground in Zambia about the absence of basic drugs, and non functional CT ,Echo etc. The situation is serious.

    • Which medical institution had no drugs?? Lsst time i checked all district hospitals were not dishing prescriptions but giving patients drugs!! The referrals at UTH have dropped very significantly. The district hospitals are also equipped with machinery and doctors and not clinical officers of old. Who is misinforming you????

    • That gesture speaks volumes of Lungu s poor leadership.Hospitals under the PF are not poorly resourced due Lungu s corruption.

      Why are Zambian hospitals not equipped to treat high profile people? Remember even in Milpark hospital in South Africa its Zambian nurses and doctors doing the work.

      Good gesture by Lungu for using government money selectively to trest only people he knows can increase his support. The poor out there who rightly deserve better die for lack proper treatment in our hospitals.

    • It is taxpayers’ money that was used on Munkombwe and, not any particular individual in government. It was just a moral thing to do to send him abroad….he deserves it and no need for Munkombwe to meet and thank anyone. There’s need for systems to operate independently so that no person should take credit for evacuating someone to India or any country for medical attention. It should be a plan based on policy.

    • It’s a good thing this man Munkombwe was sent to South Africa, if he was sent to Tanzania, he would have been sent back to Zambia with a note to use Zambian facilities! If there were no doctors a Rwandese doctor would have provided tele-medicine via video link, whilst consulting with 10 other patients simultaneously! If there were any complications, doctors from the USA would immediately carry out a virtual operation! Oh sorry, they still use papers even to write a patient’s name in Zambia!

    • @Abene: Tribalism is real and here to stay in Africa and Zambia is no exception. Problem is we didn’t create these borders. Remember Yugoslavia??? Already look at Sudan, now Cameroon. My understanding is these separations along tribal lines are inevitable. Only time will delay them.

  2. @Truth Seeker,its not about imaging equipment (CT,Echo,MRI) ,but medical personnel that can rectify findings .53YRS you still cant carry out simple heart surgical procedures. Had cash paid to Milpark could be used to get much needed equipment to fix a functional cardiac surgery department, as well as train several would be team. Otherwise, BAU. Wake up …Challenge your politicians to seek local medicsl attention if improvement is to come your way.

  3. Mr. Munkombwe says he would want to meet President Edgar Lungu and thank him in person.

  4. Nice gesture for the government to have covered the medical bill in south Africa and I wish him a speedy recovery. The next issue on Mr Lungu’s agenda is to focus on improving healthcare at UTH so that government stops sending their top brass to South Africa for treatment. Would Mr Lungu do the same for poor Zambians ?

  5. This old fool instead of thanking the people of Zambia (taxpayers) who paid for his bills at morning side clinic he to thank only one man his excellency the president. Only God knows why he wants to see ECL. Perhaps he wants to solicit for a job as an ambassador abroad or District Commissioner.

  6. The person who boasts of having served under all 5 presidents and still cannot pay his hospital bills. Shame on you Zambians. Learn to take responsibility and to take care of your own expenses. Secondly, I do not understand why you cannot mobilize whatever resources are needed to build dependable hospitals and what is naturally expected from a country which has been independent for over 50 years. Think about it.

  7. Only the elite enjoy these privileges of Millpark yet its the same people in govt today like this silly old man who are in support of reckless sending $42 million on 42 Scania Trucks instead of channeling this money to UTH.

  8. The was a good gesture. We can differ on political opinion but when it comes matters of life and death let us always work together In politics there are no permanent enemies but just short and long term interest. It will be better for old Daniel see ECL and thank him in person if he means well. Get much better old Daniel and participate in farming this season.

    • How about the father of that boy in Katete who is sick the retired GRZ driver with 30 years loyal service…will he have the same opportunity to be sent to Millpark or even UTH; he wont even have the privilege of 7 days life support at St Francis Hospital as such facilities do not exist. Do we all have to join politics to enjoy this….think think think…these fooools eat for today and forget about tomorrow. Isn’t this the man who was preaching politics of eating? Why not talk about politics of investing in health care…they are stealing from health care today buying $70,000 Ambulances for $300,000 …tell who is fooooling who? 5 years from now you docile foooooools will stating this is a good gesture.

  9. Jay Jay the thinking and analysis of some Zambians on LT shocks me. Is this a gesture to applaud when millions of ordinary Zambians can not have access to basic health services?
    Instead of encouraging GRZ to improve medical facilities for all Zambians

  10. Then you hear UPND dreamers (or simply put fo0ls) saying HH and GBM are rich-shocking!!!WHAT IS A POINT OF BEING DAMN RICH BUT FAIL TO HELP YOUR CLOSE SOLDIERS?HH’s greedness shall kill him.HH failed to help even his Veep Dr.Canicius Banda to pay rentals!!!then upnd rats are busy claiming that HH is rich-my foot!!ZAMBIANS HAVE DONE A WONDERFUL JOB BY REJECTING HH FOR A RECORD 5 TIMES!!WE MUST DO THE SAME IN 2021 AS WE DONT NEED A LEADER WITH NO HEART FOR THE POOR!!!
    hope Daniel Munkombwe has come to his senses and realise that tribalism does not pay!!!your tonga god HH is only good for nothing!!!IF IT WAS HH IN PLOT ONE,HE COULD NOT HAVE SENT YOU TO SOUTH AFRICA-in the name of being ECONOMICAL!NOW MUNKOMBWE TELL YOUR FELLOW TONGAS TO STOP VOTING ON TRIBAL LINES!!
    ECL is a very caring…

  11. ‘Very caring’, when ordinary Zambians are dying in hospitals, while paying for the elite to fly out?

    Very dim comment.

  12. Munkombwe could not afford to pay out of his pocket? Namwalans never appreaciate! They will never appreciate! Look at some of them here! It is a tribal thing not anything the president has done to deserve the insults from Under Fives.

    • What grade are you? Munkombwe pays tax and is entitled to good health services, unfortunately uth couldn’t offer that to him because of poorly run health system.

  13. In Paradise you can run a good health system? You need to stand first as a ward chairman and section chairman then MP then minister and maybe then you can try to go national! Otherwise, he is still a kid and knows not politics 101! 2021, he will be crying Hagain with 3 provinces behind his butti.

  14. Now you have started praying for Lungu on the money that doesn’t belong to him. Munkombwe is entitled to such services. Munkombwe has contributed alot to the nation more than Lungu. So let’s not pretend. We should take history with us if we are to achieve our future goals. Our vision is based on what has passed happened before. The problem is that we concentrate focusing on what’s happening and think that the same will continue. There’s a likelihood that those that are enjoying now through corruption will find life so hard to live because their life dependency used on corruption

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