Saturday, July 27, 2024

Kenyans Supreme Court unanimously upholds the results of the re-run election


Kenya’s Supreme Court has unanimously upheld President Uhuru Kenyatta’s election victory in a rerun vote that was held.on October 26

Opposition candidate Raila Odinga had said the results of the first election were invalid and challenged the processes of the second vote – eventually pulling out of the second race.

Following Monday’s ruling, opposition supporters are expected to hold rallies against it and Kenyatta is expected to be sworn on November 28.

“All six judges sitting on this case said that the petitions filed to the court to cancel the results of the rerun of the presidential election had no merit,” Al Jazeera’s Fahmida Miller, reporting from the capital Nairobi, said.

“Odinga has not said exactly until now what he will do after the ruling is announced. So far, they have started an economic boycott to protest the results,” she added.

Days of violence and protests against Kenyatta have led to deaths in Nairobi.

The opposition claims that authorities have been using “armed militia and live bullets” to disperse supporters.

October’s repeat poll, which was boycotted by Odinga and won by Kenyatta with 98 percent of the votes, was ordered by the Supreme Court after it annulled the results of an August election over irregularities.

Kenyatta called the case against the rerun of the presidential election a waste of time.

Odinga, in return, vowed to embark on a political campaign in Kenya to “restore democracy in the country”, and called for a “resistance movement” to protest against the results.


      They could have nailed it the first time. World over, you can’t appease a number two or loser in what is perceived as being independent or fair Judiciary. The acts by the courts was a drain to Kenyan resources. They too could have exercised some form of patriotism and respect for the works of the hardworking electoral body in that part of the world. Disgraced loser politicians should be allowed to influence or coerce to change the discourse or the out come of credible elections in the eyes of international observers. The observers OKed those results. The courts trashed them. SHAME! Thumbs up to our CONCOURT! Great work.

  1. Imagine the waste of taxpayers’ money because of a disgruntled serial loser??? Those “brave” judges again???

    • While the electoral bodies have been known to make institutional errors, they never tamper with ballots. Odinga knew that the petition was going to achieve nothing as people’s tribal preference of leaders would not change. The best way to achieve electoral reforms is moving motions through parliament and heckling using CSOs. Not this selfish waste of taxpayers’ money.

    • Jay Jay
      So he didnt stand for reasons he gave, bravo to him thats very patriotic! But why contest the result of an election you never participated in? I m not saying their process is perfect but to expect a complete overhaul of the electoral system in 60 days is down right irrational. Let the country move on then he can fight for the reforms he so desires through his representatives in Parliament. This guy has no interest of Kenyans but himself and is hell bent on causing confusion nothing else.

  2. Another regime change attempt buy the devils failed. Do the words “Will not recognise the government” sound familiar?

  3. Most African leaders are corrupt and power hungry.Why is Kenyatta refusing electoral reforms?Look at Zimbabwe, Mugabe has been losing elections but because of the arm support, he was able to survive.Now the table has turned.Lungu has been an A+ student of Mugabe.Lungu with the help of the service Chiefs grabbed power from the vice president, Guy Scoot then the last year stole elections in broad daylight with the help of concourt.Days are numbered

    • @Katana very good at twisting history but you zero out of 10. Guy Scott was acting president up to the time Lungu was sworn in. Scott could have manipulated the election in favor of his newly found friend HH but couldn’t because you cannot rig elections in Zambia.

  4. Well done Kenyan supreme court judges!!that loser Raila Odinga made Kenya loser collosal sums of taxpayers money on a useless presidential rerun which could have been avoided!!
    Odinga is just like Zambia’s HH whom our courts must ignore 100%!!!these two can only praise the courts when they rule in their favour!!!any judgement against Odinga and HH is a wrong one-shocking!!!VOTERS MUST NEVER VOTE FOR SUCH SELFISH AFRICAN POLITICIANS IN THE FUTURE!!!

  5. Good decision Kenyan Supreme Court .A nation is greater than one man’s ego and greed to become president at all costs.

    Odinga’s role in spilling Kenyan blood in 1982 and 2008 has come back to haunt him.

  6. The Hungry Hyena of Kenya has lost again. If majority of voters do not want you, you can use all tricks in the book and never president. Let us see what HH will have to say about this after his friend wasted the Country’s time and resources to no avail. Zambians do not vote for selfish self centered people who think they are the only ones who can sort out people’s problems. We have seen their true colors by stealing from privatization and hiding the money abroad.

  7. The court is tired. It should be retired. They are wary of Kenyatta’s rantings had they ruled against him again. like all African courts their true colours are now out

  8. May be it is best for Members of the Brenthust Foundation (General Obasanjo, Mmusi Maimane and HH) to pay a courtesy call in Kenya and mourn Odinga’s loss on his unholy battle to cause disturbance in East and Southern Africa, just to please his sponsors in the west. This time around, the Kenyan Judges have recognized the essence of the Judicial symbol (Balance or Scale) to weigh issues in favour of Nation’s interests and preservation of valuable human lives. We pray that the economy of Kenya will soon spring up to serve ALL the people of Kenya.

  9. Article 60 (2): A political party shall –
    (a) promote the values and principles specified in this Constitution
    (b) have a national character
    (c) promote and uphold national unity
    (e)respect the right of its members to participate in the affairs of the political party
    Etc etc
    Now tell me which of these requirements has Up.nDonkis or under5 practised? When I tell you that these Donkis and their under5 cannot teach (or cheat) anyone about democracy, I hope you now understand. In fact they are in breach and should be punished or banned from all political activity. We sorted out law breaker Mmembe didn’t we?

  10. Under5 of Kenya, you were not told that boycotting elections is a fruitless exercise, no? And the two who challenged the second elections were not even candidates themselves, therefore no Locus Standi except the misguided belief that they represent public interest!! U5K himself could not even dare challenge the elections, no locus standi, he miscalculated again like our very own U5Z….kikikikikikikikikiki.

  11. U5Z and Mutinta, they own the up.n.Donkis party as a family cartel, and fighting a losing battle to own the Zambian enterprise. You can clearly see the beginnings of RG Mugabe and Amai Grace Mugabe, if Zambians made the mistake of allowing them near state house. Well, Zambians will not allow them to even reach the gate.

  12. To copy from someone. ..Really laughable. ..Odinga is appealing to the international community to help curb the violence that has engulfed the country and yet it’s his members who are involved because he’s instructed them to riot. OK each country has its own Odinga, Zambia included.

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