Saturday, July 27, 2024

The matters in Zimbabwe could have spiral effects-President Lungu


President Edgar Lungu confers with Inonge Wina shortly before his departure to Angola for Extraordinarily Trika summit
President Edgar Lungu confers with Inonge Wina shortly before his departure to Angola for Extraordinarily Troika summit

President Edgar Lungu has said that the political situation in Zimbabwe has an impact on the SADC region. President Lungu said that although the matters in the neighboring Zimbabwe are internal, it is important for SADC to discuss them as they have spiral effects.

He was speaking to Journalists before departure for Angola at Kenneth Kaunda International Airport. President Lungu has left for Angola to join other SADC Heads of State and government for an extra ordinary emergency meeting to discuss the Zimbabwe political impasse.

President Lungu who left at 15:30 hours was seen off by Vice President Inonge Wina who is now acting President.

Others were Minister of Health Chitalu Chilufya, Minister of Community Development Emerine Kabanshi, PF Secretary General Davies Mwila and Defence and security chiefs.

President Edgar Lungu confers with Inonge Wina shortly before his departure to Angola for Extraordinarily Trika summit
President Edgar Lungu confers with Inonge Wina shortly before his departure to Angola for Extraordinarily Trika summit
PF chair performs to President Edgar Lungu shortly his departure to Angola for Extraordinarily Trika summit
PF chair performs to President Edgar Lungu shortly his departure to Angola for Extraordinarily Trika summit
President Lungu at KK international airport left for Angola Zimbabwe talks
President Lungu with Amos Chanda at KK international airport left for Angola Zimbabwe talks USE
President Lungu with Amos Chanda at KK international airport left for Angola Zimbabwe talks
President Lungu with Vice President Mrs Inonge Wina at KK international airport left
President Lungu with Vice President Mrs Inonge Wina at KK international airport left


    • What do you mean by “spiral effect”? Zimbabwe desperately needs a fix-up. Old Mugabe is a poor finisher. He fumbled in the box, and now it’s a penalty kick. There are no two ways about it. He called it on himself.

    • Hey visionless Lungu, Zimbabwe is a sovereign state & let them deal with dictator Mugabe without your interference with their internal affairs.

      By the way, why didn’t visionless Lungu hand over power to the speaker according to the constitution & allow banditry PF ministers to illegally remain as MPs when parliament was dissolved?

      No 3rd term for Lungu & PF!

      The Skeleton Key

    • Lungu should be bored enough like Khama, Mwanawasa and the president of Ivory Coast to demand for the resignation of Mugabe….but how could he do that when Mugabe is his mentor?

    • @senior naimwe, don’t insult word WISDOM, how can a wise man have likes of Kaiser, Lusambo as friends?
      Kaiser is a danger in society, still wisdom.

    • We have been praying for blessings for Zambia. Now imagine, Instead of answering us, God lblesses/ answers Zimbabwe. Yes, we need such “spiral effects” wherever God will allot them, and we are sure that God has calender dates for Zambia, DRC, Cameroon, South Sudan and Uganda as well.

    • Lungu Jonathan is making excuses for his foreseeable and previous mistakes. Does he mean to say that Zimbabwe is to blame for the MMD people who have invaded PF? Jonathan shut it.

    • Let’s be honest our brothers in Zim are more docile than Zambians even their women attest to that openly…what was needed was a full out coup d’etat, tanks going right through gates of Bob’s residence and firing to shells in his TV room. Bob is a war vet …he doesn’t know how to surrender.He knows as well that you can not impeach a President with in 24 hours…

    • Jay Jay
      Zimbabweans have more spilled over Tonga blood across Zambian southern boarder hence the docility.
      Please tongas This is just humor this morning please don’t be angry at me.

      Peace and normalcy to Zambia’s neighbors could enhance trade and bi/multilateral ties which are perfect recipes and a big shot at national economic emancipation all things being equal. Zimbabweans needs a huge power transfer transition. Uncle Bob needs an honorable exit.

    • The only spiral effect they can have is to help Lungu not to cling to power when even in his masquerade has over stayed his welcome that is by PF cadres.

    • @Nostradamus
      Kekekekekekekekek! Have you forgotten, zambia and Zimbabwe are twins?? At least that’s Mugabe said what effect one twin has spiral effects,, and, maybe zambian generals and Zimbabwean generals are also twins

  1. That is why the former Vice President who was fired must be arrested for Treason. He was fired because the President was informed that he was organizing a Coup. So why he went on to get guns and threatened an elected President? All the soldiers that took part must be arrested. This is setting a bad precedent. I agree with President Lungu.

    • The majority of the journalists are all PF & they dance in the tunes of dununa reverse instead of doing journalistic jobs.

      Dead End BC failed to televise the Mugabe national address in preference to tangy advertisements when the entire world was glued by the events in Zimbabwe.

      Most media are PF enclosed so they can’t ask anything.

      The Skeleton Key

    • Journalism in Zambia is such that, a reader is always forced to either look over the wall or peep through the window in order to see.

    • What do you expect when they have to report to Amos, only if they could realise that the readers/bloggers are far ahead of them.

  2. President HH, when you get in, which is just a question of time now, I am urging you to stop this nonsense of getting our mothers, aunties and sisters to parade and dance for you at the airport each time you are flying out. And also abolish the silly red carpet, such a meaningless relic

  3. President HH, when you get in, which is just a question of time now, I am urging you to stop this nonsense of getting our mothers, aunties and sisters to parade and dance for you at the airport each time you are flying out. And also abolish the silly red carpet, such a meaningless relic!

  4. The troika MUST GATHER ELDER STATESMEN to deal with this issue, THOSE WHO MUGABE CAN LISTEN TO: KK,CHISSANO,DOS SANTOS, MBEKI,NUYOMA,SALIM bring MUGABE,his GENERAL, WAR VETERANS together and agree on a FINAL SOLUTION. Those who are diluting SADC should remember that the RELATIVE PEACE THE DRC has enjoyed for the last 15 Years also was due to SADC EFFORTS through first the ZAMBIAN MEDIATION (under FTJ) and concluded by S.AFRICA (under Mbeki), so IT CAN STILL BE DONE, IT IS A FAR BETTER SITUATION THAN STOPPING VIOLENCE,WAR!!

    • DRC should pullout because SADC feels like a union for dictators. Already DRC govt is again unable to organise elections in December 2017, and SADC agrees with President Joseph Kabila even when it is clear that the crisis of electoral democracy is a deliberate and malicious attempt by him to preserve power as long as possible. The question is, is SADC simply incompetent or an accomplice in President Kabila’s shenanigans?Another Mugabe legacy, shame.

  5. The illegal takeover of power in Zimbabwe is not in tune with modern politics-President Lungu

    This is what Lungu said last week. So the illegal take over is legal now. What has changed ? What is KK going to do? Why is he meddling in the other peoples affairs. Zimbabweans know that he is an hypocrite . This Lungu has no international credibility because he is an election rigger. Mugabe is going not for any other reason but because time has come. You can argue that the wife is the causer but she was just a trigger

    • He is going to neighbouring Angola and he has brought the whole of Soweto Market with him to KKIA…the whole essence of this bum using the helicopter is to reduce on traffic congestion but the foooool doesn’t help!!

  6. Every photo of this Lazy Bum there is a backdrop of an aircraft….I hear this lazy tin has promised Zambia Army a pay-rise in January after the so called coup!!

  7. I do respect the African Union and SADC , had it not been for these two clubs ,Mugabe would have been history by now I applaud the African leaders of today .
    We have moved from shooting our way through to state house , zimbabwe is the example of how Africans need to respect their own laws , from a distance the whole world has been watching what must happen next in Zimbabwe.
    Really things must always work according to the laws of the land , we have learnt that army take overs have never yielded any good results we can see it from the libyans how they are languishing in turmoil after the demise of Khaddafi .
    Our Arabs neighbours still remain in calamitous rulerships someone told them of arab spring and they agreed see where they always ruing from each other as if they cannot think…

    • They should force him into exile by bundling him up and dropping him in Madagascar somewhere, like Collin Powell of America did to Aristid of Haiti.

  8. Just say you want to go and sleep in some hotel and earn allowances .There are so many problems in Zambia which are worse than the Zimbabwean issue for god’s sake. We have no water despite having rivers in abundance .There are no medicines in hospitals that is why you go to SA for treatment .Stay at home .

  9. “…President Lungu has left for Angola to join other SADC Heads of State and government for an extra ordinary emergency meeting to discuss the Zimbabwe political impasse…”

    Where are those of PF rats saying SADC only discuss trade ??? You want to act clever but you know Jack.. …..all SADC heads should have followed khama and told Mugabe enough is enough….

  10. Lungu and his fellow tin pots going to massage each other’s egos….where was SADC when millions of Zimbabweans were fleeing Mugabe, with many ending up selling sweets and girls their bodies in streets across Africa??

    We know you all subscribe to

    “”…dont call me a dictator incase you want to become one tomorrow….””

  11. If Lungu could use all this much time ,dollars and govt officials in sendoff in Misisi /Chibolya there could well be some nice uplifting changes to the many poverty stricken citizens.

    Even KKIA is tired of seeing these same faces at the airport it now thinks them as idlers.

    • surely all the people turning up at the airport have no better things to be doing? What a waste of productive time! This counter – productive practice of having people waste time and resources must be stopped forthwith. Think of what positive things these people would be accomplishing if they stayed away from the airport whenever ECL was traveling!

  12. Who is taking all these people to the airport to dance for this nomad whenever he goes outside the country to waste tax payers money and sleeping in a hotel earning himself huge allowances ? Before you and your bloated government goes out on your aimless travels , consider the following :
    Zimbabweans have said their problem is an internal matter and needs a internal solutions from Zimbabweans and not from the small nomad called Edgar Lungu or Jacob Zuma . There are a number of man made problems in Zambia created by your careless spending , stealing just to mention a few which needs sorting out for f*ck sake .

    Unless you are paying these people tax payers money to dance for you , it is right for Zambians to think that there is a lot that they can do with their time .They can use…

  13. Article 60 (2): A political party shall –
    (a) promote the values and principles specified in this Constitution
    (b) have a national character
    (c) promote and uphold national unity
    (e)respect the right of its members to participate in the affairs of the political party.

    It is clear that U5 is an illegitimate “leader” of up.n.Donkis just on the basis of breach of the Constitution of Zambia. What then can an illegitimate and undemocratic “leader” tell us about democracy?

    • Iwe mu chembele have you had your morning smoke…..this thread is about your corrupt theif lungu going to Angola to pretend to work when we all know he is trying as hard as he can to earn travel allowances at any opportunity so he can fraudulently account for the money he has stolen so far when the day of reckoning arrives.. …

  14. Mr Lungu sir, you only went to make allowances chapwa. Zimbabweans themselves with the facilitation of their able army are working out a lasting solution not those coincidence trips to Angola as I’m sure the president went forbother bisimesses.

  15. Would these so-called SADC leaders rather having the status quo in Zimbabwe maintained?
    People are suffering whilst this evil family continues to live lavish and mock them.

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