Saturday, July 27, 2024

Former Minister of Home Affairs put to rest


Copperbelt Province Minister, Bowman Lusambo, hands the Zambian flag to the widow of the late Cosmas Chibanda, who served as Cabinet Minister in Kenneth Kaunda’s government. Picture by TISA BANDA-NKHOMA/ZANIS.
Copperbelt Province Minister, Bowman Lusambo, hands the Zambian flag to the widow of the late Cosmas Chibanda, who served as Cabinet Minister in Kenneth Kaunda’s government. Picture by TISA BANDA-NKHOMA/ZANIS.

Former Minister of Home Affairs in the UNIP Government Cosmas Chibanda who died on Tuesday has been put to rest at his Katatungu farm in Mpongwe.

President Edgar Lungu has accorded the late former cabinet minister an official funeral.

The late Mr. Chibanda served in different Government portfolios including that of minister of state, minister of information and minister of home affairs among others.

Chieftainess Lesa, Copperbelt Province Minister Bowman Lusambo and his Permanent Secretary Elias Kamanga, and several other senior Government officials were among mourners that gathered at the farm to pay their last respects to the late Chibanda.

And Copperbelt Province Minister Bowman Lusambo said the nation has LOST a gallant son of the soil.

Mr. Lusambo said the spirit of patriotism exhibited by the late Chibanda when he served in Government should be emulated by those who aspire to be leaders.

And Chieftainess Lesa’s representative Fackson Chinamishi described Mr. Chibanda’s death as painful and untimely.


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