Saturday, July 27, 2024

Civil servants urged to be loyal and keep Government secrets


Chitambo District Commissioner Catherine Kunda has urged all Heads of Departments (HODs) in the district to embrace secrecy, discipline and loyalty in order to develop the district and raise its standards.

Speaking during the District Development Coordinating Committee (DDCC) Ms Kunda observed that security of information in the departments was not being upheld a situation she described as worrying.

“You are not being very secretive in your work, you should not let out information anyhow because you are putting the entire district at risk if you do that,” she said.
She further urged HODs to be fully committed and participate in the implementation of the 7th National Development Plan as it is a framework for developing the country.

“When we are planning district activities we should ensure that we address the five pillars of the plan so that we do not leave anyone behind,” she said.

Ms. Kunda said the plan will help develop the district and accelerate economic growth and job creation in all sectors of government.

Ms Kunda further implored HODs to be committed to duty and avoid absenteeism by rising above district challenges as they are not insurmountable.


  1. How you put the district at risk by disseminating information? Communication is vital for development. You are stealing money that’s why you don’t want anyone outside the district knowing what is going on? A District Office is not an Office of the President Office where you find classified information.

    • Someone sterilize this guy aka Sharon, we don’t want to see anything with his DNA in future. I thought government offices are public offices and not secret service offices, what are these guys hiding? What have you done to become so secretive?

  2. Information is vital for us to make informed decisions. What are you hiding at the district level? This warning can only come from criminals who are hiding their misdemeanors. Don’t listen to this lumpen and divulge any misdeeds so that we dealt with them.

  3. We have a well trained civil service. the problem is the politician who are cadres and have been appointed in the civil services as bosses. Surely , Ms Kunda , if you ask her the difference between special imprest and accountable imprest, she would not explain. Ask her of General orders of civil service.
    Long before politcians took center stage in appointed their cadres, a person would work his way by promotion through hardwork and studies. Experiences counted. Not now.
    I dealt with Given Lubinda and he did not know how to retire imprest when he was appointed first time. He humbly asked me to help me always….Today he understand the intricacies of running civil service. You will not hear Given caling civil servant corrupt.

  4. It’s at civil servants level that any government begins to fail. I’m at a restaurant delivering vegetables and there are a couple of government employees drinking beer.

  5. She is wortied about government secrets yet the Chinese controll our NATIONAL BROADCASTER what country does that. Do we have an intelligent intelligence service, you are chartered to protect the country not the government.
    Head of intelligence surely you are aware of the concept of propoganda yet we let a foreign nation disseminate its agenda on our NATIONL BROADCASTER, sorry i forgot , we could not,pay a loan so we allocated a strategic resource.
    Will we allocated the military standard ndola airport when we can’t pay for that.
    Mugabe was backed by chinese when the time came did they back him,,,,no,,,he had served his usefulness

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