Saturday, July 27, 2024

Government disappointed with foreign companies’ lack of interest in employing the youths


Vice President Inonge Wina
Vice President Inonge Wina

Vice President, Inonge Wina says it is disappointing to note that some foreign owned companies are less interested in offering jobs to local people especially the youths.

Ms Wina cited some named companies which deal with farm products that and cooking utensils respectively in Kabwe District , as some of the companies that have failed to support the economic development through job creation.

Ms Wina said this when she paid a courtesy call on Central Province Minister Sydney Mushanga , yesterday.

She said that the government is aware of the challenges Central Province is facing among them the poor road network adding that President Lungu’s administration is there to render support to the region’s development agenda.

Speaking earlier Central Province Minister Sydney Mushanga told the Vice President that the province has continued to receive its fair share of infrastructure development.

Mr Mushanga said the government has been able to inject infrastructure development particularly in the health and education sector.

He said new health posts are being constructed while others are being upgraded and provided with various pieces of equipment.

The minister said in the education sector , a number of schools have been built while a good number of primary schools have been upgraded to secondary level.

Mr Mushanga disclosed that next year, with support from the World Bank more schools are going to be constructed in the province.

However, the provincial minister told the Vice President that both urban and rural roads in the region were in a deplorable state to support any economic activities.

He said the province is one of the major producers of farm products but noted that it becomes difficult to get the produce to the markets when the roads are bad.

The minister also bemoaned the inactivity of the China Mulungushi Textile which was the main employer in the province.


  1. Ba VP sure,you have failed to cloth your own kids and you expect your neighbor to do it for you…you promised central province people during campaigns that you ll reopen mulungushi and kapiri grass but upto now nothing and you expect someone from china(investor)selling cooking utensils to employ your youths… cant work

  2. Madam your government issues permits to goreign companies with conditions so if you cannot control the terms of investment how is the whole economy going to be managed.
    You can’t keep blaming others, your pf is in power

  3. The issue is not foreign companies , the issue is who is in charge.It was meant to read companies failing to employ foreign youths ,simple. Who should dictate to the other what and how things should be done? Is it foreign companies or the owner of the country in which foreign companies have requested to do business ? Very unfortunate statement coming from the the second in command . If these companies will start employing youths, the next thing we will see is not only slave wages, we will see untold abuse of employees because our leaders cannot hold sway. Its state capture, our leaders are not in charge.

  4. May we stop blaming others for things we can sort out ourselves… Zambians should solve zambia’s problems and not foreigners.

  5. Policy framework is very weak from your government Madam VP. Change the country’s investment and job creation policy. You will continue crying as long as the investor or is it infestor can cheat the country’s weak employment policy framework.

  6. mama Wina you are officially this weeks biggest loser! emwe fyonse u either disappointed,misinformed or warning someone..RETIREMENT PLZ!

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