Saturday, July 27, 2024

Zambian mission in Turkey to promote the country’s tourism attractions


The Zambian Mission in Turkey has partnered with Turkey Travel Agencies Association (TURSAB) to raise the bar of Zambia’s profile as a tourism destination of choice.

Charge d’ Affaires of Zambia in Turkey Bwalya Nondo said the mission has lined up tourism promotion events in Turkey’s key cities of Istanbul, Antalya and Izmir.

Mr. Nondo hopes that through the initiative, Zambia’s pristine tourism attractions which include the Victoria Falls, the Wildlife and Cultural Ceremonies will attract more tourists from Turkey.

He asserted that the Zambian mission in Turkey is eager to contribute towards attaining the projected one million or more tourist’s inflows into Zambia which, he said would help to boost economic development and job creation.

Mr. Nondo added that government’s rates tourism highly as an engine for economic growth hence, the need to turn the sector into a wealth spinner for the nation.

He said that during the promotions, the mission will make presentations and show videos depicting Zambia’s tourism attractions.

Mr. Nondo was confident that tourist inflows into Zambia from Turkey and the surrounding regions would increase sharply given Zambia’s indisputable tourism gem coupled with political stability and peace.

He said Zambian mission would take advantage of the tourism promotion events to reiterate the need for a direct flight by Turkish Airlines between Zambia and Turkey as this was a key catalyst to promotion of tourism

This is contained in a statement made available to ZANIS in Lusaka today by First Secretary at the Zambian Embassy in Turkey, Jerry Munthali.


  1. We need serious people to manage our wildlife not jokers. Why are people in this sector jokers? The owner of Zambia WildlifePreservation Facebook page has articles about tourism and what happens or has been happening in Zambia. He has explained in detail the positive and negative effects of tourism. Not even ba minister of tourism can come close!

  2. That’s what every mission abroad is supposed to do, market the country’s tourism in those countries where they are deployed

  3. Let us continue marketing our Country’s Tourism worldwide.
    But as we do so, let also take into account the Profile a Country or Region where we’re promoting Beautiful and Peaceful Country.
    Turkey, like Zambia, is a country in Political , Social and Economic Turmoil. Many Turks are running away from President Erdogan’s Draconian Rule.
    Erdogan is a Figurehead President imposed on the people by the Turkish Intelligence. He is Nostalgic for the revival of the OTTOMAN EMPIRE.He is even given to dress like an Emperor; He is on a Crusade to promote Turkish Language and Islam- he is reportedly supporting ISIL, the Islamic extremists.
    Turkey is on the main route of Narcotics Trafficking from Asia to the Western world.
    Turkey is one of the leading Counterfeit Producer of goods.

  4. I ‘m currently working with three turkish , one came just four months ago, the other one is in out of south africa,and the third one a lady came just a month ago and right now she sitting in front of me on her lap top. i have had many conversations with them and yesterday we had coincidentally talking about solar energy and tourism. They confirmed that turkey is currently struggling to attract its full share of tourists due to the political volatility in that country ,but also confessed that many countries are not issuing visas to turkish people because they are now rated as highly security risk.

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