Saturday, July 27, 2024

Ministry of Works and Supply concerned with the misuse and abuse of Government vehicles


Toyota Hilux Registration number GRZ 196 CA
Toyota Hilux Registration number GRZ 196 CA
The Ministry of Works and Supply is concerned with the increasing levels of misuse and abuse of Government vehicles by some government officers.

Minister of Works and Supply Matthew Nkhuwa says the ministry has noted that some officers are using the vehicles for personal errands at the expense of government assignments.

Mr. Nkhuwa has told journalists at a media briefing in Lusaka that some officers have also developed growing trend of parking government vehicles at unauthorised places such as bars.

He explained that his ministry has since intensified its surveillance and monitoring system to ensure that anyone found wanting is brought to book.

Mr. Nkhuwa said Government has also come up with more stiff measures which will not only be costly but also dismissible for officers who defy the rules.

He the ministry has developed a draft comprehensive fleet management policy framework which will soon be submitted to cabinet to guide government institutions on the use of government vehicles.


  1. The best is for citizens to take photos of any GRZ vehicle being misused and then send those photos to media outlets such as Lsk Times. When the people see how the tax Mr Mutati is squeezing from poor Zambians then maybe some fat bellies in govt will make some serious changes, otherwise rhetoric is just that. We need to see action starting with the banning of the pruchasing of any luxury SUV- they serve no purpose at all except to feed already overgrown egos of selfish politicians.

    • GRZ, ZAF and ZNS vehicles are the most abused, they are constantly on the road including on weekends and some of them carry building materials to construction sites.

      I wonder how much government spends on fuel per week.

  2. I miss Col Bizwayo Nkunika. At the moment we see GRZ vehicles at bars especially weekends.Controller of Government transport is dead.please remove everyone at CGT and replace them . Col Nkunika used to impound any vehicle without valid pass.i hope you ‘ll take a leaf not just rhetoric

  3. Concerned! You dont have no fleet management know how…in fact go in these depts its like a family company most got their jobs via the back door. Just scrap all personal holder vehicles like someone has stated.

  4. Just install trackers on all GRZ cars and all cars that use GRZ fuel ……trackers are as cheap as a Mobile phone…

  5. Show me evidence for the abuse of GRZ vehicles. The above picture is GRZ busy innovating on how to alleviate load shedding!

  6. Nothing works in Zambia…its a free for all country…do whatever you wish…no law and order remaining
    Welcome to the real africa!
    zambia in the sun

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