Saturday, July 27, 2024

PF is the most lucrative government-Kampamba


Minister of Information Mulenga Kapamba presents the First Chinese recognition Media award to Zambia Diary Mail Photographer Mackson Wasamunu during the first Chinese Media Awards at the Chinese Embassy

Chief Government Spokesperson Kampamba Mulenga has described the PF government as the most lucrative in the history of Zambia.

Speaking to Journalists at State House on Monday when cabinet ministers went to offer solidarity to President Edgar Lungu, Ms Mulenga who is also Information and Broadcasting Minister said the PF government is the most lucrative in the history of Zambia.

“There is no other lucrative government that has existed ever in this country or party than the Patriotic Front government. That is why all of us came from our various constituencies to offer solidarity, some of us flew in from elsewhere to be here,” she said.

Ms. Mulenga said the Ministers assembled at State House to reassure President Edgar Lungu that they are standing with him.

She stated that contrary to speculation, cabinet is crumbling and that Ministers are standing firm.

“We are here to show His Excellency that we stand with him and that cabinet is not crumbling. When two new Ministers leave, government moves on,” Ms. Mulenga said.

He added, “No Minister is indispensable. All of us should abide by regulations. We believe in President Lungu, he is the best man for Zambia, unlike the speculations, we are standing by President Lungu and we are going to move this country forward together. For us, its business as usual.

Ms. Mulenga said all the Cabinet Ministers are behind President Lungu contrary to speculations that most of them want to resign.

She explained that no minister is going to resign as they are all in support of the leadership of President Lungu who appointed them into office.

There has been speculation of discontent in cabinet in the aftermath of the resignation of Harry Kalaba who was Foreign Affairs Minister amid allegations of greed among senior government officials.
Recently, PF cadre Maxwell Chungu issued a statement claiming that more than 15 Central Committee Members among them Cabinet Ministers had been meeting NDC officials amid reports of a revolt against President Lungu’s leadership.


    • Does the bimbo know what she is talking about? I think she does..$42 million on wheel burrows, $288 000 for ambulances, Mukula trees…list goes on and on..

    • Ati “some of us flew in from elsewhere to be here”…. Must be lucrative indeed. If you don’t steal and get rich in Lungu’s govt. my dear friends chances are you will never. The 2021 coming of UPND govt. will not be as corrupt as this one so please utilize this chance and get yourself a piece of this lucrative “cake”!

    • Remember to renovate the magistrate courts, jails & prisons coz that soon will be your new offices & homes when you leave office. Even Grace Mugabe was busy buying 3 Rolls Royces just 2 weeks before the coup.

      “IT’S OUR TIME TO EAT” is PF’s new slogan whilst stealing from the poor & indebting future generations with $Billions & auctioning the country’s assets & natural resources to tu ma CHO-CHO-LI.

    • How can you proudly announce to be “MOST LUCRATIVE” at a time when:
      – CHOLERA has ravaged the Lusaka & other towns
      – 3rd HUNGRIEST nation in the world according to UN
      – Stunted growth among citizens
      – Farmers have NOT received inputs
      – Malaria still biggest killer

      PF regime is a shameless bunch of thieves.

    • Mushota and this minister graduated from the same fly by night school. Does she know the meaning of LUCRATIVE. Lucrative my foot

    • Lucrative for thieving dishonest politicians, yes. That is why instead of spending the peoples money on cholera prevention, they spend it on travelling to bootlick Edgar Cholera Lungu and thanking him for giving these incompetent corrupt crooks the opportunity to steal even more money than they have already stolen!

    • Lucrative in this case sound like it taken from an ad promoting corruption.
      A look at the adjective: means –
      profitable, profit-making, gainful, remunerative, moneymaking, paying, high-income, well paid, high-paying, bankable, cost-effective.
      She is enjoying the lucrative votes stolen from Kalulusihi.

  1. What does a Lucrative govt do? It enables Cabinet Ministers to enter into lucrative corrupt deals. No wonder most of the Ministers and Senior Officials in Lungu’s govt are now filthy rich from lucrative corrupt deals. Well said Madam Kampamba.

  2. Madam stop embarrassing ypur government, party and yourself. Google lucrative lady. Think you made a freudian slip and confirmed what we all suspected
    This is like the new cbelt ps who said he was not educated but knew politics. He is confusing poltics with cadrism. If this is the quality of government appointments its high time the pf hierarchy had a good look at itself

  3. LUCRATIVE indeed! Why not if the President can charter a plane loaded with cadres to and from New York to go and deliver a speech at the UN -he also seems to encourage corruption by not dealing with corrupt activities to protect the PF regime from serious embarrassment and serious political damage.

  4. This is why Alexander Chikwanda said they an intellectual vacuum in the PF, the minister seems to be burying her head in sand and not seeing the reality on the ground. Instead of being a spin doctor in refuting corruption allegations with valid points you go on to say the PF govt is the most lucrative – in what exactly? getting kick backs?. Madam minister, the Mwanawasa led MMD is the most “lucrative” in history, you have all the data go read!. This country is busy borrowing left right and center with roof level embezzlement and, were you telling govts in neighbouring countries how a cash cow Zambia is to you?

  5. mmmmmmh that’s justifies everything when Zambia is fairing amongst the poorest nations on earth someone is busy telling lies that PF is the most lucrative government.
    Is it lucrative because the nation cake is not shared equally as it used to be the case in the past, I remember when IMF and the world bank stooped supporting Zambia during the Kaunda era KK sacrificed by subsidizing the food so that the people of Zambia can survive and off course we did survive. But the worst government in the History of Zambia is claiming to be so Lucrative and yet the Zambian majority people are in advert poverty. For one to put the meal on the table one has to be in the in the streets for more than 10 hours, this Minister is busy trying to send the picture that Zambia is doing fine.
    The majority of us…

  6. I am beginning to think that this woman does not know what she’s saying. Does she understand the meaning of the word ‘lucrative’? A lucrative government? Lucrative to who exactly? Did she ever learn English or she just bought a grade 12 certificate? How can a minister of information be sounding so ambiguous and so close to negativity when trying to praise the government and the president?

    • I was thinking exactly the same thing. She has no idea what lucrative means and she is the Minister of information. SMH!!!

  7. If it’s Lucrative why is cholera killing people who voted for the same government?The statement is like adding acid to the already injured people.

  8. She was thinking out loud , forgive her, she was thinking of the tenders the corrupt thief lungu and his team over see….

  9. Lucrative indeed!Yes CK has already told us.Then Lucky Mulusa and just last week Harry Kalaba!Iam sure Kampyongo,Chitotela,Chilufya and Kapata will soon confirm this! How troublesome!

  10. What a stupid and most foolish statement, the most lucrative government? What is this lady smocking or may be she took some jameson such that she lost her senses. She is even bragging that some of us flew from wherever just to be here and celebrate the loot from Mukula logs? I wonder if this kaponya has been to college or university or this the caliber of ministers that can move this country forward? Celebrate whilst there is still time, because the day of reckoning is surely but coming. Nonsense.

  11. This is a stark admission from the spokesperson the only lucrative thing about PF government is their lucrative fat bank accounts from the corrupt practices they conduct by robbing the public. And business as usual translates into THIEVING AS USUAL!! The solidarity that they have come to express is solidarity in the unholy alliance of a syndicate of thieves. Only you and your lot cannot see that the King is without clothes.

  12. Lucrative indeed! While they are getting richer each day, their supporters are walloping in poverty and now battling cholera. That how lucrative the PF regime is.

  13. ati Lucrative PF, there is no PF, are you dreaming! work hard invite Kalaba and Kambwili otherwise you are gone. If we are not careful PF will lose to HH pants down! HH almost beat PF and MMD combined..Only God knows what happened. If you rigged God is punishing you for it! You are followers of the devil because the devil is the father of corruption.
    ……Ba Father Bwalya mwaponya akasote!…..
    …….katoole katoole ka bawiso!

  14. Don’t divert the UPND attention ” WE WANT THE PETITION TO BE HEARD” The party is sweet and has sweet female ministers very tight indeed

  15. Check meaning of “LUCRATIVE”. It means PF is the most rewarding in personal terms, with the highest turnaround rate. IT PAYS TO BELONG TO PF, says Minister. We hear you and your are right.

  16. I think that this dizzy woman is completely oblivious to what lies in store for her should a separate and vindictive government come to office.
    “Most lucrative government”? Do you f’ing understand what your mouth is saying?

    Can a PR person sit her down and explain to her in single syllables what she just said?

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