Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Sterling and Wilson to Build Zambia’s Largest Solar Plant


Indian solar engineering, procurement and construction contractor Sterling and Wilson has been selected by French renewables developer Neoen to build a 54.3-MWp solar park in Zambia.

The project, which is being developed under the World Bank Group’s Scaling Solar programme, will be Zambia’s first utility-scale solar power plant.

The site is located in Kafue district, southeast of Lusaka and is spread across 52 hectares of land.

The International Finance Corporation announced in December that financing for the solar park had been completed, and that Neoen and its partner, First Solar Inc have issued a “notice to proceed” on construction.

Neoen and First Solar won the project in a tender in June 2016.

The other winner in that tender was Enel Green Power with a 28.2-MW solar project.  

Bikesh Ogra of Sterling and Wilson said that Zambia, which suffers from power outages, is a key market for the company “considering the booming renewable energy segment and the Zambian government’s support for the development of 500 MW of new Solar PV plant in next couple of years. Sterling and Wilson is a key player in Africa region. We have commissioned 90 MWp Solar PV plant in Africa till date. Reports suggest one in five people living in the country currently has no access to electricity, a basic need today. We are glad to be chosen by Neoen for this project and are privileged to be part of the energy revolution in a power deficit market.”

In the year 2015, the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) signed an agreement with IFC to develop two large-scale solar projects through Scaling Solar program.

This will be Zambia’s first utility scale solar PV project and first under Scaling Solar Program exclusively for on grid application.


    • “….The project, which is being developed under the World Bank Group’s Scaling Solar programme, will be Zambia’s first utility-scale solar power plant….”

      World bank …..pf thieves can not think on their own it there is no bribes…

    • I dont understand this poor reasoning from @ Nubian princess what does this have to do with HH and what does it have to do with Lungu or the PF??? unless you are a baby the world bank has been doing many projects in Zambia that just need the government to agree with and probably provide access to say land in this case. By the way even part of Kafue Road was done by the world bank…. it is your kind that is easily lied to by politicians while the steal your money and tell you to Sonta ! and u actually believe they did the work

  1. “…. Indian solar engineering, procurement and construction contractor Sterling and Wilson has been selected, ”

    A chance for the Indians to offload more unemployed Indian job seekers onto the Zambian market…..

  2. Ha – Haspak, HaJayJay, HaMweetwa, HaLombe, HaNegatives, HaHalucinations, HaHaterd, HaDreams, HaIgnorance, Hazaluza Hagain!

    • I have observed that people rarely mention names of nonentities. So when people most of the time mention your name, it means that they consider you to be important in one way or another.

  3. Beautiful project! Congratulations Zambia! You beat a daunting task of power cuts in such a short time! The working government!

    • I like your thinking Sharon… there’s a message in what you are saying. These chief tribalists can never get it. But I hear you… It’s the tribal issue that I can connect with you to understand, the chaps will never understand that. They will always think we hate them when it is their ideologies we hate and speak to.

  4. Nubian & Sharon on HH. Did he ignore your advances???????? even when the story is on solar. HH this and that. Mulekeni please. he’s trying his luck. Who knows he may become the best President Zambia may have.

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