Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Heavy rainfall in Lusaka continues to expose poor drainage systems in communities


Flooding in some parts of Lusaka

The heavy rainfall Lusaka is receiving has continued to expose poor drainage systems in communities around the city.

Houses in several townships in Lusaka were yesterday flooded due to the heavy rains that pounded the city for over four hours.

The downpour, which started around 08:00 hours, prompted house occupants and their pets to temporarily abandon their flooded homes.

In Garden compound flooding due to inadequate drains is hampering smooth operations of some businesses. Traders and residents are appealing for authorities to intervene through construction of drainages.

Meanwhile, the body of a 40 year old man of Lusaka’s Garden overspill suspected to have drowned in Ngwerere stream on Saturday is yet to be found.

Gershom Mwape’s family has continued with the search since Saturday but so far all has been in vain.

A Muvi TV news crew found the family searching for the body of their missing relative in Ngwerere stream.

Patricia Mwape says Mr. Mwape went missing on Saturday February 10th, 2018.


    • We have a govt that sadly prioritise the purchase of luxury SUVs over the construction of proper drainage systems. Then when people get cholera its time to run around in circles asking for donor support! Enough of this madness. Zambia will never develop as long as this silly attitude remains and the fact our donors have never raised it as an issue shows they want to keep this nation in its backward state! Not me mwana I’m an enlightened soldier that will never be anyone’s f000!

    • We have a govt that sadly prioritise the purchase of luxury SUVs over the construction of proper drainage systems. Then when people get cholera its time to run around in circles asking for donor support! Enough of this madness. Zambia will never develop as long as this silly attitude remains and the fact our donors have never raised it as an issue shows they want to keep this nation in its backward state! Not me mwana I’m an enlightened soldier that will never be anyone’s f000l!

    • We Zambians need to change our attitude. Always looking for someone to blame. People throw rubbish any how upto now despite cholera, build houses on top of drainages and in swampy areas, treat drainages as garbage dumps & when it floods we blame gov’t. What sort of people are we becoming? Was Lusaka city built in 2011? Let’s be reasonable & look @ ourselves. This is not politics but about us the citizens. Do we surely want to be told don’t build in swamp by gov’t or don’t throw rubbish any how to change? God has blessed us with the rains & a beautiful country but we need to ask for His grace to be part of the solution & not the problem. God Bless Zambia

    • @chosen one when there are no dustbins in town for people to throw items like empty drink bottles, orange and banana peels empty milk cartons etc what are they supposed to do? Are they going to carry that rubbish home to dispose of? They will throw that stuff right there in town mwana. At least we should have a dustbin for every 50 people that is a realistic goal.

  1. Now we need prayers for the gods to stop these rains and avoid flooding. We need drought so that we can get on with our lives. Let us all go to church and pray for drought! Amen

  2. Africans will always be at the tail end of human development. Even when water is flooding our houses we still dance for the same politicians who promise heaven but let hell be with us!!!

  3. How does a family suspect the man drowned? did he go swimming ? at 40years he definatley cant swim, it could be some foul play , police help with Investigations , start questioning his wife she might have a clue

  4. The Lusaka city council only knows how to collect money. I t doesn’t know how to put the money into community projects. Give me the Mayor’s job for one year and I will sort these things out.

  5. PF should take advantage and distribute small boats so that the slogan of pa bwanto become meaningful this is what it PF means

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  7. You are certainly right about flooding in Lusaka, every year it’s the same thing. Am just not sure whether the picture you used is recent, are those campaign posters am seeing? Correct me if am wrong

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