Saturday, July 27, 2024

Kabila’s motorcade in another road accident


The Accident Scene this Morning
The Accident Scene this Morning

There was a serious injury road traffic accident on Sunday morning in Lusaka along Leopards Hill Road opposite Saudi Arabia and France Embassies involving a Zambia Police officer who was on a Presidential escort duties for the visiting President of the Democratic Republic of Congo Joseph Kabila.

On Tuesday, Five people were killed following another accident involving a cement truck and Mr Kabila’s presidential motorcade as he was returning to the capital, Kinshasa.President Kabila’s spokesman said the accident was caused by “heavy rain”, although early reports suggested speed was a factor.

In Sunday’s incident, a Zambia police officer identified as Inspector Kayula was moving from West to East direction and collided with a Toyota Dyna which failed to give way to the Presidential Motorcade.

Involved was Andrew Phiri aged 35 of Twikatane Compound in Lusaka who was driving a Toyota Dyna registration number ACJ 8318 Blue in colour from East to west direction.

Also involved was a Mazda motor vehicle registration number GRZ 520 CN belonging to State House which was being driven by Inspector Kayumba.

The accident happened when the Mazda which was being driven by Inspector Kayumba failed to give way to the Presidential Motorcade.

The GRZ motor vehicle spinned off and hit a police officer who was at his point of duty on route lining. The officer sustained injuries on his left leg.

Another motor vehicle Ford Ranger registration number ZP 2291B which was also part of the convoy being driven by Sergeant Mwila hit into a stationed motor vehicle Toyota Corolla registration number ABZ 1192 which was parked off the road after he swerved to the right in trying to avoid hitting into a motor vehicle in front on the convoy.

The driver of the Toyota Dyna Andrew Phiri sustained a fractured left leg, arm and multiple cuts on the forehead and was rushed to UTH while the driver of the Mazda escaped unhurt.

Police Spokesperson Esther Katongo confirmed the accident and said investigations have been instituted.

The Accident Scene this Morning
The Accident Scene this Morning
The Accident Scene this Morning
The Accident Scene this Morning
The Accident Scene this Morning
The Accident Scene this Morning
The Accident Scene this Morning
The Accident Scene this Morning
The Accident Scene this Morning
The Accident Scene this Morning
The Accident Scene this Morning
The Accident Scene this Morning



    • Stay clear of this dictator called Kabila. He seems to have bad energy about him. All that innocent blood he has spilled in his country is coming back to haunt him. He needs to get things right with his people and with God. He needs to go back to the DRC, drop down on his knees and ask for forgiveness from his people, and from God, and then step down.

    • Bad omens brought into Zambia by Kabila, Zambia a country which is already reeling with the bad omens as a result of having Jonathan for a President.

    • Simply look at our officers in the photo how ill-equipped they are…if IG was forward thinking each of those officers would have had a tablet and modern comms instead of pouring silly riot vehicles with anti aircraft guns mounted on top of them!!

      Like poor UPNDestruction leader’s road rage with the motorcade in Mongu, a lot of Zambian chaps on the roads are road education dull. One fella tried to race with one of the latest acquired K1 Billion worth firefighters with all its sirens on with impunity. It was a sad state of affairs. RTSA needs to up it’s game. Take your sensitization to TVs and Radios before someone kisses death or Mukobeko again. An injury is one case to much.

    • Why would you even call him President? Who cares if he died, such a hopeless chap who has caused a lot of deaths to Congolese people.

    • Yes Sir @Peter 1.8 there are good omen… such as the good omen in SA when Zuma was put up for recall or impeachment… but seriously an omen can either be good or bad.

    • Zambian Police are not professional always drunk like their Big Boss. Signs of Bad Luck. Kabila has to watch out. He has over oppressed his people.

    • Peter Fuseki. Go and have a look in your dictionary if you teacher wasn’t there for you or you were on of those that were disruptive in class. Anyway, like LUSAMBO you can still be a minister in Lungu’s govt. but that if limited, I guess.

  2. Why give this guy a motorcade…he is not even a President everywhere he goes there is trouble..its only a matter of time. The sad thing with these crooks is that when they die all the money the stole stays forever accruing interest in French and Swiss accounts!!

    • Jay Jay ,this chap Kabila has forgotten his father got shot and Mobutu got overthrown.Let this illegal president fall violently too .

  3. He is obviously a careless driver. He is a threat to peoples’ lives because like his boss, he doesn’t seem to care that there are also other human beings around them who deserve the same rights and priviliges they enjoy.

  4. Police need to trained on how to control traffic. Luck of training by the police. I hope the insurance will compensate the victims.

  5. Citizens are being killed at the expense of the Congo DRC dictator Kabila why give him an escort when his presidency term finished in 2016 those are signs next will be a bullet to his head

    • @8 Nzelu..your message is you don’t like Kabila but you distort by calling him “kasai”- he is not! He professes to be a “Muluba-Kat” as his father hailed from Manono in Katanga.In fact the so called” Ba Kasai” are Ba Lubas from Kasai regions(Provinces)!

    • Please don’t worry about it. Kabila Joseph alias Kanambe Hypolite is not really congolese, His uncle James kabarebe is an army commander. Kabila Joseph was a bodyguard of Kagame Paul. All of them are Rwandese.

  6. Any normal president would not invite and dine with that animal Joseph Kabila.
    I don’t think Joseph Kabila is welcome at Botswana, Tanzania, Namibia or even South Africa

  7. If there will be another treason case here then it was planned by one known opposition party. They are not satisfied that they escaped the Mongu incident treason by a whisker?

  8. Signs from the above to kabilia….only pity Zambians have been injured for inviting an illigal corrupt dictator thief…..i hope GRZ looks after the injured persons…

  9. Not one word from the corrupt thief lungu on kabilas refusal to leave office after his terms finished……they most likely were discussing personal bussiness and how to prolong you stay in office after your mandate…

    • Basically you want the president to be making speeches without facts?

      Anyway that’s exactly how the head of Cowthern province operates.

    • ECL has no authority in kicking Kabila out but can only advise. These are high level talks that kainde is not privy of because he would run around the world discussing what he is not supposed to be with the international communittee…

      Basically… The talks are presidential and kainde ain’t Zambia’s President

    • Zambia is paying the price for kabila refusal to leave office , in a normal country not ruled by theives a press conference is held after talks to update the press and the nation but the 2 corrupt thieves would rather keep their discussions secreate ……they were discussing personal bussiness…

    • Nothing high level when two wicked men meet, if Jonathan had any grain of integrity he would plainly let the wicked son of a Devil Joseph Kabila know we are not pleased with he’s brutality of our fellow Africans.
      More so Jonathan has nothing to loose if he speaks wisdom and makes it known to the Congoleses Citizens that we have their back.

  10. #1, So you want your dictator to rule Zambia instead? What’s the difference, his tribe? So if Kabila was the correct tribe like your h.h, then his dictatorship would be acceptable, huh? Shame on you, but worse than shame is that you will never rule Zambia as long as your shameful objective is to instal bantustan politics.

    • Any dictator must not be allowed to rule Zambia…….even worse if you have a fraud convict corrupt thief in office who is a wannbe dictator….

  11. We shall see if the driver of the vehicle that failed to give way to the presidential motorcade will be charged with treason

  12. In a normal country not ruled by a corrupt thief , after discussions with another corrupt thief, the press and nation at large would be updated about the discussions by way of a press conference….after all Zambia is paying a heavy price for the instability in DRC and assurances to the nation were in order…..but the 2 corrupt thieves , lungu and kabila were most likely discussing personal bussiness and how to stay on in office….

  13. If what I saw on my way to KK Airport today is what constitutes VIP escort in Zambia, then we are all at risk of either being killed or injured or arrested for what they call “failing to give way,” Something is very wrong in our country. Some overzealous sweeper was swerving dangerously to the point of almost hitting into an on-coming vehicle. Why can’t we be orderly in the way we escort the so called VIPs? We have lived in other organized countries and we never heard of people getting injured or killed or arrested! Either the VIP escort training needs review or there is need to retrain some overzealous officers who become a risk to everyone on the road. Honestly this is a big security lapse and a security risk that must be investigated and corrected before we lose more lives in the…

  14. Kabila is an illegal president God is trying to give him warning thru this accident that something bad will befall him for his abuses of power.

  15. Joseph Kabila

    Image result for President kabila’s profile

    Image result for President kabila’s profile

    Image result for President kabila’s profile
    Image result for President kabila’s profile
    Image result for President kabila’s profile
    Image result for President kabila’s profile
    Image result for President kabila’s profile
    Image result for President kabila’s profile
    Image result for President kabila’s profile
    Image result for President kabila’s profile
    Image result for President kabila’s profile
    View all
    Joseph Kabila Kabange is a Congolese politician who has been President of the Democratic Republic of the Congo since January 2001. He took office ten days after the assassination of his father, President Laurent-Désiré Kabila. Wikipedia
    Born: June 4,…

  16. Joseph Kabila Kabange is a Congolese politician who has been President of the Democratic Republic of the Congo since January 2001. He took office ten days after the assassination of his father, President Laurent-Désiré Kabila. Wikipedia
    Born: June 4, 1971 (age 46)
    Spouse: Olive Lembe di Sita (m. 2006)
    Political party: People’s Party for Reconstruction and Democracy
    Office: President of the Democratic Republic of the Congo since 2001
    Previous office: Acting President of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (2001–2001)
    Children: Sifa Kabila, Laurent-Désiré Kabila Junior
    Education: Makerere University, PLA National Defence University

  17. The accident happened when the Mazda which was being driven by Inspector Kayumba failed to give way to the Presidential Motorcade.

    In Sunday’s incident, a Zambia police officer identified as Inspector Kayula was moving from West to East direction and collided with a Toyota Dyna which failed to give way to the Presidential Motorcade.

    Am confused, who is who and who failed to give way?

  18. This is witchcraft! Blood shed when flying off from Congo to Zambia and again blood shed off when flying off from Zambia to Congo!

  19. News from DRC is that kabilas office are saying his spate of accidents , 3 so far with another fatal one in Congo where 11 people died , are the work of Catholic bishops who are a vocal group against his bid to change the constitution so he stays on in power…

  20. This is just a beginning, HH himself started it and his followers are emulating him by not respecting the traffic rules. Every driver knows that even an ordinary ambulance with a siren on must be given way.Fire Engines with a siren on. Even abnormal load trucks are given way. Now you people you want the all Zambia Policy to escort presidential motor cade in order for you to obey. Wait until UPND comes to power if at all it will, that’s when you will see the effects of lawlessness. In Mongu you thought that was normal. Don’t even blame the police, because they’ve been doing this job from KK, FTJ, Levy, RB, Sata and finally ECL. Same police

  21. Stupid leaders want to create traumatic lives for the citizenry.Look at Syria,because of one ***** the nation is turmoil.Children are ever traumatized and crying day in day out.Leaders should learn to create space for others when their time elapses.It is not a matter of keeping grey beards at the expense of the majority.Grey beards is not a sign of wisdom.It is stupidity and imbecility of the worst kind.People don’t want you and you are forcing them to love you.You are a big shame to Africa.

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