Saturday, July 27, 2024

First Lady advises against dances that promote immoral behavior in schools


First Lady Esther Lungu talks to pupils during the donation of Sanitary towels and foodstuffs to pupils at Kaulu Day Secondary School. And The Esther Lungu FoundationTrust in partnership with the Starkey Hearing Foundation also conducted free ear Screening exercise to leaners and members of the Community at the School in Chief Kalindawalo’s Chiefdom in Petauke

First Lady Esther Lungu has advised school authorities country wide not to allow pupils to perform cultural dances that promote immoral behaviour among young people.

The first lady says it is disheartening to watch pupils publicly displaying dances which clearly promote indecency and add no value to their wellbeing.

The first lady cited the popular culture song and dance of ‘two by two’, where boys and girls stand in opposite directions and begin to dance vigorously.

She wondered whether the message in the song is promoting good morals in young people or not.

The first lady was speaking in an interview with ZANIS in Petauke today.

Mrs Lungu said despite the Ministry of General Education having the mandate of preserving culture through teaching pupils about the country’s rich culture, some dances are not suitable to be defined as culture hence should be discouraged and banned in schools.

She has appealed to those in engaged in culture activities and teaching young people to instead encourage dances which promote good morals and values so that children grow into responsible and productive citizens.

The First Lady wondered how it will be possible for adults to discipline children when they engage in immoral activities because young people are taught dances that are suggestive and provoking morally.

Mrs Lungu further said both boys and girls should be encouraged to work hard in school so that they have a bright future as the country continues fighting against issues of gender based violence and early marriages.


  1. Great words i was also wondering why pupils should dance like that.. thus why we have the iris today who are ready to undress for the public to see every time.

    • Well said mama Edgar Lungu. I give credit where it is due. Keep inculcating good morals in school children with whom the future lies.
      However, dununa reverse dance is equally immoral and deceptive.

    • And there was wife of a former President who during the campaigns was gyratting to “”Swililili” . A song with no morals at all.

    • But Mr. Lungu has scores of half naked women dancing for him at airports and campaign rallies….

      Our President even goes to Swaziland to watch Swazi girls with breasts outside, is that not in the name of culture? Madam first lady, change your household first and every Zambian will listen to you.

  2. Take it or leave it. Mostly boys and girls respond to mob psychology while you and I make independent minds. You can choose to insult, ask silly questions or indeed do the rubbish which one can not put on a CV knowingly no one in his right mind can accept. Mrs Lungu is a mother and a parent as well and feels obliged to advise in her own way.

  3. Mrs Kawalala i thought i saw you twerking to Dununa Reverse. So much hypocrisy.I saw you gyrating your behind during campaigns and your husband also dancing with semi naked girls at the airport. Those girls are copying from you and your husband Uubomba mwibala alya mwibala.

  4. And the husband and a band of old men spent days in swziland watching semi naked girls doing similar dancing .
    Madam have you consukted your husband

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