Saturday, July 27, 2024

Government advised to introduce technology hubs


Government has called on youths in the country to engage themselves in various Information and Communication Technology (ICT ) activities that can sustain their lives than waiting to be employed by Government.

Muchinga Province Deputy Permanent Secretary Davy Chanda said this during this year’s youth day commemorations that took place at Presidents Park in Chinsali district today.

Mr. Chanda said the theme for this year’s youth day commemoration states clearly that youths should involve themselves in issues of ICTs which can change their living standards.

He cited repairing and selling electronic devices among others as activities that can create job opportunities rather than involving themselves in bad vices.

The Deputy Permanent Secretary said ICT if taken seriously by the young people can change the economy of the country for the better and contribute to an increase in the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

He added that Government is also committed to creating opportunities for the youths not only through ICTs but across all the sectors of the economy.

And the DPS added that in Muchinga Province over 60 youth projects and 10 institutions involved in youth work have benefited funds from the youth development programme under the Ministry of Youth, Sport and Child Development.

He said this shows that Government is also committed to improving the lives of the young people.

The guest of honor who also toured various stands emphasized on the need to have quality products by the exhibitors that can compete with other projects in other provinces.

He said once exhibitors have quality products it will also improve their markets.

And speaking earlier a youth representative Chanda Kaimba said the youths acknowledge the efforts of Government which has recognised and prioritized the contribution of ICT to mankind and the socio-economic development of Zambia.

Mr. Kaimba said young people face a number of challenges such as high levels of youth unemployment and under employment, alcohol abuse, teenage pregnancy and early marriages among other vices.

He further called on Government to consider making internet services more affordable and widely accessible by introducing technology hubs and incubators that will provide working spaces and ICT business support services to help fight the vices.

Mr. Kaimba added that youths also appreciate Government for the launch of “The Youth Connekt Zambia” which is designed to enhance skills development, access to job and finances.

This year’s youth day cerebrations in Chinsali district in Muchinga Province was characterised by a number of activities.

The celebrations were attended by various youths from Schools, Churches and Political Parties among others including heads of Government departments and the private sector.


  1. Also remove double PS positions in some ministries. We cannot afford such luxury – we just too poor and a small population for that matter. Total wastage of resources.

  2. “activities that can sustain their lives than waiting to be employed by Government.”

    They are simply day dreaming …they would rather issue out empowerment loans to people who will never pay back. That PS is employed lecturing youth about self sustainability, what a joke .

  3. Education and Training are the Dual Carriage Ways between underdevelopment and development.
    Effective and efficient Education and Training programs for our youths in Zambia should be in response to identified Education and Training Needs.
    Academic and Training Institutions should impart Essential Knowledge, Professional Skills and Appropriate Attitudes. Training in Attitudes takes time to take root.
    Unfortunately, our youths are coming out of colleges and universities with the culture of working for the government- and glaring ” Dependence Syndrome”.
    Youths should be empowered with knowledge and, skills and attitudes that would enable them stand on their own feet, and not to depend on handouts or Charity.

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