Saturday, July 27, 2024

Teaching Council concerned with indiscipline among teaching fraternity


File:Two teachers dancing  after a tree planting exercise 

Teaching Service Commission Chairperson Stanley Mhango has expressed concern on the high number of teachers that are being dismissed due to indiscipline.

Mr. Mhango cited absenteeism, alcohol abuse and sexual misconduct as some of the prominent illicit activities leading to the teachers’ dismissal.

He added that the commission has come up with a code of conduct for teachers which he noted being abrogated by most teachers.

Mr. Mhango said there is need for teachers to be sensitized on the code so that they desist from unnecessary illicit activities that compromise service delivery.

He said the commission is now going round in provinces to counsel and educate the teachers on the code so that the levels of discipline are uplifted.

Mr. Mhango said government has invested a lot of money as such quality service delivery will not be compromised and teachers that will be found compromising on the quality of service will not be spared.

He also stated that it is important for the commission to interact with the teachers because there has been a mismatch between what is contained in the teachers’ files and what is actually on the ground.

And Mr .Mhango urged teachers to desist from partisan politics which he said compromises service delivery.

He said the head of state has been greatly concerned with the high involvement of teachers in partisan politics.

He noted that teachers are the first people that members of the public come into contact with and if they are at variance with the government of the day the service delivery will be affected and in the end the public will suffer.

The Teaching Service Chairperson was speaking in Kitwe yesterday when he paid a courtesy quo on Kitwe District Administrative Officer Taphen Muloongo.

And Mr Muloongo commended the Teaching Service Chairperson for taking an effort to educate the teachers on the behaviour expected of them.

Mr. Muloongo also urged the commission to ensure that teachers are placed in positions which they qualify and positions that exist in the establishment of the Ministry.

He noted that some teachers are occupying positions that are not in the establishment while, some positions have not been created especially in newly upgraded secondary schools and teachers just act in such positions.

Mr. Muloongo however, said his office will remain vigilant and guard against the vice among teachers and other civil servants in the district.

The Teaching Commission members are on the Copperbelt sensitizing teachers on the code of conduct and others issues affecting teachers.


  1. Dressing especially female teachers some who are even married, wear very short skirts exposing body parts that are NOT suppose to be seen by learners who should be regarded as their children. Human right if we take it in wrong context of wearing wrong attire at wrong times will NEVER take us anywhere. Immorality shall always be the result.

    • Which dressing naimwe? Why should a teacher dress in a boring fashion. It just gives learners too much sympathy that teaching a boring career.

    • Rude Monk, you are not a Monk. Monks in all universities and colleges in Zambia uphold the credo dress for success and guard the innocent mind.

  2. Warning teachers especially when it come to love with pupils l know even those who made laws are still doing the same thing therefore the punishment of having sex with a pupil should be half salary instead of facing dismissal. That’s teachers are also human who cannot run away from emotional feelings.

  3. Which dressing naimwe? Why should a teacher dress in a boring fashion. It just gives learners too much sympathy that teaching is a boring career.
    Its called interesting dressing and not indecent dressing!
    Eg that picture of teachers dancing is interesting. Zodwa Wabantu is just cool. We need to raise our under bps sometimes. Life can be boring bane!

  4. These threats of dissimissal won’t help much…educate the teachers properly through colleges of education. Ensure the code of ethics becomes a part of the college curricular so teacher trainees also learn it well well. You will spare yourselves from making such threats

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