Saturday, July 27, 2024

UPND Kasama Rally



    • PF, kuya-bebele. Hunger & unemployment has woken up the people to Lungu & PF lies.

      Even if JK composes another song to hypnotize PF00Ls, even if Esau Chulu, Kaizer Zulu, Chavula & Eric Chimese rig 1-million votes for PF, even if Kanganja cancels rallies, PF is NOT forming Govt in 2021.

    • They’re just doing a dont kubeba on him. What do you exoect when the big spenders are around. Simply put on red and and drink with them but the ballot remains your secret. Crowds have always deceived hh and he never learns.

    • This is not southern province so wasting your time ba upnd. Poseni amano ku southern province so that you get every vote again. Northern, eastern, copperbelt, luapula, central, and part of western belongs to pf.

    • What the under5s dont understand is that even when ecl goes there its the same crowd which attends. Ck will also attract the same crowd. People just attend rallies. Theres no such a thing as upnd or pf people.

    • That’s what you think Sipinya. 80% of this crowd may be PF supporters, minus cadres, who have come to hear the familiar rhetorical rot. And this is where the UPND misses it and cries foul when they lose. They think crowds translate into votes in their favour. They had similar crowds in 2016 in the same area, remember? It’s not about stolen votes. It’s about regional voting and this is what must come to an end. Why didn’t PF steal votes in SP, WP and NWP? The PF still has seven provinces and is practically making inroads in opposition strongholds. UPND must campaign sensibly, without lies, malice and insults to win the hearts of voters in the seven provinces. People often sympathise with those who are insulted as they see the person who is insulting as brainless. Wake up!

  1. But where has upnd held rallies and they ve not been attended, when people attend rallies they do not always translate into votes,these are some of the reasons when you loose elections you can’t believe it.
    Do think that where k 300 000,s at a rally people will not attend,utulo

  2. PF is something else… lost its genre…. no longer poor people’s party…. never trust a man….. where are chawama’s friends?

  3. When did this take place. 2015?? Ba LT please put dates your titles other wise we will assume this is a file report.

  4. This is not Mongu. It is Kasama, where Edgar Lungu claims to be popular. Why can’t we call a spade a spade?

  5. Kalusa always pulls crowds during rallies and of course 80% are trucked or bused in. however, he always loses the election. Lets wait for 2021 and the obvious will still happen and more petitions. By that time GBM whould have lost 20% of his weight at the rate he is going, kaili no FRA contract for Arizona trucking business.

  6. HH won the 2015 and 2016 elections which were clearly rigged. If UPND can curb rigging, then they will win the next elections.

  7. UPND never learn, when they cheat they are just cheating themselves! Transporting people from all over the country and want to portray they have support! They will lose again! Come 2021

  8. We already know who is going to win because he will be stealing again. until the Zambian people can kicks him out of power will he learn to respect. The guy Edgar is such a loser.

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