Saturday, July 27, 2024

President Edgar Lungu wants to make ICT accessible to all citizens in both urban and rural areas


Transport Minister Brian Mushimba
Transport Minister Brian Mushimba

President Edgar Lungu says his government intends to make Information, Communication Technology – ICT- accessible to all citizens in both urban and rural areas.

President Lungu says his cabinet has taken the lead by implementing the smart Zambia agenda using electronic cabinet system and conducting paperless meetings since January this year.

He says this is to demonstrate government’s commitment to employing ICTs in all government’s operations.

He was speaking in a speech read for him by minister in the office of the vice president Syvia Chalikosa at the second Regional African Conference of international telecommunications.

President Lungu has also commended the University of Zambia for hosting the regional African international telecommunications society conference after Ghana in 2016.

And Minister of Transport and communications Brian Mushimba said the PF government is committed to the continental and regional agenda to transform the lives of people through intensive utilisation of ICTs.

Mr. Mushimba said his ministry will work with various stakeholders across the regions to see a robust and interconnected ICT infrastructure driving the social and economic development agenda of the continent.


    • Easier said than done. If it where campaign bicycles; this would have been achieved before year end.
      Where is the Zambian Government if its Ministers just refers to a PF government at International Conferences? International delegates must have been scratching their heads to try and guess where the PF country is located in Africa.

  1. This a good and progressive move. But it calls for more & concerted effort especially in most schools.

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