Saturday, July 27, 2024

Nevers Mumba launches Zambia Shall Be Saved in Lusaka


Following a successful inaugural launch of the renown Zambia Shall Be Saved event in Kitwe on 27th January 2018, Victory Ministries, International is headed for Lusaka this Saturday the 24th March.

Zambia Shall Be Saved is the signature vision of Rev Dr Nevers Mumba whose vision is to artistically infuse Christian values into Zambian Politics.

Dr Mumba who currently serves as Leader of Victory Ministries International and also as President of the Movement for Multiparty Democracy has maintained this “dual” posture for 23 years.

He believes that the same God who called him to preach is the same God who has called him to infuse morality and integrity in politics.

The Zambia Shall Be Saved Vision is premised on the principle that, “ The equitable delivery of goods and services to any people depends on the morality and integrity of its leaders.” This is a cause for which I am ready to sacrifice and pay the highest price to realize, Mumba says.

This Saturday, Zambians from all walks of life will stream to Lusaka’s Government Complex at 18:00hrs to hear Nevers Mumba preach, what he terms, a message of direction for the nation.

Nevers Mumba who is former Vice President of Zambia and High Commissioner to Canada oversees dozens of Victory Bible Churches across the country.

The Victory Ministries team has given an open invitation to all Zambians to arrive at the venue before 18:00 Hours.


    • Yavuta nchito…HH is not helping…njala yanyokola its back to the old tricks…try offerings and tithes…its too late too little Bushiri has taken all the offerings and tithes

    • Ziko la mulungu ziko lino linovuta…ziko la pansi ziko lino nilovuta..ukankhala kapokola ati uyo ni kapokola ukankhala wamishanga ati uyo ni wamishanga..ukankhala Nevers Mumba awe mwandi katwishi noishiba bwino..

    • I applaud him for that … we need integrity with fire back in the pulpits again, and then it will naturally flow into politics; ain’t no one better at that than Nevers.

      Just remember no politics in the pulpit and all will be well again, the best harvest is the one from the latter rains.

      I encourage everyone to attend. Even Moses wandered in Egypt for 40 years before he self-actualized.

      It’s part of human growth and self improvement. At best, he’s one of the best preachers I ever heard!!!

      I wish him well because he can finally live his dream and busk in his element.

      Remain true to your calling and leave the rest to Christ; the author and finisher of our faith.

      Not everyone understands our winding roads in life except the Creator of Heaven and Earth.


    • Continued…

      Expect resistance and inertia but that’s a good sign that movement is about to occur.

      You gonna need a steady hand to keep that movement in the right direction and eventual exponential growth.

      God speed … And Heaven help us all!!

    • The country knows MUMBA’s tricks. We ain’t falling for it no more mate! One thing is you are not doing this because you are a priest. You are using this as a gateway to something, is not the same thing POLITICS or another money-making venture. Do not call it Zambia shall be saved,call it ‘MUMBA SHALL BE REVIEWED, EVENTUALLY’!

    • Sir Mr. B R Mumba snr.

      Your point is fit and proper, however, inapplicable here. With a person like Nevers Mumba, it’s another money making move. He needs to crawl back into his cave and do his homework properly. The message of Christ is no longer preached but commercialized for the sole purpose of enriching oneself. Today’s man feels no remorse or shame in stealing under the guise of God’s word. We need not look any farther………….. I End here now

    • Nevers speaks of integrity but where was his when he pocketed cash when he was Zambia’s rep in Canada?

    • Mr Nevers Mumba sir just come and join me we should start singing kakuluwele kakuluwele eeeee yaeeee Kakuluwele kakuluwele eeeee yaeeee…its like you have run out of ideas

  1. Back to the drwaing board as they say! Nevers should never have gone into politics, I remember back in the early 90s Nevers was a trail blazing young energtic Zambian Pentecostal preacher fresh from Theology University in the USA that the whole of Southern Africa loved, he was popular in Namibia, in Zimbabwe and Botswana. He was the first to make an international name in Southern Africa by now he wouldve been bigger than TB Joshua. But then he got into politics and he became a complete failure at the dirty game. He himself became a dirty politician and compromised his standing. Such is life!

  2. Rev Mumba you can contribute to the nation even in Spiritual uplifting of the masses in the midst of the economical challenges rather than all fighting for plot 1. Quite frankly i liked you more as Zambia Shall be saved founder than MMD faction president

  3. He is back to where money is easy to obtain from docile Zambians.. I mean who can blame Nevers, imagine docile foooooools queuing up to give you money in the name of a fictitious character that is taxfree and they do not ask questions about your trade.
    Never go and collect your money …you need to catch up!!

  4. Nostalgia. He is missing the days when his star was shooting up and the whole Zambia, brainwashed by Western religion, thought he was their saviour. Only to discover he is as fallible as any politician and reduce him to the rubbish dump of the Rupiah Bandas, Wynter Kabimbas, Tilyenji Kaundas, etc. Now he thinks he can revive ‘the good old days’

  5. Brother Mumba (above), there was no problem with Moses. The issue was with the people Moses was leading.

    Nevers Mumba needs to stand down from active politics and dedicate himself wholly to ministry or engage in both without using one at the expense of another or mixing the two.

  6. The man has lost it and it will take him years to recover. The best he can do is become a lecturer or principle for a bible college. Preaching iris out for him. All he will be using is experience and that old prophet in the old testament. Sorry Nevers, I used to run home in the early ’90s to go and watch ZAMBIA SHALL BE SAVED on ZNBC and I was one of your followers who even attended your crusade at MATERO BOYS SECONDARY SCHOOL in 1992 but I cannot trust you anymore brother. You have lost it. If it was who told you to form a pressure group called NATIONAL CHRISTIAN COALITION which you later changed to NATIONAL CITIZENS COALITION after being challenged by Brigadier General Godfrey Miyanda to just come out in the open and join politics that to be hiding under the church. Bro Nevers I am…

  7. For all his failings, as Christians it is wrong to judge him, who are we to judge him because only God can judge him. God is able to forgive at the last second or injury time. Remember that convict who was crucified together with Jesus, who admitted that Jesus was not guilty of any offence but that he (the convict) actually was guilty and deserved to die. At the hour of death, he asked Jesus to remember him when he (Jesus) returns to His kingdom, to which Jesus said ” verily verily I say unto you, today you shall be with me in Paradise”. Moral of my thoughts- If Nevers decides to get back to God at the last minute, like the proverbial prodigal son, it’s all good in the eyes of the Lord, for indeed he Nevers shall be saved. Just my thoughts.

  8. For all his failings, as Christians it is wrong to judge him, who are we to judge him because only God can judge him. God is able to forgive at the last second or injury time. Remember that convict who was crucified together with Jesus, who admitted that Jesus was not guilty of any offence but that he (the convict) actually was guilty and deserved to die. At the hour of death, he asked Jesus to remember him when he (Jesus) returns to His kingdom, to which Jesus said ” verily verily I say unto you, today you shall be with me in Paradise”. Moral of my thoughts- If Nevers decides to get back to God at the last minute, like the proverbial prodigal son, it’s all good in the eyes of the Lord, for indeed he Nevers, and many others who call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. Just my…


  10. Chimbwi afwile intanganano, according to the Bembas. You cannot serve two masters at once, just choose what you want. Sorry, but in my view Mr Mumba, you have failed in both of these avenues. Try something else, maybe selling airtime…just suggesting.

  11. Nevers Mumba messed up the MMD. Many MMD leaders, such as Dr. Musokotwane (an Economist), a Professor of Education (Lungwangwa), a Medical Doctor (Chituwo) from Mumbwa and many others were forced to seek refugee status in UPND as Mumba purged his political competitors in his bid for Republican Presidency. How many sane and desperate Zambians will sacrifice their integrity to listen to this trick-star called Nevers Mumba preaching Gospel?

  12. Since we are talking on religious matters and Nevers Mumba is in the picture, whether he is a trickster,a fraud or failed politician, it should not be us to judge him, because the Bible says “for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God”. We all have our own skeletons but if we are willing to come forward and ask God to save us, He shall surely save many of us who are even ridiculing Nevers. How many times shall he be saved. Any time he slips he can be saved. Remember, a child crawls, learns to walk but drops most of the time until it perfects the art of walking as a child. So is it with being a Christian, you can backslide and commit sin, but the moment you ask God for forgiveness, He is faithful and just to forgive our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. my…

  13. Mumba just repent and come back to your God. Stop politics for good. You want to be a double standard man, one leg in politics and the other on the pulpit…awe just choose one thing. Coz of you wanting to talk politics on the pulpit , I can not attend your meetings sir.

  14. Who is next? Dan Pule !!
    On the brighter side, Better a local hypocrite than Bushiri or TB Joshua. And blind followers will be throwing the hard earned kwachas seeking miracles such as curing cholera, finding riches and free manna from heaven.
    God will never show us the blessings we have and we shan’t seem to see them.

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