Saturday, July 27, 2024

Zambia deports Ugandan herbalist Don Bahati


Ugandan Herbalist Don Bahati
Ugandan Herbalist Don Bahati

The Immigration department has deported prominent Ugandan herbalist Siraje Kasamba Lubega, 30, also known as Don Bahati and removed 38 others out of Zambia.

Immigration department public relations officer Namati Nshinka stated that the department between Friday, March 16 and Sunday, March 18, deported two foreigners, among them Lubega.

He stated that Lubega was deported on Saturday, March 17, on account of his bad character.

“Mr Lubega was on 4th March 2018 apprehended together with forty other Ugandan herbalists as he addressed an illegal meeting at Precious Moments Lodge in Lusaka’s Kamwala South. He is believed to be behind the mushrooming number of bogus Ugandan herbalists who have been defrauding unsuspecting members of the public who are desperate for mystical help,” Mr. Nshinka explained.

He added that Lubega’s stay in Zambia was marred by controversies, including scams where he portrayed himself on various platforms including social media, as a wealthy man who owned various properties, including construction companies in Zambia and South Africa and expensive automobiles, when in fact not.
“He used fake profiles to appear credible to the many unsuspecting members of the public he defrauded.

Mr. Nshinka said Mr Lubega was in February 2018 arrested and prosecuted for the offence of abrogating the conditions stipulated in his Spouse Permit and was subsequently convicted and sentenced to pay a fine of K5, 000, in default six months simple imprisonment, prompting the Department to begin the process of revoking the Spouse Permit.

He further said the 40 other herbalists remain detained, some pending prosecution and others deportation or removal.

But Don Lubega says in a Facebook Live video that he is not a herbalist and that the gathering was a wedding meeting.

“To my family and friends, sorry for the pain you have gone through, Am out and ok, but 100% no fraud charges and not a Sangoma.”
“It was a wedding meeting, then detained because of not getting permission from the police.”

“It was a setup. They invited me to a wedding meeting and before the meeting could take off, police came in and they did not allow us to talk and straight to prison without explaining, and, no court hearing.” 

“My brother, just know that there are Ugandans who are in this because of enmity, hatred and they want me down, but I know how I made it and I will maintain it by God’s grace.”

While celebrating his release at a posh hangout, Lubega had to use Facebook live to show his fans that he was indeed out and enjoying life as usual, as he enjoyed his meal, several sticks of Nyama Choma were hanging right in his face.

He then told his fans to wait for him on December 28 and for his buddies in South Africa, he will be there this Sunday.


  1. What about Indians (who are now raping Zambian women) and Lebanese? Why do they keep coming into Zambia in large numbers to come and do jobs that Zambians can do even better? Why has the government continued allowing Indians and white South Africans to bring their racism in our mines? Zambia is surely a joke. We’re an independent country but we allow racist Indians and B0ers to come in our mines and degrade us to second class citizens in our own country. I remember ECL mentioning that we don’t want foreigners in our mines sometime last year but I wonder why the trend has continued with Indians getting the simplest of jobs in the mines. Someone at ministry of home affairs is getting bribed to give these people work permits

    • That is a sad truth…..indians are over running Zambia…the immigration department is in the pocket of Indians….

  2. It’s true.These guys are corrupt at home affairs.The permit should not be given to these foreigners.A person comes from europe saying i’m CFO or business fimo and he/she is given a permit.We should not allow such people.Let us protect the interest of Zambians.In Europe and other african countries we are booed and tormented when we go there.Let us also protect our land.It’s true that Indians and these fake arabs & indians abuse Zambians.I have seen it for myself.let us educate our pipo please.Govt should improve our education system so that pipo can’t worship these crazy simple white pipo without ideas.We are the same with brians.Ine umusungu tantinya.I challenge them and they respect me.No kuponona tulabaponona nga atumpa

  3. If i had a fraud case why you didn’t take me to courts of law
    The immigration officers in Zambia were consistently paid
    Because of hate speech and why you asked me to leave Zambia or to die
    You used your sister to take my properties which didn’t work out and spreading lies in the country but people will see the truth because it never hides .I worked i am today
    By time you will be known with your lies

  4. Please also deport those other sangomas who mainly advertise their merchandise in the Mast Newspaper. This is not good for a Christian Nation. They promise to bring back lost lovers etc within minutes! Who does that? Please just like you have cleaned the streets, clean these people too from the press.

  5. Thanks job well done. Check even on senegalies and somalian in chaisa compound also small shops in all compounds of Lusaka run by foreigners without proper documents. Please this people comes for secret businesses hiding in to ma small shop. Zambians please be aware know your neighbourhood very well , too much killings

  6. Hello i want to give almighty praise to Dr Ariba who helped me get cured of my HIV/AID diseases, please help me thank this great man whom God has sent from heaven to save people’s life, this man also save the life of my friend who had HIV/AID just like I did, please thank this man for me, also if you have any type of problem or you need cure to any diseases you can also contact him to help you out, he is a wonderful man, his or whatapp +2348158452872

  7. The fact is Ugandans have built a very bad reputation as sangomas in all southern African countries period.another one was deported from Botswana not to mention the number of them swindling South Africans just read adverts in local newspapers then you will know what I mean . Con artists

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