Saturday, July 27, 2024

Kambwili turns down Government gesture to evacuate him


Mr Mwamba visiting Mr Kambwili at CfB Hospital in Lusaka
Mr Mwamba visiting Mr Kambwili at CfB Hospital in Lusaka

Roan Member of parliament Chishimba Kambwili has said that he is shocked to learn that the the Zambian government is indicating that they want to evacuate him when only yesterday, numerous attempts where made by state operatives and their surrogates to forcefully remove him from his preferred medical facility and take him to an unknown destination against his medical team’s advice.

Posting on his Facebook page this morning, the former Information Minister said that his family has not been consulted and is therefore, not aware of plans to evacuate him, adding that Government should instead spend resources on the evacuation of the poor who have been on the waiting list.

“Let the resources that were meant to be spent on my treatment be channeled to my suffering brothers and sisters that have been waiting to be evacuated to India and South Africa for years on end. As for me, I’m only pleading for state clearance not finance since well wishers have already offered to fund my trip for specialist treatment to South Africa,” read the statement

Below is the full statement


Goodmorning fellow country men and women!

This morning when I woke up from my hospital bed, my wife drew my attention to a statement which was purportedly issued by the Zambian High Commission in Pretoria, South Africa, where it was claimed that the Zambian Government’s arrangements to evacuate me for specialist medical treatment have reached an advanced stage.

From the onset,I must inform the nation that my family has not been consulted and is therefore, not aware of such plans as they have just learnt about the same through the usual online stories that are taking rounds on the internet.

That said, I must state that in the absence of official government procedures and communication in handling evacuations, I’m restrained to give a comprehensive response regarding the same because from what I know the Ministry of Health or any senior official from the government should have been the first ones to contact my family before any statement is issued especially by the mission in Pretoria.

However, based on what’s being propagated online by our mission in Pretoria, though physically weak and in hospital as you all know, I’m compelled to respond to enable the public appreciate my unfortunate circumstances.

Firstly, it shocks me to see that today, the Zambian government is indicating that they want to evacuate me when only yesterday, numerous attempts where made by state operatives and their surrogates to forcefully remove me from my preferred medical facility and take me to an unknown destination against my medical team’s advice.

Secondly, when I returned from treatment from the same place where they claim they want to take me today, I was unlawfully detained at Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe Airport in Ndola despite my numerous pleas that was not in the best of health. I informed the state operatives involved in that specific operation that I was coming from treatment and therefore required some time to recover in order for me to respond to their concerns but they wouldn’t have any of it. They proceeded to execute their plans and that’s how I ended up being detained at Lusaka’s Woodlands Police station the following day, after which my condition deteriorated rapidly resulting in me being where I am today – laying helplessly in a hospital bed.

Against this cruel background, I’m left to wonder and ask myself as to what has changed now? Why is the Zambian government all of a sudden eager to “save” my life which they have recklessly risked so much for the past three days? How can I entrust my medical condition and wellbeing by surrendering myself in the hands of such people who have showed nothing but total disregard and respect for my condition, rights and family insofar as my present circumstance is concerned?

Nonetheless, I’m grateful to my brother, President Edgar Lungu for this gesture as reported by the mission in Pretoria but seeing that there is a long waiting-list of more deserving and poor Zambians that need specialist treatment abroad. I propose that the poor Zambians on the waiting-list be considered first.

My life is just as important as that of the suffering majority on the waiting-list hence my decision to let allow the government to prioritize the poor people and not me. Let the resources that were meant to be spent on my treatment be channeled to my suffering brothers and sisters that have been waiting to be evacuated to India and South Africa for years on end. As for me, I’m only pleading for state clearance not finance since well wishers have already offered to fund my trip for specialist treatment to South Africa.

Lastly, I wish to express my gratitude for the prayers and support my family and I have received from Zambians from all walks of life during this period of pain and anguish. I’m eternally grateful. God bless Zambia!

Issued by the office of Hon. Dr. Chishimba Kambwili MP.


    • I like his statement! Can the Minister of Health please ensure that the funds that were quickly made available for this evacuation be used on a poor patient who has been on the waiting list for medical treatment.Money has been found!

    • Am sure Mwamba and guy were eagerly waiting with untraceable lethal Russian medication in Joburg to take care of BUFFOON CK…they would have had 24/7 access to him out of the country.
      This is the stupidity of this reckless govt of Lazy Lungu and his oppressive police force…they create their own problems if you gave him bond you wouldn’t have had this problem now you want to wait millions on him. You have no shame attempting to evacuate people for such illnesses.

    • Mwamba was quick going to the media. Here CK is right, you can’t plan evacuation without family consent. Even in Mwanawasa and Sata’s Case Dr. Miti (the thief) was in contact with the sata family before evacuation was agreed upon and we did not come to hear about in the media until sata was in South Africa . But these ones? Awe sure!!!

    • That silly boy Tayali now doesn’t know what to write on his silly page, just 24 hours ago he was stating that BUFFOON CK was faking it today he has U-turned…the boy is a lamb playing a dangerous game with wolves and lions. Remember Chanda Chamba…you will be left alone Tayali you parasite!!

    • It’s not an insult, but I wonder why we have UNZA medical school if all they do is give Panador. Ain’t our doctors ashamed that high profile patients are taken to South Africa??

    • I wonder how the Government is so fooled as to fall in Kambwili’s trap:
      a). It is not possible for a seriously ill patient to be busy browsing and typing messages & manifestos on Facebook – THIS GUY IS NOT SICK.
      b). There are no politics in illness or death. If my brother/sister belongs to another party I will always support him/her in illness or death. HOWEVER, I WILL NOT SUPPORT HIM/HER ON PARTY CAMPAIGNS BECAUSE WE HAVE DIFFERENT AGENDAS. it therefore very surprising that Kambwili is rejecting to be given medical aid and that can only mean he is not really sick.
      c). All the Kambwili clowning around or buffoonery is aimed at attracting sympathy – AND THIS HE IS GETTING MASSIVELY WHILST FOOLING THE GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS.

    • Nature will take its course. Faking illness for political gain…
      Government ought to subpoena his medical records. Hence the refusal of evacuation, fear of truth.

    • Good move CK, well played! This news is going down with my ka Mosi lager! It’s like watching the premier league!

    • Kambwili should have accepted the offer and let the Government spend for his evacuation. Then he should have used his personal money to evacuate a poor Zambian.

    • Lazy Lungu thinks he is dealing with that hungry dull VETERAN politician Daniel Munkombwe…he evacuates you to RSA then when you are well you go back to the daft thing and kiss his shoes…then he says to BUFFOON CK that I will make all charges disappear if you join come back like that thirsty boy Sampa and stay in line quietly.
      This is the only thing Lazy Lungu has, power which he abuses…he is nobody without that and wouldn’t have any friends.

    • Thank you Kambwili I have been vindicated in my earlier comments on your evac. You have read well into these crooks. and the machinations of the PR spinster …..BR Mumba I hope you now understand my bitterness as u called it

      Interesting patient too.

    • Shameless – why waste your energy clarifying issues to a nincompoop who spews make believe drivel 24/7 on LT ….there they were congratulating the Lazy Bum Edgar as if he is doing him a favour …where on earth have you seen the whole president involved in such individual cases….really laughable…”President Edgar Lungu authorises the medical evacuation of ailing Kambwili to South Africa” no shame at all the whole Office of the President…wasted years indeed.

    • A seriously sick chap having enough energy to go on facebook and politic, Zambians are you serious blocks?

  1. Mr President, please assist counsel Amos Chanda if he is counsellable. He is demonizing people who have moved a motion to impeach you, which is not even an offence but something lawful and provided for in the constitution of Zambia. Whether the impeachment motion fails or not must not be his preoccupation, he is busy playing a useless role of sangoma predicting that the motion won’t go through. Why should that be his problem?

    • And I maintain he is not a PF spokesman. As a civil servant he should perhaps be explaining to journalists how an impeachment works



    • Then if that was the case then it was grounds to give him Police Bond but IG acting on orders from State House refused….he had valid grounds Woodlands Senior Police Officer on duty would have issued bond based on that its called Professionalism.

  4. MORGAN TSVANGIRAI was beaten to near death by Mugabe. Did he say no to Mugabe’s evacuation gesture to South Africa?

    • i think people have missed out the point here, he can afford to pay for the evacuation, what he needs is just clearance; instead of spending money on him when he can afford evacuation himself spend money on the more deserving patients, the poor who can not afford, think about this you will realise this is a noble thing to do…
      Good decision C.K

    • Not forgetting he is under arrest and now the order of the police. I think this is an escape of the harsh reality awaiting him.

    • How is he acting like a Prima Donna…isn’t Lazy Lungu’s Police who refused him bond on medical grounds. Why should they be eager to evacuate him when they wanted him in UTH…this man can pay for his own medication that’s why he is in a Private hospital.

    • At the moment thick CK needs a break from active politics on medical grounds. Those cousins of conditions claim lives. Poor double h unashamedly with his cohorts wanted to gain cheap political mileage out ‘a thick CK’s misfortune. For thick CK, I wonder if his condition also affects the brain. Retired on medical grounds better join camps with the UPNDEADs the mis(e)rable team of losers.

  5. That’s his choice.

    The family must have been constituted before announcing the evacuation. Respect families.

    This is like the Bembas have said: “Umulimo bashikutumine icilambu lupi”. Ouch!

  6. CK says, “when I returned from treatment from the same place where they claim they want to take me today, I was unlawfully detained at the Airport in Ndola despite my numerous pleas that was not in the best of health. I informed……”.

    Excuse me!

    Why did you not produce a medical or doctors report?
    Which authority would admit verbal sick notes?

    • Shut up car Chi colour iwe. Am very much PF than you car tall lay who is in love of the party coz you are eating with them. This is not how you treat someone.

    • Popolyongo – excuse him he is a blind follower simply look at what he writing about the late Morgan Tsvangirai..I mean how can you reason with such a dingbat who makes such sickening comparisons?

  7. The happenings in the PF party which some of us have voted for from its inception is quite saddening. PF needs to change its political trajectory for it to seriously win reelection in 2021. Need to heed the KBF otherwise we’re many with our families who watching from the terraces. Tafili bwino to say the truth

  8. I do not know this man but excellent and wise response. Even if one is an MP, it’s not a right that when you I’ll then evacuation to foreign medical facility is guaranteed. Most of these MPs are already rich through corrupt practices. It should not even be a presidential decision because every life is equally important. As such, if it’s a right for MPs and other high flying government officials, then it should also be a right for each and every Zambian. Enough of this unholy abuse of tax payers hard earned money!!

  9. Ba Kambwili God Almighty be with you always and recover soon. No weapon fashioned against you will prosper. A thousand may fall at your side and ten thousand at your right hand: but it shall not come near you. Psalms 91: 7-16

    • Let’s all kneel, close our eyes and clasp our hands together and pray to White Jesus our Savior….where is the KING JAMES Bible??

    • PS: Sorry I forgot that I threw the King James Bible in my recycling bin…its more good being recycled in to tissue paper!!

    • Pleas get your facts right, Jesus was not white. It’s true however that like all things of value on this earth is name has been hijacked by white people

    • webman – what difference does it make …I mean there is no factual truth or evidence when it comes to religion or that novel called the bible.
      Wake up from your docility and study about self!!

  10. Dr. Kambwili as long as you continue playing victim, entertaining negative emotions and getting frustrated over everything ; as well as reading everything as black and white, you cannot get better, no matter the medicine admitted on you. Since you are highly learned, do a research on the causes of chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, depression and Arthritis; you will find that they are caused by keeping by keeping grudges, playing victim, constant wrong interpretation of stimuli in and around your life. No willingness to let go of negative thing and wrong things that people have dont to you. Put a smile on your face and think positively. Be GRATEFUL FOR WHAT YOU HAVE. Don’t listen to wrong destructive commentary . What you say and believe about you is more important than…

  11. I think he has his personal reasons why he doesn’t want government plans to evacuate him. The government should therefore not force him and similarly, the government should not be blamed for not caring enough for him. From where I am sitting, it’s like Hon. Kambwili has scored a psychological edge over government with his response and back-up plan of evacuation involving “well-wishers”. If it was a game of chess, I would say that is a good tactical move where you castle the two pieces and in the process checkmates the king who doesn’t know what hit him. My thoughts exactly.

  12. Freedom of choice. Munkombwe accepted the evacuation not because he had no money, but it’s because he has not harbored hatred or grudges inside his heart. Mr Kambwili has opted to decline the offer that’s his choice and must be respected.

  13. Our Constitution says any leader current or former who dies must be accorded a state funeral. …so what happens if or when (I am not wishing him dead) he dies? Will he leave a will not to be accorded this honor? Just a thought, I still respect his wish.

    • I feel you but I think that if he continues on his political path the backet is just on his heels. The state will accord him a day of national mourning everywhich way. Don’t forget also that the chap is also afraid of prison. Now making sense of calls that this thick thing maybe faking sickness. Are we saying double h is actually tougher than thick CK.

  14. Kambwili has done well.why waste our money on a corrupt victim?let him use the money he stole via corruption!!
    Plus its a good PR work from president Edgar Lungu!!
    Get well soon CK so that you can clear yourself in our courts!!

    • Lungu was hoping CK would accept and cease fire on calling lungu a corrupt thief………poor people are dying and lungu wants to spend money on a rich person ?? CK is on point…..

    • Corruption investigations on thick CK continues whether he accepts or turns down the helping hand. Let him stand before the ACC so he gets himself exonerated or court proceedings to eventual incarceration. We don’t want this to pass like what happened to the miners money and JOBS at the hands of merciless double h, you hear. Investigations on corruption raises BP.

  15. As citizen, we are all entitled to be treated with dignity and respect. We are innocent until proved by law to be guilty. Why should anyone and I mean anyone who has not been found guilty be treated in this way. Where is Ubuntu and where is respect for human rights. If CK had wanted to run off from Zambia when he was already out of the country, do you think he would have surrendered himself just like that. This leaves me ashamed at what we have become as Zambians, so shallow so uncivilised and really petty.
    CK is a leader, an MP, chosen and trusted by thousands of Zambian citizens. He deserves better. Shame on this Government, you have been exposed, and shown your ignorance. How do you communicate amongst yourselves, how do you rush to the press without consulting the right people. Now I…

    • This CK has played a great upper-cut on ECL + PF, I went to length that the ruling party must up its political tactics ahead of 2021. These aren’t gambling issues! This impeachment is real game changer not the numbers in the NA. These numbers must only be summoned as the last bait on defense for PF. What if these guys in UPND [HH + GBM + Anglo American + even these double tobela Chinese] have already dangled big cash carrots to the unpatriotic and frustrated poverty stricken PF backbenchers?????


  16. The POOR GUY has just suffered a mild stroke because of too much thinking and hatred for ECL just like Levy did on Zimbabwe and Mugabe. Levy went to Cairo (OAU) to deliver a scathing message on Zim and Mugabe but the stroke hit him b4 he arose to deliver that speech.

  17. Just a country full of tuma petty people on both the ruling and opposition sides. You can tell from the tuma childish postings from both sides.

  18. I feel pity for this man. He thinks that he is scoring political points by turning down government offer. Far from it. If Sata accepted Mwanawasa’s offer to be evacuated to South Africa when the two were known political rivals, why refuse such offer? Remember that it’s your life at stake. Pride comes before a fall, so goes the famous old saying.

    • Sata was corrupt and heartless to accept tax payers paying for him when he could have contributed…..this is why African are just corrupt in their DNA through and through to the core……..CK is right to point at more deserving Zambians..

    • I find this comment to be shallow at which point are we told Doctors recommended that Kambwili be evacuated ? And if indeed it was safe for him to be evacuated? There is an assumption that every illness needs to be evacuated …I really don’t understand this sort of thinking. At which point was evacuation discussed with his family ? If you are old enough please jog your memory u will realise that Sara’s evacuation was recommended by Doctors Mwanawasa then just fast tracked it after discussing it with madam Kaseba….and just so u know how much I know of this Jean Kapata was the attending Nurse of the evac. The rest is history

    • Thick people like CK have small and faint hearts. Leave LPM and MCS alone. They are posthumous. Just dwell on the present. Thieves boast that they can board a plane to Europe just to have tea and fly back. On stolen money? I want to hear the end to this. CK must answer to the ACC. Don’t wanna the double h situation at our hands. This story is fresh and so we want answers not faking of ailments here.

  19. Well done CK…..this corruption has to stop where people with money are evacuated to S.A. on tax payers money but the poor are left to die……

    • so all the stories about Kambwili’s corruption published on the Zambian Watchdog were false or is it a case of commit corruption as long as you are anti-PF then the largest opposition party in the country will turn a blind eye in the manner it did with GBM? If UPND is selectively allergic to corruption then what makes them different to PF? Similarly, if UPND can shamelessly abrogate its own constitution vis a vis HH’s wamuyayaya tendencies then how can we trust them to uphold the country’s constitution should they ever attain power?

    • To HH anything and everything must be used. …they are expendable use them then discard them. Even if an alliance was formed HH would still want to be president.

    • Just build your own hospitals. S.Ans are sick and tired of attending to and mending tired politicians. What happened to Willie Nsanda thick CK rival jerabo? We would have had a dead CK at our hands had he been evacuated. Let him survive and answer to the charges. Man, did you see how that thick sick puppy shoved off the man in uniform on his way in. Fake illness.

  20. Tayali is behaving like indoshi over CK sickiness. He even lied that CK is evacuated. Maybe the young man has joined satanism because of poverty. You don’t celebrate the sickiness of your friend when you have children. Today is Kambwili tomorrow is you pushi Tayali.

  21. CK is poisoning himself.
    Please look closely at foods on top of his locker : there is mayonnaise, coffee, salt, slices of french polony and milk all of which exacerbate risks of a stroke.

    • I listened to the brother of Kambwili on radio Icengelo. The guy a pastor oh had no kind words for the government. …..that they are capable of affording any treatment at home or abroad. But I didn’t find it necessary. ..the boasting. You have declined the offer but why not leave it at that instead of boasting?

  22. The statement doesn’t appear to be coming from someone who is admitted in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU), sometimes Called Critical care Units (CCUs). 99.9% of patients in ICU wouldn’t be expected to be talking, giving a press statement or indeed laughing with the visitors.

    • I suspect the man is just a brave coward. He’s just putting up bravado. He’s not that seriously sick and that’s why he’s shunning established institutions. And HH & Co have been taken in. He thinks he’s delaying the case by using these antics.

  23. I will never trust Zambian Watch Dog and UPND they made me believe that Kambwili was corrupt. Today they make me believe Kambwili is just being victimised. I am sure if Kaiser Zulu has to join UPND he would be a hero.

  24. ungrateful, let GBM and HH evacuate him at their expense. Kambwili claimed that he could fly to England for tea with the queen and return the same day so surely the man can afford to evacuate himself. Why waste tax payers money? GBM and HH are the same characters who claimed that CK was corrupt so what’s changed now?

  25. CK is the seconder to impeachment PROCESS , NEXT WEEK HE NEEDS TO FLAG OFF the impeachment process stop the rot on evacuation nika BP and sugar just ka insulin the man is fine

  26. Zambian doctors shame on you, the only irrelevant field in Zambia, these to ma young so called doctors are useless, nurses are much better than most of them.They only thing they know is prosititution, beer drinking and prescribing wrong medicines, I rather go to a witch doctor than a Zambian medical doctor.

  27. Quite a good response from CK. Government simply wanted to save face by proposing to evacuate him to RSA after mistreating him even when they knew he was unwell. I was with brother CK yesterday and was happy to see him recovering and even in high spirits despite lying on his hospital bed. Lungu and his minion should know that the manner they are raising charges against CK is setting a precedent for themselves. For every property we know they own, they will have to justify to the Zambian people how they earned it. Their time of reckoning is coming and we will have their balls squeezed!

  28. Leave my MP Ck alone .caus is he not in support of the ideaology the ruling party he has become a thief. Ka Chanda should also account for the riches he has acquired in short time.All pf members are thievies.i wish you long life my ck .

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