Socialist Party interim General Secretary Cosmas Dr Musumali has revealed that veteran Journalist Fred M’membe has joined active politics.
Dr Musumali disclosed that Dr M’membe is a member of the Socialist Party.
He said Dr M’membe could no longer continue to play an advisory role to every political party, but that it was time for him to join fully.
Addressing Journalists on Wednesday on the planned launch of the party that was announced in November last year, Dr Musumali said the Socialist Party would officially be launched this Saturday at King Fisher Court in Lusaka’s Jesmondine residential area.
“Comrade Fred M’membe is a member of the Socialist Party. This is a comrade who for years has always worked in the background. There is no political party in Zambia where he has not participated. He was there at the founding of the MMD with Mbita Chitala, Akashambatwa [Mbikusita Lewanika] and others. The National Party, he was part of it. Let’s not forget that he also supported the PF; he worked closely with Mr Sata, but he was aware of his role as a journalist,” Dr Musumali said.
“And now time has come for him to play a different role. He is not going to be an advisor anymore; he is part of the leadership of the Socialist Party,” Dr Musumali said.
He added, “If you attend our launch on Saturday, you will see him. And we have no apologies about it. Comrade M’membe has mentored a lot of politicians who are now Members of Parliament, both from the opposition and in the current government. In fact some of them are occupying very senior positions in the current government, so his input should not be questioned; it speaks for him. And now it is his time to be fully involved.”
And Dr Musumali says his party will shock the world with a magnificent performance in the 2021 general election.
He said members of the party had done so much grass root mobilisation that the party was known all over the country.
Dr Musumali warned critics of the party against underrating its impact, saying it was there to offer political and economic solutions people were looking for.
“The question is, what is it that Zambians are crying for today? We in the Socialist Party are not generating ideas from our heads. If you engage Zambians out there, they will tell you that there is no justice in Zambia today.
The elite are controlling everything in all government institutions, including the judiciary. Poverty is all over and people are crying,” he said..
“And the people of Zambia have told us that they have found a solution in socialism. We have listened to them, we have told them our message and they have liked it. So, I can confidently say that the Socialist Party will not only shock Zambians in 2021, but the whole world. It is very clear on the ground that people want change, and our job is to facilitate that change. 2021 is far, but we are working diligently. There is a crisis in Zambia and it will not be solved using the usual rhetoric we hear.”
I Wonder what happened to fred and wynter kabimba ‘s friendship
I thought M’membe was still in hiding. Balimoneka?!
The only way to bring back Post and avoid paying taxes is to join politics. What a shame. If post was doing well today he wasn’t going to join politics. Zambia will never develop. Anyway he’s free to join any political party he wishes. I thought he was joining UPND. I guess UPND is disappointed with him.
ndobo, membe was trying to market wynter and portray him as a statesman but he realised that he was not marketable. That is how membe abandoned Wynter.
The kingmaker now wants to make himself. LOL
Ati “Joins politics”??
How can you report that he has joined politics? He has always been a politician. The Post was a smokescreen after MMD didn’t give him a cabinet post in 1990. Initially the paper was set up by MMD to give the party a platform
Wish him well, it will not be easy as writing a news paper.
Musumali has nailed M’membe.
Kakuluwele Kakuluwele eeeeehhh yaaaaeeehhh ×2
Nao a Mmembe ankale pansi..eeeeehhh yaaaaeeehhh…Nao aKambwili aimilile eeeeehhh yaaaaeeehhh…Nao aWinter ankale pansi eeeeehhh yaaaaeeehhh…nao a HH aimilile eeeeehhh yaaaaeeehhh.
Circus at its best. Zambians are jokers.
Anonymous you are crazy!
Mmembe the hypocrite is supposed to be in hiding!
May be leave him alone and VERY SOON Zambians will see through him.
Socialist Party my foot…no wonder he was not paying tax..what nasty vile piece of work!!
Thanks M’membe but what will become of your latest version of Post Newspaper aka the MAST. Will it always say good things about and endlessly glorify you? That will be incredible leverage. Are you anticipating a pact with your pal in masonism double h or have you come to deliver that which your counterpart has failed? Zambian politics are becoming interesting.
This party won’t be any different from the notorious UPNDEAD I predict. If you CAN’T BEAT the, JOIN them, they say. I always knew that this M’membe had a hidden agenda. ECL be careful, M’membe’s move is to come heavy after you and he wants to get at you and at your own game in the political arena.
The begining of the End for Fred Dynasty. Politics as you know is a dirty game. Ask Kambwili. Who knew that CK can cry in public??? Welcome to the political world.
Correction dontcare. On dirty guy has joined politics to make it apparently more dirty. Otherwise politics is a good game of governance.
You mean azalila? Sure ka?
Politics are a place to run to if you want to become untouchable. There is some unwritten rule in Zambia that no opposition politician can be prosecuted by the police because that will be seen as intimidating opponents by the ruling class. Politics is a good place to hide. I am yet to hear of an opposition leader who will be arrested for crimes they commit without the opposition parties and CSO crying intimidation! Fred join politics and enjoy the immunity of being a politician.
Amagenge, it is not always true that politics can shield anyone from all sorts of attacks, especially in opposition. Ask HH himself, he has his own story to tell as an opposition leader. Third world politics are oblivious to accusations of intimidation of opposition political figures. Kambwili, though hanging on to the ruling Party Parliamentary seat, is in fact an opposition leader and even his illness is not enough to let him off the hook.
Mythical and mystic: Right lets reflect on these Mmembe – Arrested; Mwaliteta – Arrested; Masebo – Convicted; Keith Mukata – Convicted; PS Sinyangwe – Convicted; Nevers Sekwila Mumba – Convicted; HH – Arrested; HH + GBM – Arrested; GBM – Arrested; Kambwili – Arrested (X4). Yes, opinions are splashed here and there. What we are not doing is to also arrest those believed to have trespassed the law but still in government.
Confusion runs in our blood. …isn’t there anything else people can do other than joining the cadre industry?
It seems like politics is an ultimate career.
Socialism failed in Tanzania spectacularly so scrap the socialist party and the failed journalist too.
Is there a Government stand on whether Zambia will be SOCIALIST, CAPITALIST, OR INDEED MIX-UP ECONOMY
Congregation for the decision, it is your right like any other Zambian to contribute to the development of the country. 2021 should bring to the table the leaders we deserve to drive the we want. Do your Comrade Fred and salute your team
Hehehe wajaya! all politicians are doctors!wait! don’t kubeba dr mbwili,dr kainde,dr mulongoti oh that’s the problem with the abundance of prophets.people don’t read books but are appointed as drs by men of God
Welcome to the club.Ask Kambwili?
Yes Mr membe, you are one if the main reasons we have upon us the curse of PF and lungu…..you should help dislodge them….
Last time i checked it was pf and ecl who dislodfed fred
Oh please ba Membe ikalenifye! You are better off where you are.
Fred the king maker is a man..
Hmmm ummm hmmm! Say the cartel chief.
The coward that hid behind newspapers to call shots.
Long overdue. Leka bakulepaule nomba nonentity.
I am sure all criminals and tax evaders are happy to join Fred’s Party. Socialism in this era???
Good luck with your socialism. I always overestimated his caliber until he mentioned he was for socialism.
Finally no more hiding behind The Mast or Post. ECL dealt with you squarely. I still don’t believe that a novice in politics did that to the perceived King Marker. Sometimes power is where one believe it lies. Maybe you never had any real power.
Next this guy Guy will join him.
Don’ forget that Edgar Lungu used to be Fred Mmembe’s Lawyer back in the day. He knew where to touch him to finish him.
Another position of consultant in a poitical party, this time i n Socialist party? Kikikikiki
Imwee!!!! This Zambian political drama is sickening…,Time for a revolution!!!
I don’t know why ZICTA hasn’t locked him up over the illegal gadget he installed at Bwinju Mfumu, he might do it again. He’s a very greed chap that’s willing to cause chaos as long as he benefits. He’s not different from Hichilema. At least he will now fight his own battles than using other people as his minions
Hate the game NOT the players.
Do not kill the messenger.
That Sound like Zambia for you!
Without further ado…..
Another clown to the circus equals more laughs mwah…ha..ha
He is no saint definitely, but he has a democratic and constitutional right to engage himself in active politics and align himself to a party of his own choice. Let’s not take that away from him.
When you have such tags as Socialist to a party, you know such a party is doomed. Dr. Musumali this is not a university where have such titles. Most people run away from such titled parties, ask Owen Sichone. Socialism is an idea which should never be in a title. It is not necessary. Can you imagine having a party called Capitalist party? Not in this day and age, Dr. Musumali. Move with the times. It will be very difficult to attract many people with such a party. Whats wrong with joining Kabimba, with his rainbow. Coming to Fred Mmembe what has he learned by being in the wildness? Musumali my friend there is strength in numbers. Join a party that is already there, ask Akashambatwa how difficult it is to start a party that is a debating club.
Its sad when a Doctor doesnt not understand that socialism doesnt work. Anyway its good to dream
“..Socialism doesn’t work anywhere…” So what works anywhere?
For some unknown selfish motive we may just see M’membe and thick CK in a chi hug and exposing teeth to each other – alas M’membe doesn’t smile. I have never seen him smile. That’s how funny politics can get. All this to get at someone. If thick CK was instrumental at having The Post Close. Better take M’membe’s friendship with a pinch of salt.
Zambia has more political parties than factories.