Saturday, July 27, 2024

Ambassador Nelson took a partisan position, he must therefore go-Tayali


CHILUFYA TAYALI Executive Director The Zambian Voice

By Chilufya Tayali

By the fact that Ambassador Nelson openly pledged to support the Socialist Party, he became partisan and therefore compromised his position as a diplomat who is not supposed to side with any political party in this Country.

Critical thinking and objectivity is something that lacks in most politicians opinion setters and general public, in our Country. Most of the times, we discuss issues from a subjective point of view. It is about what tests good to us, not objectivity.

I have seen a number of people bringing up the issue of former US and UK envoys attending the PF convention, making an argument that it is wrong for President Lungu to expel the Cuban Ambassador, because RB never expelled the duo.

I think we are missing a point, President Lungu did not expel this Nelson Pages Vilas for attending the Socialist Party launch, but for the statement he made, that he will support the party. He should not have said that.

The ambassadors that attended the PF convention were very careful with what they said at that function. I remember the US envoy, Mark Storella, saying that, he was happy to witness to democratic processes, because the PF had a convention to choose their leaders in a democratic manner.

Mind you, this is not the first time that an ambassador has attended a party function in President Lungu’s rule, and NONE has been expelled. HH has been having open interactions with different Ambassadors, with pictures posted on social media, but none has been expelled.

The issue is really about openly pledging support, and not just attending. His statement, makes it difficult even for other political parties, like ourselves (EEP), to engage Ambassador Nelson because we know the man is part of the Socialist Party. Therefore, it is only right that he goes.

Imagine if he said he is supporting the PF, as a party, not Govt, we would have been up in arms against him, but because it is opposition, he is okay.

Let us be objective and fair in our criticisms to President Lungu, otherwise some other political leaders would be worse, judging from their intolerance, including Fred M’membe, who does not seem to compromise, for a greater good or for the sake of others.

If Fred M’membe, was a prudent or tolerant man, the more than 2700 workers would still be in employment today, but because he is so egocentric, he let The Post destroyed by Edgar Lungu, something I condemn him (Edgar) for.

The point I am making is that, at times you have to consider others, even if you may be right, but you let go for the sake of others that may be affected adversely. Fred M’membe and Hakainde Hichilema not tolerant, so let us not vilify Edgar Chagwa Lungu as the worst. Of course he is not the best, otherwise I would not be vying for Presidency.


    • @Tayali reminds me of that dog in book “Seka ni Mbwa”.
      Seka was asking a friend how he knew that he Seka was a male..

    • I am sure Mark Zuckerberg knows this little boy Chilufya Tayali as he is always on Facebook like a fly on %^&&. He would cry like a toddler if the closed down his account.

    • Bati ka guy aka ni ka mbuli zoona!
      This boy doesn’t know if he is coming or going. How does seem to know if he is opposing or supporting.
      And you call this foo! an opposition leader.
      He surely is leading by his d!ck!

    • If hh wins in 2021????? Is he still going to reopen the post newspaper or it’s mmembe who will finish hh off in 2021? Me just thinking……

    • He is watching with green envious eyes at the free publicity…he only wishes it was him but no one knows him outside his yard.

  1. This boy has absolutely nothing to do at his age….I mean he is 45 years old and has young ones or all he does is watch movies and Facebook, dress up for radio interviews online, shameless chap..sit down….surely what is it with Priesthood that drive this chaps absolutely berserk if they are not cuddling choirboys they turn into Father Bwalya and this stubborn Facebook President Tayali.

  2. Tiyali is just envious membe has recived so much free publicity because of an insecure lungu……no one says the ambsssador did not error……

    And can tiyali tell us why the other invited observers were deported , if that is not insecurity ??

  3. Any one supporting the Cuban ambassador is an *****. That man insulted all Zambians and the whole civilized world by his nonsense.

  4. Can the people supporting this expulsion of the diplomat tell us why other observers and friends of membe were also barred entry and deported ??

    What diplomatic code did they break ?

  5. You can no longer be taken serious Ba Tayali. Just continue to eat taxpayer’s money for the tuma dirty piece works. They will use you and then dump you. Ukamona boy!

  6. Strangely if the Ambassador had criticized Socialist Party he would surely be congratulated. Do we remember Chinese interference in 2006 election? Direct threats were made to withdraw all Chinese investment if Mwanawasa dared to “allow” Sata to be elected. That is true interference, and nothing happened. Shaking hands with a fellow Socialist is not so bad really…

    Tayali will eat with both hands and both feet anyway

  7. This is straightforward! Every sane Zambian and any person in the diplomatic corps gets it but the tribal party led by lunacy can’t get it!

  8. Ka tanyoli, grow up and behave like 45 year person. All we see is commenting , even if it is not worth commenting. Don’t you get embarrassed doing rubbish work.for small pieces of gold

  9. Jay Jay, am still waiting to hear you rebattle chilufya tayali’s point. Put the personal attacks aside and concentrate on the point.
    The people who believe that government has overreacted in this scenario, are completely missing the gravity of what he did. this man, is in Zambia representing the president of Cuba, so what he says carryies a lot of weight. It can either build or destroy our relationship with Cuba. This is why they go for training before they are deployed.
    When he pledged support for the socialist party, he basically committed his country to supporting an opposition party in the host country. This is an afront to the host nation and basically crosses the red line in diplomatic etiquette.
    Ba Jay Jay, this why he was quick to describe his actions as “poor…

    • Sunta sunkutu – Go and clearly read VJ’s article he also states that the diplomat was wrong but the govt reaction was extreme…remember English is not even Cuba’s official language so he may have been lost in translation. All the govt should have done is complain to Havana or summon the Diplomat for clarification…why don’t we see this extreme reactions to issues of corruption? Is that not a priority when others are getting richer by the day and students are sleeping in class laboratories because of lack of facilities. Does the govt not know that a Scania Fire Truck should not cost 4 times the price…if I was president I would do everything in my power to bring the culprits to book or create a Public Inquiry.

  10. Ba neni, the President did not expel Cuban envoy for attending a political gathering, but for the statement he made, that he will SUPPORT a new party. Envoys freely attend political gatherings but they are mindful of what they say.
    For example, US envoy, Mark Storella, attended praised the PF convention, he praised a system AND NOT a particular party, he said he was happy to witness a “DEMOCRATIC PROCESS”, because the PF had a convention to choose their leaders in a democratic manner….unlike parties like the Socialist or UPN fimo fimo where leaders are appointed like Kings.

  11. I absolutely detest this little insect called chilufya tayali, am no fan of his behavior. But on this score, I totally agree with him.
    This is really embarrassing for the government of Cuba. I expect them to send a different person to replace this man with full apologies.
    Derrick Mbita chitala had to be recalled, after the Libyan government complained about him writing articles in a local paper expressing personal opinions on the politics of that nation.
    Tayali, on this one has spoken better than vj.

    • PF have just given Fred free publicity …a new Diplomat would have been sent anyway instead of panicking an issuing 7 day ultimatums!!

  12. We all know that Tayali li tall-lay but he has spoken sense here. The Ambassador breached the Diplomatic Code by pledging his Country’s support for The Socialist Party. period

  13. Someone remind Jay Jay that that the ambassador has admitted the charge, is profusely apologetic, and has accepted the penalty, so what are upndeez yapping about? Lets get down to work, easter holiday is over. If you want mire cry baby drama waitfor h.h pressbriefing today or comment today. But will he? H.h probably is enjoying the trouble on Mmembe his rival, remember I said Mmemb e can only fish in the same pond as h.h? In short splitting the few votes and shooting down in 2021 the now traditional h.h claim of rigging.

    • Cader tell us why your insecure lungu deported the other invited guests of membe ? Did they break also break diplomatic protocol ? Or is lungu panicking ….

  14. Yaba Tayali, exposing his ignorance. The Cuban ambassador can attend any gatherings he so wishes and the actions by government should be condemned. It clearly demonstrates lack of lack of tolerance and freedom of expression. I hope these guys try and expel the US ambassador and see how their funding will be cut off. I have seen some foolish supporters applauding this move but little do they know such actions can stop Cuba from helping us. We are very poor and very dependent on others, ECL’s pride and power hungriness is going to cause us nothing but misery. He has no capacity to develop and improve our economy now he is chasing people that might be of help.

  15. Yaba Tayali, exposing his ignorance. The Cuban ambassador can attend any gatherings he so wishes and the actions by government should be condemned. It clearly demonstrates lack of lack of tolerance and freedom of expression. I hope these guys try and expel the US ambassador and see how their funding will be cut off. I have seen some fooolish supporters applauding this move but little do they know such actions can stop Cuba from helping us. We are very poor and very dependent on others, ECL’s pride and power hungriness is going to cause us nothing but misery. He has no capacity to develop and improve our economy now he is chasing people that might be of help.

  16. The Cuban diplomat is a head of state for Cuba in Zambia, any activity he needs to do must be reported to the Zambian gvt through Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Just in case he was injured due to unforseen circumstances, the Zambian gvt will be to blamed totally.
    Look at this objectively not because of politics. Even the diplomats who had lunch with HH their was permission granted for them to attend. Sorry Cuban Ambassador he miscalculated his move. Thank you.

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