Saturday, July 27, 2024

Underdog Power overcome favourites Nkana


Power Dynamos stunned favourites and hosts Nkana 2-1 to win the big Kitwe derby on Monday at Nkana Stadium in Kitwe.

The victors came into the match as second best after a stuttering display in Friday’s lesser Kitwe derby against promoted Kitwe United that ended 1-1 across the road at Arthur Davies Stadium.

Expectations were that the bigger guns Nkana would walkover defensively suspect Power led by their feared attacking arsenal of Walter Bwalya, Ronald Kampamba, Fred Tshimenga and new arrivals Festus Mbewe and Idris Mbombo.

However, it was Power who struck first blood in the 1st minute through their very own new boy Reagan Nkuy who headed in a cross from Kelvin Mubanga.

Then, Power coach, Kelvin Kaindu, well aware of his side’s defensive deficiencies, applied a frustrating game plan of negative football drustrupting Nkana’s flow throughout the opening 45 minutes.

But Nkana did test Power and the visitors had goalkeeper Joshua Titima to thank for denying Tshimenga and Harrison Chisala in the first half.

Nkana turned the tables in the second half with the arrival of Mbewe and Bwalya for Chisala and Jacob Ngulube.

The home side duly equalized in the 58th minute when Ronald ‘Sate Sate’ Kampamba dispatched his customary derby goal against Titima.

But Titima dusted himself off from his traditional derby humiliation at the hands of ‘Sate- Sate’ to make some outstanding saves as Nkana dominated the last 45 minutes.

However, Power still had the last say in the 84th minute when Kelvin Kampamba headed in a controversial goal that many perceive was a hand ball.

The damage was done, Kaindu remained unbeaten in his first four games in charge and Power are still at the top of the table on 10 points tied with 2nd placed Green Buffaloes who beat Nkwazi 1-0 at home via an Aubrey Chellah goal in the 43rd minute.


    • Nkana is over rated and their supporters are big headed, well done power 90 for putting the small boys in their place.

  1. Well done power. The harder they come the easier the fall. All the best team. Kkkkkkkkk aka red. We were not going to ve sparedthanx team. Our noise neighbours next time

  2. Power Played well tactically. How can Coach Chambeshi use four strikers (Mbombo, SateSate, Walter & Festus) at the same? Shows lack of tactics on his part.

  3. my blood is yellow, power 90 bola panshi not FAVOUR! Kaindu must discipline that ngonga guy, he is being undermined alot!!! gud start yellow family keep it up

  4. Who told you Nkana were favorites? A team that team that has been relegated before twice against a team that has never tested Division One Football Since 1978. Aikona journalist man you are not serious!

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