Saturday, July 27, 2024

L400 project will boost business in Lusaka –Lusambo


Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo on a familiarization tour of City Market Market and part of Lusaka CBD
Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo on a familiarization tour of City Market Market and part of Lusaka CBD

Government has expressed happiness with the workmanship of AVIC International the contractor engaged to construct and Rehabilitate Roads in Lusaka under the L400 road project.

Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo expressed happiness shortly after touring Mungwi, Lumumba and Ngwerere Roads yesterday.

Mr Lusambo disclosed that Phase two of the project is expected to cost two hundred and forty one million dollars.

He said Lusaka is growing at a very fast rate hence the need to improve and grow the road network.

And Mr Lusambo says the completion of the phase two L 400 projects in Lusaka is expected to give new look and boost business through provision of better services.

The Provincial Minister further commended Road Development Agency –RDA- for marking considerable progress on the project.

Mr Lusambo who is also Kabushi Member of Parliament cautioned members of the public against encroaching on land meant for development such as construction of roads.

He further said its government agenda to reshape and maintain all the roads in Lusaka and other parts of the country to improve the living standards of its citizenry.

And Road Development Agency –RDA- Director and Corporate Affairs Masuzyo Ndhlovu said seventy percent -70% of the project has been done so far.

Meanwhile AVIC International Chief Engineer Huang Jun further explained that the project is expected to be completed in July this year.


    • When an MP is on suspension, are they no automatically suspended as a Minister? Can the learned people on constitutional issues educate me on this? The assumption seems academically correct, I think.

    • Lusambo Lusambo, he talks as if he umderstands what he is saying the shallow minded guy misplaced and masquarading as a minister in any important city.

    • Why did this guy get a billboard with Margaret Mwanakatwe when all other Zambians did not? All Zambians deserve billboards!

  1. AVIC another corrupt Chine company piling up the overpriced contracts and billing the poor Zambians whilst coniving with our shortsighted corrupt politicans like this heap of sh%t Bowman!!

  2. Keep it up Honerable .but I have a complete someone has built on the road in Matero off salima road,to make matters wessy he is a police officer can I have your number so I can take you

  3. Well done! UPND is an evil party that is mostly from Namwala. I look forward to seeing the day when GBM will become the President of UPND! Someone’s stomach has produced gas!

    • Sharon/Victor

      Still looking for crowd financing for your transgender operation? Why not ask Lusambo to contribute?

  4. Victor, your ill informed comment shows your lack education and ability to articulate correctly.
    Morons are projecting, is not the government with avic doing the projects’ (projecting) so you are calling the government and dr lusambo MORONS. Own goal victor

  5. “The L4O0 is a US$348 million project covering over 400km of roads in Lusaka District. The project commenced on 1st June 2013 and is expected to be completed by 15th January 2017”, a minister told parliament. Shouldn’t the project have been completed by now? And if I remember correctly the minister said L400 was going to be for local contractors only.

  6. This is THE PROBLEM WE HAVE IN ZAMBIA, like Wynter observed one time IS LUSAMBO COMPETENT ENOUGH TO JUDGE THE QUALITY OF ROADWORKS WHEN HE IS NOT AN ENGINEER? Unless he had been advised accordingly by Engineers and he read a report qualifying the inspections as such, HE IS JUST ISSUING HOT AIR!! Empty political statement that may not help the masses!!

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