Saturday, July 27, 2024

Alcohol bill welcome


Some youth from Mandevu township drinking beer

The local authority in Chikankata district of Southern province has backed government’s position to introduce the alcohol bill as a control measure against the increased levels of alcohol consumption in the country.

Chikankata District Council Secretary Mary Muluti says the district supports government’s intention to take the alcohol bill to parliament so that laws against alcohol consumption can be stiffened in Zambia.

She said the announcement made by Religious Affairs and Guidance Minister Reverend Godfridah Sumaili’s to the nation that once enacted , the bill will regulate alcohol consumption in the country especially among youths, must be supported by well-meaning Zambians.

Ms. Muluti said excessive beer drinking among youths and even the older generation in the country has reached alarming levels hence the need to come up with a piece of legislation to regulate drinking.

And Chikankata District Public Health and Environmental Officer Rosemary Mooya said stiffening of alcohol related crimes is the best thing to do by government.

Ms. Mooya said in Chikankata district, both Youth and the older people start drinking beer as early as 05:00 hours, a thing she said was not productive.


  1. Drinking age must be upped to 21, Bars should not open before 3pm, close establishments that sell alcohol to children and provide alcohol education in schools. Additionally, open rehabilitation centers for alcoholics and PROSECUTE ZAMBIA BREWERIES FOR MURDER!

    • More evidence these people don’t think. Reality is when is alcohol is expensive Joe will extract money from mealie meal, school fees, transport, funeral expenses, etc to ensure he is always kept in drink. This is what happens all the time and will always happen.

    • Wantanshi when your brain cannot construct anything meaningful. It is best to let those with a vision and love for Zambia speak.

  2. First start enforcing the laws you ALREADY have. Also, stop running local authority from the capital city – let them make bylaws like it was in the 70s and before that when district jurisdiction was REAL!! Awe mwe. What more laws are you going to create when you cannot make sense of the ones you already have! Iyeee mayo kwena!

  3. This bill should first be implemented at state house and lets see how it works from there then we can make it a law. Otherwise this is an exercise in futility, first you impoverish people and now you want to control the only thing that keeps them sane? lkkkkk pf ans sumaili have run out of ideas.

    • Pilot project at State House ha ha ha ha! Thats where Godridah Sumaili should Start to guide; charity begins at home.

  4. When we tell you that the President in Zambia is very influential and has an influential position in putting an end to corruption…here is an example, when the ZANACO Bank statement was leaked he rushed to Parliament and cited that there is too excessive alcohol abuse…imagine if he did the exact same thing and cited corruption as a big issue, stakeholders would have sat down and come up with ideas to reduce it.

    • Nzelu, I was surprised that some states in USA especially the Deep South alcohol is not sold on Sundays whether in bars, restaurants or supermarkets. And people respect that law.

  5. I don’t know what deep South you are talking about partner, I fly all over the state’s for work and I was just in the south last month. Get your facts check boss

  6. As usual, Godfreak trying to justify her existence, she has no job description ni chipante pante. How can you regulate people’s throats? Does drinking beer have anything to do with Religious Affairs? Are you going to outlaw drinking without first saying a prayer?

  7. Past Experience Is Invaluable For Complex Decision Making, What pass experience did the generation before us afford this generation?

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