Saturday, July 27, 2024

Kampyongo lauds prison transformation


Home Affairs Minister Stephen Kampyongo
Home Affairs Minister Stephen Kampyongo

Minister of Home Affairs, Stephen Kampyongo says transformation of the Zambia Prisons Service to Zambia Correctional Service has witnessed a lot of changes in offender management and the whole system.

Mr. Kampyongo says a lot of new infrastructure has been constructed while officers taking care of the offenders will have to be retrained.

ZANIS in Kabwe reports that Mr. Kampyongo was speaking this morning when he paid a courtesy call on Central Province Minister, Sydney Mushanga, before commissioning and handing over 109 new houses constructed by AVIC International for officers at Mukobeko Maximum Security Correctional Service in Kabwe.

Mr Kampyongo said the government, through his ministry, will construct more houses for officers in all departments so that they have decent accommodation.

He noted that decent accommodation was among the many motivating factors that officers in his ministry have been lacking for a long time.

Mr Kampyongo assured that immigration officers, police officers, Drug Enforcement Officers and others in his ministry will have better accommodation as the project of constructing houses was in phases.

“Good housing is one of the key issues that improve morale of officers and this is why government has prioritized accommodation for workers in my ministry,” he said.

Speaking earlier, Central Province Minister, Sydney Mushanga expressed pride that the Patriotic Front has constructed so many houses at Mukobeko Maximum Security Correctional service within the short time the party has been in government.

Mr Mushanga said the housing units will make a very big difference not only for officers at Mukobeko Maximum Security Correctional service but for Kabwe district in particular and Central Province in general.

He revealed that government was constructing hundreds of other housing units for Zambia Police Mobile Unit in the district.

Mr Mushanga said construction of the houses means that the government was walking the talk as the housing units are a fulfilment of the promises the PF made during the campaign towards the last Presidential and General elections.

Meanwhile, Mr Mushanga has appealed to Minister of Home Affairs, Stephen Kampyongo to see to it that police check points and speed traps are reduced on the roads.

Mr Mushanga observed that there are three speed traps and more than five police check points between Chisamba and Kabwe, a situation he described as inconveniencing for the traveling public.

He said it would be better to deploy more police officers in communities where criminal activities are the order of the day instead of deploying dozens of officers to man road blocks and speed traps.

A few months ago, Mr Mushanga complained of numerous police check points between Kabwe and Kapiri Mposhi with too many officers at each one of the road blocks at the experience of crime prevention in communities.

In response, Home Affairs Minister, Stephen Kampyongo promised to look into the complaint of Mr Mushanga and see how he could deal with it administratively.


  1. Dont worry Stephen Kampyongo you will see first hand how these facilities have improved come 2021…you will pat on your back then!!

  2. Has Sidney Mushanga seen the road going in and out of Kabwe General hospital it is so bad that a patient can die from the bumps.

  3. Ba Mudala Kampyongo just make sure you do a good job and renovate the prisons to the same standard as they have at least in South Africa. “A nation is judged by the way it treats its prisoners” that is a very well known quote- take it to heart. Also the truth of the matter is come 2021 as a certain lazy bum robot called gayjay has pointed out and I too foresee it happening which is you guys will not make it at the polls so kindly do the wise thing and make those cells habitable for humans because this opposition you’ve made enemies with baba are more than likely winning in 2021 and I don’t think they will wait to send you to the choox once they are in power!

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