Saturday, July 27, 2024

Local Driven Dialogue is the Only Option, Zambia is Not on Fire – President Lungu


Find herewith pictures for your possible use. President Edgar Lungu with United Nations Coordinator in Zambia who is also United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Resident Representative Ms Janet Rogan when she paid a courtesy call on the Head of State at State House on Wednesday, 4th April, 2018. Pictures by Eddie Mwanaleza
Find herewith pictures for your possible use. President Edgar Lungu with United Nations Coordinator in Zambia who is also United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Resident Representative Ms Janet Rogan when she paid a courtesy call on the Head of State at State House on Wednesday, 4th April, 2018. Pictures by Eddie Mwanaleza

President Edgar Lungu says the ruling Patriotic Front is ready to dialogue whenever all the stakeholders involved are ready to do so.

The President has however underscored that the dialogue process must be driven by the Zambia Centre for Interparty Dialogue (ZCID) as the umpire and not external players who can only participate as observers.

The President notes that there is nothing wrong for outside players to participate, but only as observers and not as adjudicators because Zambia is capable of addressing its own issues as a sovereign nation, and that historically Zambians have come out of very difficult situations on their own.

The Head of State says it is wrong for external forces to lead the process of dialogue with set conditions in a sovereign nation like Zambia when the country was not even on fire.

The President also notes that the dialogue process for political parties is a give and take scenario and all participants have to play to the rules of the discussions and not to individuals.

“We are ready to talk and anyone is free to participate in the dialogue process, but not to take center stage because we are a sovereign nation .Anyone can be part of the process, but only as observers and the ZCID as umpire. We Zambians have to own the process,” the president said.

“This dialogue is meant to achieve a predictable system which will enable us choose leaders without interference. There is need to have an arrangement which is clearly understood and with minor conflicts, “said the Head of State.

The President said this when United Nations Resident Coordinator In Zambia ,who is also United Nations Development Plan Resident Representative Janet Rogan pad a courtesy call on him at State House today.

Ms. Rogan wanted to ascertain the President’s stance on talks with the opposition.

The two further discussed a number of issues among them infrastructure development, the 7th National Development Plan and Media.

Meanwhile the President is deeply concerned that the media in the country has continued to push political agendas at the expense of serious matters of national development.

The President is saddened that the country was spending so much time politicking at the expense of seeking solutions to many challenges that the people were faced with.

The President emphasises that there is a lot of work which needs to be done for the country to achieve economic growth and prosperity, unfortunately so much time is being dedicated to the political front

“Let’s focus on national development. We cannot hijack the lives of the people with politics. And our focus on national development can only be achieved if distraction is minimal,” said the President.

“Our media is awash with politics at the expense of discussing serious matters of how the governmne5t should address issues such as maternal mortality, improve life expectancy, sensitizing people on cholera prevention. No one really wants to focus on things that matter such as putting food on the table of the suffering people, water reticulation, addressing gender based violence and early marriages. There are also many other health challenges such as prostate cancer that the media can help in sensitizing men who are prone to this disease. But the agenda is ever being zoomed into politics,” the President said.

The President hailed the United Nations for its continued cordial relations with the Zambian government saying there is need for this collaboration to continue especially in the areas of governance such as fine tuning the Zambian Constitution and implementation of the development programme.

Find herewith pictures for your possible use. President Edgar Lungu with United Nations Coordinator in Zambia who is also United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Resident Representative Ms Janet Rogan when she paid a courtesy call on the Head of State at State House on Wednesday, 4th April, 2018. Pictures by Eddie Mwanaleza
Find herewith pictures for your possible use. President Edgar Lungu with United Nations Coordinator in Zambia who is also United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Resident Representative Ms Janet Rogan when she paid a courtesy call on the Head of State at State House on Wednesday, 4th April, 2018. Pictures by Eddie Mwanaleza

Meanwhile the President in his discussion with Ms. Rogan noted that infrastructure such as roads were essential to national development contrary to assertions by some sections of society that no one could eat roads.

The President says all service delivery in various sectors of the country’s economy was anchored on road connectivity, for health delivery to take place or for agro products to be taken to the market, there is need for roads.

This is contained in a statements made available to ZANIS in Lusaka today by Chief Analyst for Press and Public Relations at State Hose ,Cecilia Mulenga.


  1. How can the media not push political agendas when campaigns have already kicked off and no effort is spared in ensuring that Davies Mwila is covered wherever he goes?

    • He is right as well.

      For the best part me and I’m not your ladies and gentlemen. I’m 27.
      I think he is the most humble, qualifying with a good brain between his shoulders If all Zambian Presidents we have ever heard.

      I have a PhD – So I do know one thing or two someone without a PhD doesn’t know.



    • Its good Edgar coming to senses.
      We corrected him by saying why did he abandon team lead by Archbishop Tresphore Mpundu, and decide to embrace that Common-Wealth woman?
      It was insult to our own leaders, look now even Archbishop decided to retire.

    • Lungu is afraid of the commonwealth these people don’t joke they can easily expel a country.
      Baroness Scotland must have given lungu a lecture on democracy and Rule of law.
      Lungu would rather go to the toothless UN or the dictators and yapping club called AU and the useless SADC. Where everyone congratulates you for rigging elections.

    • I did high light to gambari that if he is a professor he should read between lines that he is not wanted in the dialogue process. Now ecl has even made it clearer for you. Pack and go. To be an observer in a dialogue process is tantamount to not being present.

    • He is more comfortable with local chaps who play patronage to the president and the many benefits that come with being close to him or on his side. The chaps at the helm of ZCID are Lungus extensions and this is a well known fact. The commonwealth was entertained by Lungu in so far as it got him out of the mess of arresting a key opposition leader on frivolous charges. He saw how much international coverage it was getting and the impact on his image wasn’t pleasing.

    • So each of the options be it commonwealth or ZCID is a means to an end for him each will guarantee a win or at least a comfortable way out….. Lungu likes easy things that is why he looks so relaxed and healthier in what is supposed to be a highly stressful job compared to what he had before …when he could barely look after himself properly badly combed his hair, his suits were poorly fitting him etc….this is not malice his pictures are there u can google them all u want.

    • That’s how we run this country … I like that posture. A picture speaks a thousand words. ECL is in charge.

      Let’s roll …

    • Glad we have a ratiinal actor in statecraft job. Our lamentations resonates with the commander in-Chief. It is preposterous and unparalelled irresponsibility to abdict zambia roles to foreign interests.

    • Very proud that we have a rational actor for state Presidency. Such is leadership Zambia deserves who serves to fend national dignity. Why should we abdicate our responsibilities to Gambari when we have functional institutions? How can political theatrics of individuals ever chasing power in unorthodox ways deserve abdicating sovereignty for to a foreign interests in peacetimes?

    • Dont let this Lazy Lungu dupe you he has only come due to the impeachment motion that will give him negative publicity locally and internationally…I can bet you he will attach conditions to this dialogue. The Commonwealth chola boy was here 2 weeks ago Lazy Lungu never said nothing but went AWOL to RSA for 3 days.

    • When the local guys told EL to release HH from prison he never listened to them, Not until the lady from the commonwealth came in, What has changed now for EL, He wants to use the local guys who worship him and are scared of him to be in-charge. EL can never be trusted, He was voted in by raising of hands, woke up the judge in the middle of the night to give him an injunction, gave the black mountain to kaponyas when the case was still in court, told the ministers to stay in office when parliament was dissolved etc, Who can trust this guy EL

    • muntu wandi – I concur with you…the yardstick a leaders intellect or smartness is judged is by the advisers he has surrounded himself with…Lazy Lungu has surrounded himself with crooks, playboys and corrupt drunkards, the only reason he has come out now is due to the impeachment motion he knows he can not be impeached but he can not afford that motion to be debated on especially by his back benchers. He has never said a word since Hakiande was released why say something now? He could have said something after the Kenyan leaders resolved their issue. I have enough trust in Lazy Lungu that same way Old man Sata would trust any man with a bold shaved head.

    • Let’s not cheat ourselves and make believe that H.E. Edgar Lungu is fully committed to this “infamous” DIALOGUE. NO, President Lungu does not mean what he says and neither does he mean what he normally says. That is his negative attribute. There are so many ways of saying “I am not interested in having Dialogue with UPND and HH and the statement he made to Janet Rogen, is one of the ways! Don’t blame HH and the UPND but blame President Lungu and his PF for changing ” goal post” if this Dialogue fails.

  2. Way to go Mr President. These under 5s are a problem. The only agenda they have is to take hh to state house and crying like babies all the time to Trump and the international community.

    • Mushota,

      seems you had no biology teacher while at school.
      Who ever taught you that there are “BRAINS BETWEEN SHOULDERS”?

      If you were not in such an indecent rush to be the first one to “comment” on something, your contributions might actually make more sense.

    • Either Mushota meant brain between the ears or she has inside information about the President’s anterior morphology. No wonder things seem to be going wrong in Zambia!

  3. How do you dialogue with someone who is unleashing violent PF thugs, ministers and the police on anyone with a dissenting voice ??

    • Lungu has started dragging feet. When did he reslise local dialogue was important? These tactics were known even before next the anticipated dialogue will die a natural death because Lungu wants to brutalise political opponents at will. Matibini is also dragging his feet in parliament over impeachment motion. Mayo Zambia nikwi ulelola?

    • and how do you dialogue with someone who is confronting you with an impeachment motion? The natural reaction to a confrontation is defence. Good luck in trying to eat with both hands!

    • What came first , requests for dialogue, proposed impeachment or the brutal violence on the opposition ?

    • What should be borne in these empty and tiny malfunctioning brains is that there is NO sovereignty when you throw away your own dignity to the dogs, you threw away your sovereignty the moment you started behaving like dogs abrogating the supreme law of the land with impunity, like animals you started tearing one another for corrupt and selfish reasons. How can you explain your making up of trumped up charges against innocent citizens of the so called sovereign state without evidence? How can you explain your allowing of witnesses to lie on oath and let them go scot-free, yet a man whose alleged lie to a security guard at ZNBC and whose alleged lie did not injure anybody is sent to prison while the lie of a witness who lied on oath injured millions of Zambians? Where were the so called…

    • contd – internal mediators when you were smoking out innocent Zambians and illegally imprison them for a false charge of treason? Where were those *****s you are claiming can preside on dialogue when a patient and law maker was being brutally harassed and denied his constitutional right to bail? Do not lecture us on anything from your selfish and ignorant point of view, let the Commonwealth preside or leave the whole issue to the time when you are kicked out so that more truth is known to increase your sentences even to death when convicted of genocide.

    • @Spaka like lilo
      Its you dull person who the whole world is asking “How do you move a motion to impeach a President who doesnt exist in your circles?” When we tell you that you have no leader in UPND you think we are joking? Wake up or shut up. And by the way this dialogue thing is not between PF and the useless UPND, its dialogue among ALL political parties in Zambia and that’s why its only right that its umpire is ZCID and not something else.

    • Malinso

      The motion it impeach lungu even if UPND do not recognise him is because he is the one looting and leading the stealing….he is responsible….and that money pf and lungu are stealung is for zambia, not your father…..and who can trust any local entity if even pf thugs can attack people with pangas at central police station ??

      So your stealing and looting is at risk by this impeachment …..and you idi.ots claim to have numbers yet you are thieves afraid of each other…

      Beaten 1 time by LPM the veteran
      Beaten 1 time by RBB the veteran
      Beaten 1 time by MCS the veteran
      Beaten 2 times by ECL the new comer.
      Dimming chances for a clear shot at Red Brick. Ladies and Gentlemen, it’s rough.
      Dialogue with losers is a sheer waster of development time. Let them pee in their pants.

  4. The only dialogue that is important is ‘developmental politics . Anything else about perennial cry babies and 24/7 politics is mafi in the pit latrine…aka gone never to be retrieved.

      Beaten 1 time by LPM the veteran
      Beaten 1 time by RBB the veteran
      Beaten 1 time by MCS the veteran
      Beaten 2 times by ECL the new comer.
      Dimming chances for a clear shot at Red Brick. Ladies and Gentlemen, it’s rough.
      Dialogue with losers is a sheer waster of development time. Let them pee in their pants.

    • Obviously referring to the one who has clung to UPND’s helm since 2006 but never won an election either within the party or the nation.

  5. i have told you that Lungu is a fake; an evil and violet man; one day he may end up at the ICC; defiance goes before a fall; the opposition should reject Zambia Centre for Interparty Dialogue (ZCID) leading the dialogue; where was ZCID when HH was locked up for 3 months?

    • “We cannot hijack the lives of the people with politics”, but sir you are president because of politics!

      Real Stats:
      Beaten 1 time by LPM the veteran
      Beaten 1 time by RBB the veteran
      Beaten 1 time by MCS the veteran
      Beaten 2 times by ECL the new comer.
      Dimming chances for a clear shot at Red Brick. Ladies and Gentlemen, it’s rough.
      Dialogue with losers is a sheer waste of development time. Let them pee in their pants.

  6. In one breath he is talking dialogue more especially when he sees these whites from the UN, in another breath he falling on his opponents like a tone of bricks? The brutality which he is unleashing of his political opponents is underrepresented and one wonders what dialogue he is talking about. Politics is now the trend, you are busy campaigning for 2021 and you want others to turn a blind eye so that you can manipulate the system and stand for a third term? It will not work, dialogue or no dialogue you are going whether you like it or not. Chiluba thought he was demigod just like you and the rest is history and look what is left of his legacy.

    • Why are you afraid of the international mediators? If you want to dialogue honestly, any mediator is a fair game. Unless you want to intimidate or bribe the local broke rogues you want to choose to mediate in mediocrity. Get real. Former MMD diehard, sorry “professor”.

  7. Mr. ECL is changing his position on this dialogue topic, he has never been against the fact that the idea of the dialogue was brokered by madam Scotland and her team which has been holding meeting even with the president. And now suddenly, he wants the talks to be led by the dormant ZCID. The fact that until now it has been “all talk without action”, I don’t believe our politicians are capable of solving Zambian problems. This dialogue thing is a non-starter. period. That media is politicking, I disagree. His ministers, the only time they talk loud is when they have something to castigate the opposition, so he should not be surprised to the extent of accusing the media. It’s the Chandas of this world who are making headlines with rubbish. Start with your team, Mr. ECL

  8. That’s the way to go your excellency! We are a sovereign state, so we should be able to resolve our own disputes. By the way you look splendid in that suit!

  9. Everybody including Lungu knows WHAT PROMPTED THE COMMONWEALTH TO STEP IN TO PROMOTE DIALOGUE!! LACK OF LEADERSHIP in both the ruling and main opposition including LACK OF DIRECTION AND EFFECTIVE INTERVENTION FROM THE ZCID!! The ZCID HAS NOT BEEN AS EFFECTIVE AS IT IS EXPECTED TO BE, they left a vacuum which the Commonwealth came to fill!! KK worked with local organizations, the Church, students and Unions to amend the constitution and go multi-party and hold elections even when he had 3 years remaining to his term, he even accepted defeat graciously! THAT IS MAGNANIMOUS LEADERSHIP WHICH IS NOW LACKING IN BOTH CAMPS, creating a recipe for chaos!! SO LET DIALOGUE TAKE PLACE THE WAY IT HAS BEEN MOOTED, BY THE COMMONWEALTH SINCE WE LACK LOCAL CAPACITY AS ALREADY DEMONSTRATED!!

  10. The first question one should ask is why is lungu and pf afraid/scared of the common wealth led talks? abandoned HH during his inceration?
    Where was ZCID when HH was arrested?
    In the usual PF mediocrity, they don’t intend to follow the resolution that will be reached at these talks.
    Hence there preference for ZCID which they can corrupt with money.

  11. The only time Mr lungu is working is when his planning to arrest opponents and formulating ways to grow his bank account.

  12. Ene I don’t understand this talk of dislogue. What is there to dialogue about? This is politics, there are those who win & those who lose in any election. Did we hear the Democrats asking the Republicans to dialogue after Trump surprised everybody,? Teresa has barely sneaked through, was there talk of dialogue? Where do those who have the mandate to govern start to focus on dialogue instead of implementing development programs. So EL must not allow those parties sponsored by foreign forces to distract him with pale skins. Throw this dialogue out & let’s work. There is no basis for dialogue. Focus!!

    • “…Did we hear the Democrats asking the Republicans to dialogue after Trump surprised everybody,? Teresa has barely sneaked through, was there talk of dialogue? …”

      Did we hear of the opposition being brutalized in the US or UK ??

      Real Stats:
      Beaten 1 time by LPM the veteran
      Beaten 1 time by RBB the veteran
      Beaten 1 time by MCS the veteran
      Beaten 2 times by ECL the new comer.
      Dimming chances for a clear shot at Red Brick. Ladies and Gentlemen, it’s rough.
      Dialogue with losers is a sheer waste of valuable development time. Let them wet in their pants.

  13. This is not a leader this great country deserves, we deserve better. He is a dishonesty thieve who has failed this country and thinks he is the best thing that happened to the leadership of this country. When he leaves office, the country be all the better for his departure. The nation has regressed and his unexplained wealth has waxed! A leader who has the genuine love for this country should move in at plot one, this is not that type of leader.

    • Unfortunately for you most Zambians disagree with you and that is Lungu is at state House. Why is UPND so averse to democratic practice both within the party and the country at large?

    • Mpendula Kayaula

      “…Unfortunately for you most Zambians disagree with you ..”

      Then why is lungu blocking the impeachment debate in parliament by MPs who represent the wishes of most of those same Zambians….??

    • So UPND really believe that the impeachment process will be successful? A Spaka nanzao onse adzalila futinso!

  14. “…. and that historically Zambians have come out of very difficult situations on their own.”?? This statement is completely FALSE.

    Everybody knows Commonwealth Secretary-General Baroness Patricia Scotland, among other notable figures from outside Zambia, stepped in and brokered HH’s release from jail over trumped up treason charges.

    Is Lungu having an onset of Dementia or what?

    I am sure even sensible PF supporters are scratching their heads on this one.

  15. …nice suit and expressive posture and gesturing…crossed legs , firm hand shake …body language tells it all …thoughts from DR CM

  16. Mr Edigar C Lungu is oblivious to finger out what caused foreign interventions in the first place, to this political dialogue that now he claims be resolved by a local driven dialogue?. Mr Lungu would do well to spell out to Zambians what has changed so far to merit local driven dialogue.


  18. There’s literally no need to dialogue with Lungu. We want to hear all the crimes he has committed and how he got richer than every Zambian in two years when few days ago he just drinking chibuku in Chawama. First impeachment must be tabled. UPND must not relent or even discuss dialogue at this point. It is of no use to dialogue with one that stole from you. Such dialogue can only happen in court. In Lungu’s case, through impeachment period. You will dialogue and a day after, he will steal again or during dialogue he will inflate the cost of the same dialogue 50 times over. No. Impeachment is the only answer.

  19. Lungu and PF are not committed to Dialogue at all. Lungu doesn’t want the Commonwealth to lead the Dialogue becoz he cannot manipulated them. Lungu has already bribed ZCID and wants them to Chair the Dialogue and derail the process. Lungu doesn’t want electoral and institutional reforms becoz he wants to rig the Elections again with compromised Institutions like ECZ,Concourt etc. Without Election Rigging Lungu and PF are aware that they will lose the next Elections big time to HH and UPND. Thereafter Lungu and his fellow criminals will go to Jail for having committed numerous crimes against humanity.

      Real Stats:
      Beaten 1 time by LPM the veteran
      Beaten 1 time by RBB the veteran
      Beaten 1 time by MCS the veteran
      Beaten 2 times by ECL the new comer.
      Dimming chances for a clear shot at Red Brick. Ladies and Gentlemen, it’s rough.
      Dialogue with losers is a sheer waste of valuable development time. Let them wet in their pants.

  20. What a hypocrite this Lungu guy is. He is there instructing ZNBC to cover him 24/7 and here is pretending the media is politicking. I know he is referring to the media coverage of his wrongs because he doesn’t want bad publicity… issues of corruption and bad governance is what he doesn’t want covered by the independent media. His minions and vuvuzelas like Chanda are day in, day out doing wrongs and issuing rebuttals for those wrongs, including deporting an innocent Cuban ambassador and he is here pretending he hates media politicking, when he is the main character and creator of the same politicking.

    On external involvement in the dialogue, first it was the foreigners who convinced you to dialogue… for months the local civil society kept on begging him to dialogue with the…

  21. Continue reading…

    On external involvement in the dialogue, first it was the foreigners who convinced you to dialogue… for months the local civil society kept on begging him to dialogue with the opposition but he kept on ignoring them. He only listened to the external stakeholders that he is criticizing today. Double standard! He wants to dominate and have an ‘umpire’ who can respect him and call him ‘Mr President’. Ridiculous!

    • Nonsense script, waste of energy.
      Real Stats:
      Beaten 1 time by LPM the veteran
      Beaten 1 time by RBB the veteran
      Beaten 1 time by MCS the veteran
      Beaten 2 times by ECL the new comer.
      Dimming chances for a clear shot at Red Brick. Ladies and Gentlemen, it’s rough.
      Dialogue with losers is a sheer waste of valuable development time. Let them wet in their pants.

  22. The impeachment motion is about confirming that the man who holds the highest in the land got there fraudulently and went further to abrogate the laws of the land to “tilt the scales in his favour” by unacceptable means. PF MPs in parliament can choose to have a cold conscience and vote against the motion, but they will be on the wrong side of the truth and history. Such a vote in face of stark truth is not only immoral, but will reflect the bankruptcy of values and ethics in the MPs, especially for a country branded a Christian nation and has a Minister of Religious Affairs and is a reverend!! PF are fooling themselves, they cannot fool a living God!

  23. Locally driven dialogue will always have political bias ,manipulation and or be easily bribed and bought off to lean a certain way.

  24. How come other opposition parties are not as desperate as UPND in this political circus? RB once said “If being a Republican President was like a succession ritual, then there wouldnt be need for holding elections” and personally i find this to be very wise advise from a man with a lot of wisdom. Probably HH can take time to see things in different perspective. Elections are competitive and only the winner takes it whilst the loser stands aside, period.

    • Please understand that even in class, mostly noise makers are the dumbest of all.
      Real Stats:
      Beaten 1 time by LPM the veteran
      Beaten 1 time by RBB the veteran
      Beaten 1 time by MCS the veteran
      Beaten 2 times by ECL the new comer.
      Dimming chances for a clear shot at Red Brick. Ladies and Gentlemen, it’s rough.
      Dialogue with losers is a sheer waste of valuable development time. Let them wet in their pants.

    • You cannot use the word “wisdom” and RB in the same sentence. These two are like water and oil, they don’t mix. Probably you grew up where wisdom did not exist and you don’t really know what wisdom is. You need help.

  25. Mr President you have done well to put it plain and simple.
    Zambians have the ability to talk and resolve issues through our own established channels. Those external organizations that support a certain political party and have an agenda to distabilize our country for the sake of their preferred political party are not welcome in our country.
    We are a sovereign country and owe no allegiance to any colonial organizations.
    Why cant they go and have peace talks between boko horam and the government of that country instead of trying to cause confusion in our country which is at peace.
    So that gentleman Gambahhi should be asked to leave just as it happened to the Cuban ambassador .

  26. I equally wondering why we would need go-between from elsewhere when we have humble but brainy people in our country who can do good refereeing. After all there is no big issue to ponder. POA has been tackled already and printing of ballot papers we are still waiting for HH to tell us where he wants them done. My guess is that he shall mention The MAST. Even that shall not change the landscape. Ni loose again!

  27. Lungu can never win any election or debate without using violence, cheating and any illigal practice he can use …..from elections now to this impeachment debate.

    And who can trust a morbid organisation that has stood by together with police while NDC supporters were being hacked with pangas at central police station ?

      Real Stats:
      Beaten 1 time by LPM the veteran
      Beaten 1 time by RBB the veteran
      Beaten 1 time by MCS the veteran
      Beaten 2 times by ECL the new comer.
      Dimming chances for a clear shot at Red Brick. Ladies and Gentlemen, it’s rough.
      Dialogue with losers is a sheer waste of valuable development time. Let them wet in their pants.

  28. Mr. President, let them dialogue with each other or one another within the tribal party of theirs! They are not serious! They mean evil as in Three Mansions! They want to derail peace in Zambia and win at all cost! He will never be president in Zambia and he is HaJealousy!

  29. I do not understand the premise of this dialogue, when lawlessness continues to reign. ECL has failed to respect the Zambian Constitution and one has to wonder what HH and other stakeholders expect from any dialogue with him. We’ve seen judgements by the judiciary ignored by the current government, making a mockery of the governance rules in our country. What we need is change and drastic constitutional reform.

    Oh! Please these chaps make me wanna puke. Chicken feed.

  31. What does political dialogue mean to these lost UPNDEAD scavengic hyenas? Party SG vs SG, party department vs department, Government vs opposition party/parties, or party presidents vs the Republican President? We can’t allow the later until double h tells us what the hell he did to MCS.

  32. The PF government is of the ignorant, by the ignorant, for the ignorant, and shall perish from the earth like UNIP did which also was for the ignorant.

  33. The President and ZCID are fearing the unknown. The Commonwealth said the process will be driven by Zambians to be appointed into a steering committee. All parties and ZCID as participants and the commonwealth as facilitators. This is an initiative of the commonwealth to begin with, while ZCID was laying dormant. ZCID is to all intents and purposes partisan in its approach to national issues. To say we don’t need outside help because Zambia is not on fire is not a good statement. Prevention is cheaper and better. We do not need wait until lives are lost in order to do what’s right.

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