Saturday, July 27, 2024

Socialist Party on questions of ethnicity, religion,media and sexuality



  1. Is Fred Mmembe homosexual or not Dr Musumali. Did he propose love to Kabimba. This is a straight forward question we want answered by Mmembe himself. You are going round in circles just like HH has been doing for year to answer the questions on how he became rich and his stance on only a Tonga can rule UPND.

    • @Kci, tell us how you become rich since you want hh and Fred to answer you? rember what kabimba said wen late sata was around once said late sata was more than his father, do you expect kabimba to normal???

  2. kci – The answer to your question should not come from Dr. Musumali but Kabimba himself. Read this statement.
    Disputing a media reports that Socialist 2021 Presidential Candidate Fred M’membe had proposed love to him in 2013, Mr Kabimba described the story as fake news and not true , adding that if it were true, he would have said it on a public forum the same way he did when he explained what he knew about who was funding the Socialist Party.

  3. Sad news from kumukala at esco just opposite police station where married women have been enrolled to do degree in exchange for sex.
    Minister send people to check do these students truly don’t qualify,do they have receipts to show they are paying, who writes there exams and assignments,is true sex for school is happening at this institution, which tutors are doing this dirty. Are they HIV positive?ministry medical exams should be done in colleges,universities to acertain diseases like HIV,stis its a shame a Catholic university to be having such.

  4. These guys need to be energetic not just sitting there reading carefully worded scripts on the power point screen….Fred knows the Zambian masses feed on such “petty” issues he made millions of dollars selling papers from such stories. This issue wont go away …

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