The Copperbelt Province promises to become home to one of Africa’s biggest shoe hub following the expressed interest by Huajian Group of China to invest in the province.
This is after a delegation from HUAJIAN Group of China led by its President Zhang Huarong which expressed interest in setting up a multi-million dollar shoe manufacturing factor in Copperbelt province .Huajian Group is considered to be the largest ladies shoe manufacturer in the world.
Speaking when he called on Copperbelt Province Minister, Japhen Mwakalombe in Ndola yesterday, Mr. Zhang who is in the company of eight other officials said, Zambia and the Copperbelt in particular has potential to attract more foreign Direct Investment saying the region ‘ has good governance and stable political environment.”
The Chinese delegation visiting Ndola and Lusaka is in the country to explore investment opportunities following an invitation extended by Commerce Minister, Christopher Yaluma.
Mr. Zhang has since expressed hope that Government will be of great support towards their investment adding that they have chosen to invest in Africa as the continent is endowed with raw materials adding that the group seeks to create more than 100 thousand jobs in 20 years.
He said China had developed from being one of the poorest countries in the world and has become a great economy which is now contributing to the world’s economic development.
Meanwhile, Copperbelt Minister Japhen Mwakalombe has assured the Group of Government’s full support adding that Zambia offers attractive investment incentives which any would be investor should take advantage off and grow their businesses.
He said Copperbelt province has a lot of investment potential in sectors such as tourism, manufacturing, mining ,forestry construction among others.
why not just sale the country to china and we share the money
Scramble for Zambia now in full swing…Chinese are really taking over Zambia..sad
You are very annoying…why cant you be a little bit civil.I dont like both HH and Lungu but i don’t insult them every day . No wonder very few bloggers are on LT now and it’s all because of characters like you.Nothing sensible to talk about. Thank God for free Duncan Donuts Wifi
Hire podiatrists as well because those cheap shoes will ruin people’s feet!
I’ll always be crying, the great loss of my late President Michael Chilufya Sata.
Read the article again. I think your comment is misplaced
If its quality and strong shoes..yes we welcome,NOT shoes that wont last a month
“Mummy, PF is doing well, and we may see RED, let me report them to UN,” Childish.
You are very annoying and you dont sound normal…Please have some respect for HH and people that disagree with you.How long have you lived in the USA??? Strange you haven’t picked up just a bit of “some” American manners (being polite and respectful)..Am not PF and am not UPND but still i respect members of both parties
HaJealousy Hagain!
Why not sell the Namwala Land to HH? It bought the land HoReady!
Pleas have that punani serviced , maybe you will give HH a rest….
Be careful again Zambians, much as this may sound a good investment in the country, why have chosen the copperbelt? One day we shall wake up to find the entire area including all our rare earth metals like copper, emeralds etc are taken up by these choncholis. These guys, just like our former colonial masters don’t just venture into any business undertaking; they carry out serious calculations
These Zambians never learn and if it is to late they crey…..
You see how smart these Chinese are…they are targeting shoes because bata also make shoes, they want some money from shoes to go back to china….unless the whole shoe is made in Zambia with Zambian materials you will find this to be a large ware house for only packaging shoes from China…..why don’t the Chinese bring a textile factory ? Because they are safe in the knowledge that every item of clothing in zambia is made in China….no competition…so no need to take away jobs from China….if we had a local textile industry then you will see them comming to chop a piece so some money goes to china…….that is why trump has them sast.
Just thinking! is it so technical to manufacture shoes?
Why are we not having locals set up manufacturing industries from the monies they are stealing, maybe with a change of goverment they will be pardoned.
Why is it that a zambian pompwe thinks of real estate only after stealing money..”just thinking” cause hundreds of millions of dollars have been pilfered just in the last 7 years or so and spent on midadada and whoring.
This is all ahead of ECL going to copperbelt. campaign material. how does the contry benefit from woman foot wear.
There you go…….proof. Quote..”has good governance and stable political environment.”
Thanks, now we have an alternative to Bata. Never forgive Bata for ‘Pata Pata,’ Plastic shoes and ugly school shoes!
We need competitors in every sector our economy. That will help in bringing efficiency and sanity to our economy.
Fellow countrymen, home and abroad, let’s learn to give credit where it is due.
Let’s put off all the ‘political party colours’ and put on the beautiful national colours.
Our diverse tribes and political affiliation shouldn’t come on the scene when talking national matters.
God bless mother Zambia.
Come back and tell me how happy the workers will be with the salaries they will be getting and the conditions of service when the company opens. You men and women of short memory, you have the Chinese and other nationals running your mines and you are busy clapping for a shoe factory which will have no impact on your lives.
Whose going to be buying my shoes now, no business for an ordinary Zambian like me
Most of us zambians don not know how big china is, china singularly exports most of electrical and electronic goods through out the whole world including america , however it is good for zambia to have a factory in Zambia so that zambians can get employed in the factory .
In other countries they send to them finished products , however they consume chinese goods , zambia is at advantage if those shoes could be imported by countries from our nation to the surrounding countries .