Saturday, July 27, 2024

Diplomats are not in Zambia to aid opposition parties get into state House


A political dialogue meeting with the European Union diplomats accredited to Zambia in Lusaka
A political dialogue meeting with the European Union diplomats accredited to Zambia in Lusaka

FOREIGN Affairs Minister Joseph Malanji says diplomats are not in Zambia to aid opposition parties get into state House but for more serious business, to bring development.

And Hon. Malanji says Goverment regrets the attacks on the United Nations Resident coordinator Janet Rogan by the opposition UPND.

Speaking during a political dialogue meeting with the European Union diplomats accredited to Zambia in Lusaka, Friday, Mr Malanji stated that members of the diplomatic Corp needed to be accorded the respect they deserve because they are in Zambia to enhance development.

“It is only important that you give the respect that the members of the diplomatic corp deserve in this country. Diplomats are in this country to bring development and that will only be in conjunction with the government of the day,” Said Mr Malanji.

“They (Diplomats) are not here to see how best the momentum of an opposition party which their only vision is to see how quickly they can get into state House. We have serious more business to do here and as government we respect and regret the attacks on her Excellency.”

Meanwhile, Hon Malanji has expressed happiness by the progress achieved with regard to the £25million Gender based violence project, £17 million Public Finance Management, £40 million for Electrification Financing and £87 million for the Agriculture all supported by European Union.

And EU Ambassador to Zambia Alessandro Mariani says his happy with the continuous political dialogue with Zambia with the last one having been held in March last year.

Zambia-European Union Political Dialogue is an annual event which provides a viable platform for the Zambian Goverment and European Union to exchange views on topics of mutual importance and interest as well as identify areas where relations under the cotonou agreement can be deepen.


  1. But Zambian diplomats abroad are family and relatives of PF leaders.How does that help Zambia’s interests?

    • You seriously don’t expect HH’s relatives instead. Remember HH never has anything good to say about Zambia

  2. Enhance developement yes, but not to interefere in the politics of the country by not publishing the true report on their findings.

  3. Why help opposition is ruling party is still popular.

    Pf is here till 2031 then we shall look for another political party NOT upendi under current boss

    • Zambians vote on tribal lines if UNPD wants to win an election convince central and north western province. Since Southern and Western we know who the will vote for. Northen, Luapula, Eastern and Machinga are well known tribal blocks.

  4. Diplomats are not in Zambia to aid opposition parties get into state House, neither are they here to sing praises for the ruling party.

  5. Neither are they in the country to support corruption and a brutal crackdown on opposition parties by those in power…..

  6. In a democracy there is ONE cardinal rule Diplomats are expected to stick to at all times. To seek and to report back OBJECTIVE TRUTH, and nothing but objective truth, to their respective Govts / Organisations. When they observe an anomaly and sweep it under the carpet and report something else, they become partisan and in a democracy, that is out of line. United Nations Resident coordinator Janet Rogan acted in a partisan manner when she did that. Pure and simple.

    If PF and late Mr Sata was in opposition, ooh my goodness! he would have roasted her, and I would have supported him. So, Mr FOREIGN Affairs Minister Joseph Malanji, think before you lecture Diplomats. Your Cadre brain is clearly NOT equal to the task.

  7. Hope Kainde who is seeking the presidency from any source has heard this fact!!5 defeats since 2006 have gotten onto Kainde’s tonga head such that he now wants the UN to declare him president of Zambia…..PAIPA PANO KEKEKEKEKEKE!!! HH just got 3 wins from 16 wards last Tuesday and he a creature who claims to having won 2016 elections,HOW TONGA MAN?…kekekekeke!!!
    On 5th June,2018,we shall have 6 by elections at ward level(all in PF strongholds) and in Chilanga!!Expect more embarrassements for HH’s UPND as they may win 1 seat or get 0 seat-Mark my words!!

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