Tuesday, January 21, 2025

HH reiterates his message for South Africa to intervene in Zambia


HH at the New Apostolic Church Divine Service at Nakatindi Church grounds
HH at the New Apostolic Church Divine Service at Nakatindi Church grounds

United Party for National Development (UPND) President Hakainde Hichilema urged South Africa to provide leadership in the Southern African region in championing an end to injustice in Zambia.

Speaking in Livingstone yesterday after attending the New Apostolic Church Divine Service at Nakatindi Church grounds to mark the church’s 90 years of existence in Zambia that the current harsh economic conditions being experienced under the PF government needed the people to remain strong.

“President Ramaphosa, though busy with domestic issues, needs to be alerted that Zambia could blow up any moment from now and this will negatively affect the SADC region. South Africa has to provide leadership in our region. Zambia and other countries in the region fought hard against the then oppressive Apartheid regime. Today, South Africa is in a stronger position to provide the necessary leadership in our region to restore the rule of law, human rights, democracy , peace and stability for development. Nigeria is providing such leadership in the ECOWAS region,” Hichilema said.

“…we had some local government by-elections, some oposition voters and polling agents, Electoral Commission officials and members of the public were beaten, injected with poison (chemical weapons), detained by armed ruling party thugs working with state police disrupting voting, vote counting/talling and announcing in many polling stations around the country in war zone like situation. The situation is getting worse than the 2026 election scenario.”

Mr Hichilema said the church was an important institution which could help Zambians in times of need.

“I decided to come and join my brothers and sisters in the New Apostolic Church in celebrating their 90 years of their church’s existence in Zambia. The church is a very important institution and so we must continue praying. We must pray hard especially during these economic hardships that we are going through, we must stay strong and continue praying for the country,” Hichilema said.

“We are also looking for ways of reviving the now stalled dialogue which had raised hopes of restoring law and order in our country. Currently, the regime is becoming more desperate and brutal. Any ideas of unlocking this ugly situation would be welcome.”

And New Apostolic Church Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider urged congregants to give up the silly thought of what the church should do for them.

“We are so thoughtful of what Jesus did for us, so let’s ask ourselves as to what we can do for God to promote his church. God’s will is for all men to be saved,” said Schneider.


  1. Come up with something tangible to talk about the Ramaphosa story will not fly. If you have run out of ideas retire.

    • He is RIGHT is HH

      Without his word, there will be NO democracy in this country

      I have time for his kind



    • Is hh normal? Someone help me.
      It was only yesterday when ecl was calling upon Christians to join politics and hh surprisingly is on the same pulpit echoing the same words. Ecl received insults from the under5s for this now let’s hear if the same insults will follow hh. Jayjay set the tone on your tribes mate. 123…

    • One officiating at Anglican, the other in strong hold at Apostolic church.
      The other one can’t go to Livingston where Mukuni lives, not even Kuomboka anymore.

    • And HH belongs to the biggest opposition party in Zambia…shame because it looks like 2021 Zambians will have no other choice but Lungu…its actually the opposite Zambia needs to intervene in South African politics/economy/mass protests/violent crime/stikes/corruption/farm murders

    • In what capacity will SA be providing leadership to a sovereign state like Zambia? Baffling indeed!

      Ba LT! Did the preacher mention the word SILLY?
      HH , you need to swallow your pride and bring hope to your followers. Your continued appeals to foreign heads and organisations simply shows that you are not bold enough to face issues. I feel you missed a wonderful opportunity during that divine service because your mind was already preoccupied with political matters…Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven – was the message from the preacher. If it is God’s will that you become President, it shall surely come to pass. Be a patriotic citizen.


      A pure case of someone trying to sound politically elite yet coming out as a total returd and empty tin. Double h is a mess of himself. He is incoherent, a political dummy and an extremely finished political novice.
      Just listen and pay attention to the naivety of his politically ignorant statement. You kind’a get an impression that these journalists usually catch him off guard. An attempt to say something makes this unprepared individual say meaningless things. Double h is not a politician and definitely not prepared to lead normal people.

    • God will never allow HH to be president of the smart people of the Zambian Enterprise because he is fake. He is the most wicked and dullest politician this we have ever had. He is always looking for ways to circumvent the same people he wants to rule.

      He is the master rigger and the entire Southern Province has been the rigging capital of the world since he went into politics and despite all the help from his tribesmen, God has always said NO!!! What a sole loser this guy is.

      In fact, he has completely run out of all ideas and he is nothing but a real chipate pate. The usual useful and needful clown who sees does something and he says #Metoo, not knowing me too is for women mostly.

    • Is HH living in Zambia?..“…we had some local government by-elections, some oposition voters and polling agents, Electoral Commission officials and members of the public were beaten, injected with poison (chemical weapons),…?
      If this was the case how come the electoral commission is silent on such a matter?

  2. Chemical Weapons, nice move Under 5, trying to get a Syria type of intervention in Zambia? Come on, surely, if anybody was injected with Chemical weapons, they should be in hospital. This is the evidence you can’t hide.

    Anyway, who takes you seriously, after all you are still Under 5 obsessed with Under 5 politics

    • The only poling station which is closer to his claims is where upnd polled over 9800 votes against pf 3. This margin sure is highly suspicious. Are you telling us that the entire pf team in that ward is 3. The candidate has family members and friends who could’ve voted for him but 3 votes only shuwa? Someone help me on this one also.

    • Abena Oval … it seems you are the only Jew in Jerusalem who has not heard!!! UPND are the master riggers … they manipulate the tallies in their own strongholds. These machinations make them paranoid thinking that their opponents did the same in their strongholds.

      All these stories about rigging are nothing but a true reflection of what they do in Southern Province. Sometimes after voting is finished, their elections officials send everyone away then they open the ballot box, remove opponent ballots and start stuffing them with pre-marked ballots for UPND.

      That’s why you hear them talk about rigging all the time, because Southern Province is always rigged in their favor. For instance, 2016 voter turnout everywhere else in Zambia was 52% on average, in Southern Province it was…

    • Blow what? Your mind probably is already blown up with crazy imagination. HH concentrate on the Chilanga campaign now. Don’t waste your vote on This South African issue.

  3. When HH is talking to a foreigner,he may think Zambia is at war!!The Zambia which HH has in his head is not the Zambia we all live in!!Kainde has a Somalia like Zambia in his head-kekekekekeke!!!
    Look at the reasons he is giving to his blind and tribal followers as to why his party lost elections last week.moreover,HH thinks the way tongas take voters in southern at ransom to vote for UPND is the same method PF use in its strongholds-no bwana Kainde,we just vote for PF because we really love Mr Sata’s party!!WHY CANT THIS DULL MAN JUST ACCEPT THAT MANY ZAMBIANS IN 6.5 PROVINCES DO NOT LIKE HIM?LIVING IN DENIAL WONT HELP HH TO WIN ELECTIONS IN ZAMBIA!!His UPND has been losing since 2006,that is 12 yrs of losing election after election!!Arsene Wenger has finally conceaded defeat that he…

    • Come 2021, HH will be in a rude shock…GRZ will swop Returning Officers….those from southern province will be posted to the North and from the North and CB will be taken to the so called HH strong holds….no more Cambridge analysis next time around…Voter turn out in HH strong holds will drop to 25%

  4. Yaba – this is so amateurish from HH. Injecting chemical weapons in Zambia is really embarrassing to come from a real person. Just when you needed issue based opposition you get this.

    • They say… give someone enough rope to hung oneself…HH is ready to hung himself in front of his supporters…


  6. HH is going in church and justify his lose of elections in a wrong way. Upnd supporters do something, take a bitter pill by restructuring your party. Even in 2021 this is the same story you will have from your HH at the he will 64 years.No longer younger.

  7. My brother HH is ran mad. Can he mention one ward where those things were happening. May be in Southern Province, our loved Province. You have scored zero from your statement BWANA. Your bitterness is killing us Tongas and we shall never rule if we toll that line.


    • Yes HH will never be President of Zambia if you the PF continue trampling on his rights and freedoms of speech,assembly,expression etc the way Sata used to enjoy. You are afraid that if you give him these freedoms he will successfully sell his manifesto and get into State house. We know your gimmick.

  9. It’s amazing how he managed to cut such gigantic deals during privatization with such a brain. He doesn’t sound as clever as his supporters project him. I would think thrice about inviting him to speak at my function, he’s an embarrassment

    • The chap was simply bribed left right and centre and these guys had to right everything he presented to GRZ…man the chap is so shallow thinking/reasoning. HH is an embarrassment to Zambian politics. HH should know that these countries he is crying to have are represented by their foreign missions based in Zambia. These missions write reports on what is currently obtaining politically and otherwise in Zambia. In short, by talking loudly to Cyril Ramaposa HH is just wasting his time. Cyril has more on information on Zambia than what HH can imagine… Ati Mr. President HH! no clue how governments are run and he wants to become Republican President? UPND should start looking for a replacement!

  10. This man is still dreaming of Armageddon. What a pity. He has brain fatigue. He urgently needs rest before the wires disconnect.

  11. The headline to this article made me think HH was speaking to an audience in South Africa! Okay, I must admit, I like HH, but I am at a loss to understand why he is appealing to South Africa while he is on Zambian soil! How and why would Zambian people look up to you for leadership or deliverance, as you would imply, if you are looking to a foreign nation yourself?

  12. Soon he will ask the Americans to bomb Zambia so that the country can expedite his leadership ambitions. Some leaders….mai’eee we.

  13. HH is a total SHAME

    What kind of leaders are we looking for. I don`t see a leader in HH but a thief, thug and a conman. He is so desperate to do anything. Therefore, the police should keep an eye on him. Where did he witness poisoning of people? His party lost period..

    • HH is absolutely right. Why has Fresher Siwale not appeared in court at least for hearing of his charge and take plea? If Siwale has lied, is lying punishable by one week detention without charge and without regular supply of food?

  14. Ngati muzako, agwira ncito, yabu President, osati ku mususha mupaze bulemi. Ngati muzako agwira ncito yabu President osati kuba childish give him respect.

  15. When I become a visiting professor in Psychiatry at Chainama, one of my requirements is to have a student write a paper on “Delusions, Illusions and Hallucinations – The case of a Tribal Grouping, alias a Political Party UPND & Its Tribal Supporters.”

  16. Childish with no clue on how to win voters to himself! Childish is a clueless tribal Three Mansions leader! Childish is a spirit – an evil spirit with roots traced to Namwala’ behavior! Under Five will never be President in Zambia!

  17. It os a pity that those that can not see trouble coming are the first to comment and offer empty and tasteless statements. You are not forseeing what we foresaw when PF ascended to power. Those that remember well, PF was a Party formed from two regions mainly; Eastern and Northern. Copperbelt was engulfed due to its proximity to the the Northern and Liapula provinces. So, to say the least, PF has promoted tribalism in Zambia and Chama and Mwila must be monitored very closely as they are hard core tribalists. No one can say they have not heard their sentiments.
    PF is the worst when it comes to tribal employment. Take analysis of all government institutions and foreign missions and you will find out what am talking about.
    Bishop Joshia Banda, it is unlike you to be so quiet. Ok, I have…

    • But it spread to other areas and has become national. Its leadership didn’t pronounce that they wanted a bemva only to be the sole leader as it is in the tripartite regional bantustan party its leader even declared that they are bantustan for life.

  18. PF was rejected by tribes who are tribalists because the person who formed it was seen as coming from one region and they never expected he was going to become formidable. Chiluba did not want Sata to be President and chose Mwanawasa as “tribal balancing” even though Sata was a strong candidate to the presidency through his track record of hard-working. When he single-handedly fought his way up, he had no support from Western, Southern and North-Western the same group which backs HH most. Yet in making cabinet you wanted him to include YOU who never supported him or wanted him! You began crying “tribalism” when you still persist with the same notion today! UPND is a childish party that has been promoting tribalism, sadly, delusions can’t tell!

    • Sharon: Once one is elected as president of Zambia, their first job is to ensure that unity in the nation is promoted through their deeds through appointments to public office such as nominated MPs, cabinet, the security services, parastatals, the diplomatic service, permanent secretaries etc. For Sata, only his tribesmen came first in more than 90% of the cases including nominated MPs. There is an unwritten rule which constitutes the spirit of this provision in the law. In case of not having won in certain provinces, the winner uses it to bring everyone along by nominating people from those provinces where he did not do well. Is this too advanced for you? It was for Sata certainly.

  19. Mr. Hichilema needs helps . His thinking is not ok. Let the intelligence investigate how Zambia will be blown up.

  20. Don’t know about chemical weapons

    …..but I do know that only the international community can put lungu to shame for claiming to be leader of a free and democratic Zambia with a once illustrious past as a beacon of democracy in Africa .
    Our country is now a shell of this past…. corruption , tribal divisions , political violence and debt are at their highest.

    We all know how lungu likes international limelight……the opposition needs to film camera footage of this violence to paste around social media and the world.
    Opposition you need to set the violent PF thugs up. Have cancelled cameras to record this violence and show the world.
    Just one piece of incriminating footage and you will see the international reaction.

    • Yak!!!
      Haile the UPNDEAD leader. South Africa has it’s share of internal problems pilizi.
      Double h has gone bonkers.
      Seriously, some one has bewitched double h. He is seeing ghosts and anthrax. Chainama case. With the ailing GBM, kaya.

  21. From The UN to SA and now it will be South Korea, Go ahead tell Kim to bomb zambia since we know that your desire is now to drive zambia into chaos…Kampyongo can u plz send back this ***** to mukobeko or chainama 4 mental check up

    • This is a strange mental case!!This is a fertile soil for medical researchers to plant their hard earned medical seeds, and believe me their harvest will be plenty!!This is not normal! Elections took place in 2016, but he is still talking about.There is total rigging in southern province, surely bye election recording 9,800 voters?The government must investigate this seriously and urgently before the next elections. I wonder what those educated MPs from western province doing with their rich knowledge on leadership? Can’t they advise this moron sure?Prof Lungwangwa and Situmbeko Musotwane where are you?Advise the moron please!!!!!


  23. So what does he want Ramaphosa to do? Ramaphosa was with all the SADC presidents last week and he only mentioned Madagascar , DRC and Lesotho as countries that needed intervention. ….or does expect Ramaphosa to order Edgar to vacate the throne on his behalf.

  24. Losing five elections is no kids staff. The man is really a Tonga Bull. Starts with the commonweaith who despite making it very clear that the dialogue should be Zambian owned still insist that they take charge, UN assisting PF to rig elections (Janet Rogan), DA to intervene and now Ramaphosa whose is ANC president.

  25. When you stand as a presidential candidate the feeling of the “presidency” is all over you! When you lose you become an ordinary citizen like everyone else. Agony is to remain in the lunacy and ecstasy of it and fail to come to reality! Childish!

  26. Its becoming evidently clear that UPND under HH is a lost cause. Chemical weapons, who come CNN never got wind of it? Are there men in UPND or just toddlers?

  27. This Sunny Chintombwa_HH is dragging the country in the mud. He should try and live in another country. In Zambia he has lost his mind. HH thinks he has a lot of support. Under_five is a perfect name for this man.

    • But seriously someone,especially NGO, investigate how the elections are conducted in Southern Province! We hear that no polling agents are allow at a polling station if they don’t belong to tripartite bantustan party!Surely ad someone had said apf officials fail to vote for their candidate!!Check the vote from other provinces, it neutral. Talking about violence, the tripartite bantustan party is the architect and they want this to spread to other provinces to convince the out side world that there is no peace inZambia.This is what they did in Mtendere,they caused violence SNF then blamed apf to have caused.property of apf candidate was destroyed and the candidate said this at the final campaign rally and that the opposition wanted to use it as a basis for contesting the results!! Shame…

  28. Is the blue print part of the report coming from a normal person. ..? Come on HH don’t be a Hungry Hyena.

  29. Please politician, don’t abuse the church. When did you see south Africa invite Zambia to go and solve her domestic issues ? Do things with maturity as our principle. We are embarrassing our own country Zambia. We have plenty of wise men …no need to call outsiders

  30. South Africa is experiencing violence everywhere and you think it can come to your rescue.
    Shame on you. Fight your own battle.

  31. Lungu goes to church, nabena ba konka ko. He was at kuomboka, why isn’t it headlines what happened there?? Awe shuwa, bu shilu bwena ubu!!!

  32. I just received imformation from my young brother who happens to be a truck driver that he cant go to RSA cz foreign drivers are being victimised and too much violence against them .So can my president please specify what he means that RSA should help.its RSA who need our help.

  33. I think prefect Chanda Amos or Dorah Siliya should write down HH’s name for noisemaking. He should know that South Africa would not intervene but continues to just make noise. Some detention to follow?

  34. Hilarious if it was not so tragic for h.h!!!
    1. Chemical weapons – you have to direct your complaint to the world chemical body, or for you, to Donald Trump, not Ramaphosa for God’s sake!!
    2. Not sure that Ramaphosa is listening, otherwise why isn’t he responding???kikikikiki
    3. I am sure the Apostolic church wanted the limelight for their function, e.g. headlines, they even paid for the service to be broadcast live and instructed their congregations to report number of people attended service at each church. Now comes h.h to spoil the show, and not the visiting Apostle Schneider. Iwe ka h.h, you want all attention to yourself, there are people in this world not just you. Uli mbuli sana h.h, naba bululu bobe in that province

  35. Yak!!!
    Haile the UPNDEAD leader. South Africa has it’s share of internal problems pilizi.
    Double h has gone bonkers.
    Seriously, some one has bewitched double h. He is seeing ghosts and anthrax. Chainama case. With the ailing GBM, kaya.

  36. #31 Spaka lilo: “Don’t know about chemical weapons…..”
    Yaba even Spaka now agrees that h.h is a nut case!!!

  37. Sir HH,i have been a keen follower of Zambian politics and i will give u a very good example.
    The only president, all feared even Zambians that he will plunge the Country into water and yet did wandersin opening up Zambia .Only one who started a political party right from his dinning room,knowing King Cobra,he lost the elections and pipo ,not the party rioted
    but he stood and colmed the situation,a day or two he conceded defeat.
    Then those who thot he would win even if they did not vote,next election came up in numbers to make sure that even if some one was to manipulate with the figures,would not manage.
    A number of pipo are saying,u are too selfish for not conceding defeat.
    Sir,if u want us to go to politics of intertainment,concede defeat and u will see how politics will…

  38. Yes; he is right; unfortunately, Ramaphosa does not think like our young men Malema and Mmusi;

  39. My dear brothers and sisters in UPND I have followed the comments on this article. A keen analyst will notice that almost 100% are saying HH has lost it completely, and I agree with them.
    It is clear that HH has extremely poor advisors surrounding him.
    I have said it before, that the top hirachy of GBM,Nalumango, Mwimbu,Katuta ect. are not providing the necessary leadership to help HH move forward.
    HH is not a politician. Even winter comes out to be a better reader of Zambian politics than HH. Surely you come with chemical injections at ward level ,what nonsense ba HH, assuming they quoted you correct.
    What intervation can you get from SA when you can’t galvanize an all inclusive agenda for Zambia.
    Lastly ba HH your role in vandalising/privatisations of Zambian assets requires an…

    • Why do you want to blame those surrounding Hichilema? Hasn’t he got a brain to think for himself? You can’t be a leader if you always rely on others. What Hichilema says and does reflects his thinking and vision, that’s the best he can offer

  40. i like the women looking with natural hair and not those Indian or Brizilian hair who want to like whites oor Indians;

  41. @kasongo wabatonga, you are right pf was formed from two regions as you rightly put it unfortunately not from cb and eastern. thought it’s popularity started from cb,lsk, and then the northern block. eastern was never pf until pf and mmd decided to pact to avoid becoming third class citizens after tongaz and cattle.

  42. Kwena ba h.h ni jombo yamuntu!! Sure you can go to Ramaphosa and tell him that Lungu is using chemical weapons? You have time to waste use underfive, leaders have more important things to do.
    The Zambian people that you are addressing inviting Ramaphosa to intervene read and watch TV, they are aware that 800 foreigners were attacked in Northwest south africa and their shops looted. Ramaphosa is saddened at this and wants time to resolve this and you H.h should receive his attention for petty issues?

  43. Umfwa iwe we cinangwa baatila h.h, dialogue does not require foreigners, not even ZCID or churches at this stage, you can simply pick up your IPhone and dial President Lungu and express your concerns. The very next day he will meet you. So how do you appeal to Ramaphosa a foreign President when you have not even tried to address your concerns to the local President?
    International intervention in local affairs anywhere in the world ONLY occurs if the doors to local offices are shut, bolted and locked to you, NOT before.
    Anyway, if you think with you tribe not your brain, what do you expect? Look at Hansungule and Mukuni, Jack Mwiimbu, Gary Nkombo they all think with their tribes and so no advice is given to you.

  44. Typical of Jay Jay, conveniently he keeps quiet when h.h afakapula. Look bada ala, this is the time to show us that you also don’t think with your tribe. Your colleague Spaka lilo has already expressed his displeasure with the si.lly statement about chemical weapons by h.h, Soaka lilo said, “Don’t know about chemical weapons….”. Now tell us your views, agree or disagree with h.h? Silence confirms that you think with your tribe as well.

  45. Born loser always a loser. Sata offered him the vice presidency in the 2008 elections he refused and wanted the top position because he thought he was more popular. ..ZWD mentality. From the blues came one Edgar Lungu.

    • … and from the blues other strangers of leaders will reign before him until he is put to rest.

    • But seriously someone,especially NGO, investigate how the elections are conducted in Southern Province! We hear that no polling agents are allow at a polling station if they don’t belong to tripartite bantustan party!Surely ad someone had said apf officials fail to vote for their candidate!!Check the vote from other provinces, it neutral. Talking about violence, the tripartite bantustan party is the architect and they want this to spread to other provinces to convince the out side world that there is no peace inZambia.This is what they did in Mtendere,they caused violence SNF then blamed apf to have caused.property of apf candidate was destroyed and the candidate said this at the final campaign rally and that the opposition wanted to use it as a basis for contesting the results!! Shame…

    • What happens in Southern Province is that elections officials are intimidated and all the ballot papers which didn’t have voters are marked for Upnd and stuffed in the ballot boxes. Next time send National Service to protect the voting because ZP are easily chased away.

  46. But seriously someone,especially NGO, investigate how the elections are conducted in Southern Province! We hear that no polling agents are allow at a polling station if they don’t belong to tripartite bantustan party!Surely ad someone had said apf officials fail to vote for their candidate!!Check the vote from other provinces, it neutral. Talking about violence, the tripartite bantustan party is the architect and they want this to spread to other provinces to convince the out side world that there is no peace inZambia.This is what they did in Mtendere,they caused violence SNF then blamed apf to have caused.property of apf candidate was destroyed and the candidate said this at the final campaign rally and that the opposition wanted to use it as a basis for contesting the results!! Shame…

  47. UPND should now start looking for more credible President. HH is worn out let him concentrate on his business. UNPD leaders should salvage the party by looking elsswhere

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