Saturday, July 27, 2024

MP Fundanga donates solar powered lamps to at Chilubi Mainland Boarding Secondary School


Chilubi and Kasama Members of Parliament Rosaria Fundanga and Kelvin Sampa
Chilubi and Kasama Members of Parliament Rosaria Fundanga and Kelvin Sampa

Chilubi Constituency Member of Parliament Rosaria Fundanga has donated solar powered lights to pupils at Chilubi Mainland Boarding Secondary School.

Speaking at the handed over , Mrs. Fundanga said she was aware that pupils at Chilubi Boarding School were facing challenges to concentrate on their studies due to load shedding.

She expressed hoped that the solar powered gadgets will help the mostly underprivileged students to concentrate on their studies.

The Chilubi lawmaker called on the pupils to utilise the solar powered lights for the intended purpose to fully benefit from the gadgets.

She in addition told the pupils that they too will benefit from the exercise books that have been donated by President
Edgar Lungu.

Mrs. Fundanga said also government is investing heavily in the education sector so as to have an educated citizenry that will contribute to the
social economic development of the country.

She advised the pupils to exercise maximum personal discipline if they are to advance in their studies.

And receiving the donation, school Head teacher Cletus Mwango thanked the MP for the donation.

Mr. Mwango said Chilubi Boarding School is not connected to the main electricity grind but uses diesel powered generators as a source of
power, which is usually rationed due to inadequate fuel.


  1. Well done for the solar lights; but this is GRZ money; hope the school is not given the impression that it is from personal money;

  2. Some of these donations are not bought by the MPs money, these MPs source for donations from companies, so it would better if a representative of the company who has donated the items is there with the MP as a way of advertising their businesses.

  3. Whether government money or a business donatikn through the area MP a word of appreciation called thank you is the wise way to go.There are people in our society who have imfluence and power to help himanity but use those priviledges for personal and aelfish gai s like bear drinking and wamanising .Thanx madam for helping our future leaders .

  4. @Southerner. That’s the spirit mate. We need to appreciate such little efforts because they make huge differences. If all of us could contribute even in very small way, the world would be very different.

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