Saturday, July 27, 2024

Angolan President Joao Lourenco arrives in the country


President Edgar Chagwa Lungu (right) walks with visiting Angolan counterpart Joao Manuel Gonçalves Lourenço at Pamodzi Hotel in Lusaka on Wednesday, May 2,2018. PICTURE BY SALIM HENRY/STATE HOUSE ©2018

Angolan President Joao Lourenco has arrived in the country for a two day state visit at the invitation of President Edgar Lungu.

The plane carrying President Lourenco touched down at Kenneth Kaunda International Airport (KKIA) at about 09:40 hrs.

ZANIS reports that the Angolan Leader was received by President Lungu, Cabinet Ministers, Service Chiefs, senior government and party officials, diplomats and Angolan officials and residents in Zambia.

President Lourenco was accorded a 21 gun salute and a guard of honour mounted by the Zambia Army.

The two Heads of State took time to watch Angolan traditional dancers displaying their talent and waved in solidarity to Angolan residents that thronged the KKIA to receive their President.

President Lourenco is accompanied by First Lady Dr. Ana Afonso Dias Lourenco, Cabinet Ministers and Angolan government officials.

The Angolan Head of State will later hold bilateral talks with his host counterpart President Lungu to reinvigorate existing ties between the two countries that date back to the liberation era as well explore the areas of mutual cooperation such as peace and security.

After the bilateral talks, the two leaders will witness the signing of bilateral agreements to strengthen trade and development cooperation in various sectors of the economy.

President Lourenco will also lay wreaths on the mausoleums of Zambia’s late Presidents at the Embassy Park, the Presidential Burial Site and later pay a courtesy call on Dr. Kenneth Kaunda.

The Angolan Leader will also grace the Angola-Zambia Business Forum and later attend a state banquet to be hosted in his honour by his counterpart President Lungu.

President Lourenco will tomorrow tour the Steel manufacturing Plant in Kafue before returning to his home country later in the day.


    • It’s a new Angola, and a new president; different from the Angola of the past, also different from his predecessor.

    • Yes, Dos Santosh (sp) was more concerned about saving and preserving his own skin. The guy rarely ventured outside of Angola. I guess for fear of being overthrown. But this is the new Angola we hopefully can contribute greatly to the uplifting of the economic situation in the SADC region, and Africa at large, given it’s immense oil resources. I see no reason, other than archaic regional politics,bwhy most Countries in that region should be sourcing their oil from far flang regions like the Middle East when Angola can supply the region with oil even cheaply. LET US SEE WHERE THIS GOES!

    • If only we could swap presidents.

      In fact, even Mswati is better than this “Lungu”. Where did this man come from?

      Please, please, please, our brothers and sisters from Malawi….come and get your comrade.

  1. Man means business. Early morning touchdown.

    Hope they seriously attend to the neglected areas of the Zambezi West Bank and Eastern Angola. These place look like they have been abandoned by their respective countries.

    Time to do a symbiotic master plan for the two regions should top the agenda.

    • President Lungu stays home receives his fellow foreign Counterparts, he is “lazy”. He travels outside the Country to meet and build relationships with Counterparts in region, he is again “lazy.” Man, your definition of “lazy” is really out of wack and getting old.

      Have you seen how other Presidents ‘Shemoozz’ and dine their Counterparts to build mutually beneficial relationships. How many Presidents have visited the USA and Trump had taken them to his golf resorts for a round of golf while talking business? And did you see how Trump was treated in China or France by the Presidents of those two Countries? Bwana, Zambia can benefit a lot by building good relations with that Angola. And doesn’t hurt if starts at Presidential level. Deep personal relationships at this level can…

  2. Who cuts suits for ECL? You can’t have sleeves all the way out like that. The standard shirt exposure for an executive suit is half an inch. Did he pick an outfit for the closet of Kaizer?

    • Yes, i agree with @standard. his sartorial sense is pathetic at best. Besides, does he not know the a VIP fastens his top button of his jacket (if its a two button that is). What a loser!

    • This man lacks dress sense. He wears everything and anything regardless of the occasion. The kind that had none and then suddenly has it all. Like an undisciplined child in a candy store.

    • Under5s above as usual failing to see the bigger picture. Late LPM neck ties were always on the side and no one gave it fck. Dressing has nothing to do with leadership unless it’s a beauty contest. Try to stick to the story if you want to be promoted from under5 level.

    • @HH…… its laughable because its dingbats like you who advise this lazy gagster in a suit how to dress who know absolutely nothing about how clothing comes across, do you seriously think Donald Trump just wakes up and puts on any tie, there is a reason why he wears that red tie instead of yellow…there is a reason why football clubs go for red colours.
      Its laughable should be learning your metrics instead of commenting on such issues.

    • Multicoloured wardrobe, clearly a scatter brain…..maybe he wants to be like Joseph of the Holy Bible…only without dreams to decipher, didnt he say he had no vision?

  3. Great, this Lourenço is indeed a departure from the Santos ways of dealing with neighboring countries. Santos was hawkish, Lourenço looks to be more collaborative and more willing towards regional integration. What WE NEED as ZAMBIA IS OPENING OF THE ANGOLAN TO OUR PRODUCTS, therefore INSTEAD of doing a Railway line at the cost of US$2.3 Bn from Kapiri, via Petauke to Nacala in Mozambique, WE SHOULD LINK DIRECTLY ANGOLAN RAILWAYS, do the ROADS THAT LINK TO ANGOLA and IF EASY, DO AN OIL PIPELINE and then promote our AGRIC and MANUFACTURED PRODUCTS ON THE ANGOLAN MARKET!! FOR EXAMPLE, WHY SHOULD ANGOLANS BE IMPORTING EGGS,CHICKENS,MAIZE including CASSAVA FROM FAR BRAZIL??

    • There has always been undeclared war between Zambia and Angola, arising from that unfortunate episode when Zambia switched sides to support UNITA, when the Cubans moved in, imposed and installed the MPLA into power. Animosity between Zambia and Angola suddenly ensued. But that was then. This is a new day and a new chapter. But it had to call for a new president to open the new chapter.

    • The is already a railway line to Angola through DRC – the Bengwela, its just the evils of wars in DRC and Angola which have made the line none functional. Ka Chiluba tried to open but ubukuluku put a lid on it. Mwanawasa also tried but amwalila, same with Sata – truth be told Sata built the bridges in WP in anticipation of a revival of the province’s trade with Angola. RB just ignored it all together. Maybe ECL will revive this. It will be a very good and faster short cut to RSA From Angola & DRC if the proposed highway from Kwalibingi to NWP materialises.

    • Hakaiinde, I note you are saying “through DRC.” In effect, the railway is through Zambia’s border with DRC, not through Zambia’s border with Angola. The DRC itself is known more for its volatility and political instability. Zambia needs a direct workable border with Angola. A huge potential of trade exists between the two countries, which either country can choose to exploit to any level possible.

    • @3.1 Meimatungu, the little I know is that: KK supported UNITA before Angola got its independence. After independence, which came a bit abruptly as there was a military coup in Portugal, the MPLA was sort of given power by the Portuguese is it composed mostly of “mulatos”, coloured who the Portuguese favored over UNITA’s largely indegenous group!’Savimbi’s UNITA protested this arranged and vowed to continue with the liberation war, which KK did not favor preferring dialogue. Savimbi got support from racist S.Africa, USA and other Western countries in order to counter MPLA’s socialist leanings. KK withdrew support for Savimbi bcoz he was working racist S.Africa and imperialists! He also opposed bringing Cuban troops to shore up MPLA military as that was going to bring the cold war in…

    • …continued from 5.4 .. He also opposed bringing Cuban troops to shore up MPLA military as that was going to bring the cold war in Angola and entire Southern Africa and complicate Namibia’s independence – and indeed it did happen as he had foreseen it!! Namibia’s independence was then linked to the withdrawal of Cuban troops from Angola and that took time as the Cubans were the bulwark for MPLA against UNITA’s onslaught! Zambia was suffering.The shortest route for copper exports and imports, Benguela railway line had been ruined by the Angolan civil war and there was UDI in S.Rhodesia. South African soldiers were operating near the Zambia’s border to create bases for UNITA in South Eastern Angola and that affected Zambia’s security on Western and NW borders!

    • @5.2 Hakainde, That Railway line you are referring to is intended to link DRC and Namibia’s port of Walvis bay via Zambia. As @5.3 Meimatungu has put it we need direct connection with Angola. The old Benguela passes through the volatile DRC so we cannot guarantee its reliability. In fact Angola also wants direct railway and road connections preferably through North Western Province! Not too long ago, I think last year, Lungu and Kabila were invited to the official launch of rehabilitated railway line in Angola which leads close to Zambia and DRC borders for each country to do their sections and connect with Angola independent of each other.

    • Zambiaisours, the devil is always in the detail. African history is unique. It’s oral, not written. Judging by the embellishments that adorn your version of the story, I conjecture you must be a product of the propaganda machine of the Kenneth Kaunda era. My recollection of the facts is that, a UN cease fire was in effect. Different parties were on the campaign trail, UNITA being one of the front runners, MPLA, the other. UNITA with their symbol of a cockerel appeared poised for victory, dimming MPLA’s star. Seeing the obvious, Neto decided to dribble the rest, by convincing them to ask the UN to withdraw their Peace Keeping forces. Soon after the withdrawal of the UN peace keeping force, the Cubans struck, and hell broke loose. The Cold War embellishments you are bringing in are a…

    • Any wonder Zambia is ranked 113th out of 180 countries in the Freedom of the Press Index! In contrast, Ghana is ranked 23rd. Sorry, my response to Zambiaisour has been blocked, thanks to Zambia’s lack of tolerance for freedom of expression.

  4. Will the two leaders hold a joint press conference? What are the two countries doing about the East Angola Corridor? Why can’t Angola and Zambia have a modern border the same way as Zambia’s border with Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Tanzania and Congo DRC? What is Zambia doing about the Angolan border? It is crucial for the development of Eastern Angola and Western Zambia. I believe the Portuguese in 1975. The civil war that started after the departure of the Portuguese, has also long ended.

  5. That bridge across the Zambezi from Mongu to Kalabo, how expensive an undertaking that was. It could be transformed into productive use if a vibrant border existed between Zambia and Angola, and trade between the two countries develops. As of now, I believe the bridge is only being used by a few motorists crossing either way between the two Zambian towns, Mongu and Kalabo.

  6. We need Angolan Girls in Zambia. They are beautiful and tender. Not Zodwa, mwalefwaya.

  7. Joao Manuel Gonçalves Lourenço .Mmhhh all Portuguese names -talk about having no pride at all in your African roots.This Angolan leader is a bad example to African kids.

    • True bamwisho true. All Portuguese colonies are like that. They even portuguesesised local names. Samora Machel is supposed to be Samora Machere but the Portuguese couldnt pronounce it

  8. A break from the Mugabe nonsense. By the way, Grace Mugabe is under investigation for smuggling and exportation of ivory, gold and diamonds out of Zimbabwe. Investigators only touched the tip of the iceberg as it is believed that Ms. Mugabe started smuggling as early as 2005 while serving in her role as First Lady. Ms. Mugabe had a history of being very friendly with one of the female Chinese Nationals and it is of our opinion that they were likely working together.
    ZCTF believes that the investigation into Ms. Mugabe’s alleged smuggling activities should be carried out by an independent agency. We have been following the practices of CIO airport security for a number of years. It is possible that under Ms. Mugabe’s instruction, ivory was smuggled onto planes that flew directly to China…

  9. The mega corruption and nepotism that goes on in Angola makes Zambia look like an angel.These Angolans only beat us in economy and cleanliness.

  10. Welcome Mr. President! I hope a son of a lazy bum polygamist father cum Tribal Party hooligan and bully-in-chief is not happy to see the President with another President! He wishes he could see his Paramount Chief of the Namwala instead! THis will NEVER happen! Not in Zambia!

  11. Zambia and Angola are 1. Before and after borders were set by European Colonialists, the same sons of Mwata-Ya-Vwa would move in all directions of the today Zambia-Angola subregion that embraces Alto Zambezi, Luau, Jimbe, Kavungu, Mwinilunga, Chavuma, Malundu, Shangombo, Likua, Chumi, Nangweshi, Luhuza and others to expand their opportunities for livelihood. Additionally, the pipo on both border-sides are the same. Talk bout the Mbukushu, Mashi, Nyengo, Mbunda, Cokwe, Lunda, Luvale, Kwangali and Nyembas of Namibia and the Suvia language, born out of combination of all regional ethnic groups, are all found in Angola. Lungu ought to advise Lourenço to adopt 1 of African names to be recognised as 1 of sons of Africa

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