Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Labour day celebrations



FROM LEFT TO RIGHT: Besa Mumba, President Edgar Chagwa Lungu, Kalengo Kamwenda and Labour Minister Joyce Nonde-Simukoko during the Labour Day Commemorations at Freedom Statue in Lusaka on Tuesday,May 1,2018. The young pilots were recipients of the Presidential Labour Awards. PICTURE BY SALIM HENRY/STATE HOUSE ©2018
FROM LEFT TO RIGHT: Besa Mumba, President Edgar Chagwa Lungu, Kalengo Kamwenda and Labour Minister Joyce Nonde-Simukoko during the Labour Day Commemorations at Freedom Statue in Lusaka on Tuesday,May 1,2018. The young pilots were recipients of the Presidential Labour Awards. PICTURE BY SALIM HENRY/STATE HOUSE ©2018
Proflight Pilot,Kalenga Kmwendo receives an award from
President Edgar Lungu during labour day celebrations
Zambia's Chief Supporter Peter Makembo during the Labour Day Commemorations at Freedom Statue in Lusaka on Tuesday,May 1,2018. PICTURE BY SALIM HENRY/STATE HOUSE ©2018
Zambia’s Chief Supporter Peter Makembo during the Labour Day Commemorations at Freedom Statue in Lusaka on Tuesday,May 1,2018. PICTURE BY SALIM HENRY/STATE HOUSE ©2018
A man performs during the Labour Day Commemorations at Freedom Statue in Lusaka on Tuesday,May 1,2018. PICTURE BY SALIM HENRY/STATE HOUSE ©2018
A man performs during the Labour Day Commemorations at Freedom Statue in Lusaka on Tuesday,May 1,2018. PICTURE BY SALIM HENRY/STATE HOUSE ©2018
Ministry of Information workers March past President Edgar
Lungu during labour day celebrations
President Edgar Lungu with Minister of Labour ,Joyce Nonde
Simukoko,President of ZFE,Wesley Chishimba and President of Zambia
congress trade Union,Chishimba Nkole during labour day celebrations
President Edgar Lungu with Minister of Labour ,Joyce Nonde
Simukoko,and President of Zambia congress trade Union,Chishimba Nkole
during labour day celebrations
President Edgar Lungu is welcomed by Minister of Labour
,Joyce Nonde Simukoko during labour day celebrations
Youth and Sports Minister, Moses Mawere, officiates at this year’s International Labour Day held at David Kaunda stadium
Youth and Sports Minister, Moses Mawere, shales hands with Zambia Congress of Trade Union Trustee, Betty Mtambo, after she delivered her speech at this year’s International Labour Day commemoration held at David Kaunda stadium in Chipata
Zambia Congress of Trade Union (ZCTU) Trustee, Betty Mtambo, speaking during this year’s International Labour Day commemoration held at David Kaunda stadium in Chipata
State House workers March past President Edgar Lungu during
labour day celebrations
Ministry of Home Affairs workers March past President Edgar
Lungu during labour day celebrations


  1. These celebration turn out to be what they were initially not designed to have been.

    They are a sham



  2. Do you see why our way of doing things have never evolved or changed for the better in Zambia? We continue to live in the past. The match past nonsense was created out of the socialism/ communism, dressed up as humanism. Zambian minds lack dynamism and real creativity. In a nutshell, we abhor hard work and our leaders are showing us nothing different. Doesn’t it all look misplaced, workers in uniform,suits and ordinary wear swinging their arms military style….quite ridiculous.

  3. Gone are the days when ZCTU Presidents were household names, not anymore. They’re just a compromised bunch. Do these unions even serve their intended purposes?

  4. Trades unions today are a shell of their past, the reason is simple. Most companies are in private hands where trade unions are seen as enemies of progress. You have to stiffen the labour laws for the new company owners( investors) to respect the nation’s work force, otherwise these trade unions will remain rubber stamps for a very long time to come.

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