Saturday, July 27, 2024

7th International fire fighters’ Day in pictures



Local Government Minister, Vincent Mwale, flags off the march past for the seventh international fire fighters’ day


Local Government Minister, Vincent Mwale, inspects a parade of fire fighters


Fire fighters demonstrate how to put off a fire


Fire fighters demonstrate how to put off a fire


Fire fighters demonstrate how to put off a fire


Demonstration of the resuscitation of a fire victim rescued from an inferno.


Local Government Minister, Vincent Mwale (third from right), with other dignitaries, watch the demonstration of dismantling a mangled vehicle involved in an accident.


Local Government Minister, Vincent Mwale officiates at this year’s commemoration of the seventh international fire fighters’ day


Local Government Minister, Vincent Mwale officiates at this year’s commemoration of the seventh international fire fighters’ day


Modesta, widow of former Chipata Municipal Council fire fighter, Prince Zulu, who died whilst fighting fire at Zambia National Commercial Bank in 2014, receives an award from Local Government Minister, Vincent Mwale


  1. hehehe bakolwe aba, ama real fire they run there without water; demos on village firewood ovens you take 8 fire fighters. KWWF

  2. The Fire Fighting Services are a crucial Service in the protection of lives and property but sadly their work is not appreciated.

    Fire Fighters are Service Personnel they are equivalent to Army, Airforce and Police. They should be accorded recognition and respect by being having their Service Head present at all Heads of Service gatherings, they should be provided better equipment and protective gear for the hard work they do, they should be provided good accommodation and given better pay befitting the nature of their dangerous work!

  3. Ba Spaka that’s off side. Bushe imwe ba upndeez cadres you only appreciate one thing and that h.h?
    So nganimwebo mwafimwena pa tribe pantu the ceremony is in Chipata, no sir, the fire fighters ate drwan from all Zambians includibg nsengas, luchazi, kaoende, tonga etc. Just host the next one in Monze, the Minister will be there. Of course you can boycott if you wish, who cares???

  4. Why in Zambia there’s always a politician involved whenever there are civil activities? Tired of these do called PFools

  5. Modesta in the last pic does not look impressed. I am sure she is saying “show me the compensation cheque and not this cheap medal!”

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